Wii Pandoras Tower [Nintendo]

Soll Action-RPG sein laut Famitsu:

Famitsu reveals the game's main character to be named "Ende," and the heroine "Ceres." Voice actor information is not provided.

As suggested by the trailer, the game is heavy on action. Its genre is action RPG. Your primary "weapon" is a chain, which you use to capture enemies and swing to grab items and trigger various gimmicks. The game makes use of a simple control scheme.

The story centers on a curse that's been placed on Ceres. The only way to clear that curse is with the flesh of beasts. Ende must gather beast flesh and take it back to Ceres.

Developed by Ganbarion (Jump Super Stars, One Piece Unlimited Cruise), Pandora's Tower is due for release on May 26, priced at ¥6,800. We'll likely get an official online look at the game later this week.


The setting of the game is the Graecia continent, where in the kingdom of Elysium the harvest festival has begun. Ceres has been chosen to sing at the event, but as she takes the podium, beasts appear in the area.

In the ensuing confusion, Ende manages to find Ceres, but she's unconscious. She's about to be taken into custody by the army as a witness to the beast appearance. With the help of a merchant named Graiai, the two manage to escape to an isolated tower.

Ceres ends up being cursed following the beast attack. Ende learns that to clear the curse he must gather the flesh of beasts that live within the tower. He decides to try his hand at the tower.

The three principle characters introduced in the magazine are:

15 years old. She was selected from a large number of girls to sing at the harvest festival. She's a devout believer of the Eos religion.
The game's 22-year-old main character. He was a former soldier of Athens during a war with Elysium. He's a man of few words.
The merchant who helps Ceres and Ende. He appears to be of the dwarf race. He gives you the Orichalcum Chain, which lets its possessor know Ceres' state.

The Orichalcum Chain that Graiai gives you is the central gameplay element in the game. As mentioned above, it allows you to know Ceres' state. As you play, you'll see a timer in the lower left of the screen. This timer is an indication of how far Ceres' curse has progressed. When it reaches zero, the game ends.

You'll also use the chain to restrain the servant beasts you encounter in the towers and tear their flesh off for delivery to Ceres, and also to clear the various gimmicks that you encounter in the tower.

The tower is actually not just one tower -- there are twelve, of varying size. Each tower has a different theme. For example, there's the Red Flame Tower, which blocks your progress with fire.

If you reach the deepest point in each tower, Ende will encounter a boss. The flesh of the bosses of all the towers is required to completely clear Ceres of her curse. The flesh of the servant beasts can only temporarily halt the curse's progress.

Der Gesang nervt mal ziemlich. Ansonsten sieht das wohl ganz ok aus, auch wenn es nicht das ist was die meisten erwartet haben (bombast porno RPG). Einfach mal abwarten was als nächstes gezeigt wird.
sah jetzt auf den ersten blick wie ein zweiter teil zu chaos legion aus. :ugly:
wundert mich aber, dass sowas von nintendo kommt. das ganze sieht viel zu unsauber aus :hmm:
Nee, sorry. Soll keine Vorverurteilung sein, aber aktuell sieht mir das noch zu ungeschliffen aus, auch wenn ich mich auf ein gutes Action RPG prinzipiell freuen würde.
weitere Infos:

- game is centered on two characters, Ende and his friend Ceres
- takes place on the Graecia continent
- this is where, in the kingdom of Elysium, the harvest festival has begun
- Ceres has been chosen to sing at this event, but as she takes the podium, a beast appears
- Ende finds Ceres after the beast appears, but she's unconscious
- Ceres is about to be taken into the army's custody as a witness to the beast, but thanks to the help of a merchant named Graiai, the two manage to escape to an isolated tower
- we come to find out that Ceres has been cursed by the beast
- to break the curse, Ende must collect the flesh of beasts that live within the tower
- Ceres: 15 year old girl chosen from many to sing at the harvest event, firm believer in the Eos religion
- Ende: 22 year old former soldier of Athens during a war with Elysium, quiet type
- Graiai: member of the dwarf race, gives you the Orichalcum Chain which lets its possessor know Ceres' state
- the Chain allows you to see a timer that indicates how far along Ceres is in the curse
- use the chain to restrain the servant beasts you encounter in the towers and tear their flesh off for delivery to Ceres
- chain is also used on other items/objects in the tower
- 12 towers with different themes, all different sizes
- tower example: Red Flame Tower, which blocks your progress with fire
- get to the tower's deepest point to fight a boss for his flesh
- must get the flesh of all 12 bosses to stop the curse, as flesh from only one boss will simply slow the curse
- simple control scheme
abwarten, meines wissens ist das Ganbarions erster Konsolentitel und auch deren erstes RPG. könnte also auch ziemlich schlecht werden, mal schauen. Disaster hatte ja auch nicht höchste Monolith qualität.
abwarten, meines wissens ist das Ganbarions erster Konsolentitel und auch deren erstes RPG. könnte also auch ziemlich schlecht werden, mal schauen. Disaster hatte ja auch nicht höchste Monolith qualität.
One Piece Unlimited Cruise ist von Ganbarion, sie haben also durchaus Erfahrung mit Konsolen allgemein und Wii speziell. Ihre größten Titel sind aber fraglos die beiden Jump für DS. Und das waren auch ihre bisher einzigen Koproduktionen mit Nintendo.
Also die One Piece Wii Titel haben sie auch entwickelt - so unerfahren sind sie nicht das Konsolen Titel angeht.
Also die One Piece Wii Titel haben sie auch entwickelt - so unerfahren sind sie nicht das Konsolen Titel angeht.

echt, Unlimited Cruise und so?? waren imo eher weniger gut^^. die sollen lieber ein Jump für das 3DS machen.

naja, ich erwarte von dem spiel jetzt erstmal garnix. wenigstens bastelt Monolith an 2 RPGs im hintergrund ^^
Ich find es sieht eigentlich ganz gut aus :) Dachte die One Piece Games wären auch sehr gut gewesen?

Freu mich jedenfalls drauf, Gameplay erinnert mich an ein Hack&Slay... das mit RPG Elementen? Top :)
Hmm...ich hatte mir eigentlich eher sowas wie Bayonetta erwartet.

Vom Design find ichs ansprechend, irgendwo ähnlich wie Rygar.

Aber grafisch...schon bitter. Diese Texturen. Ps2 Niveau. Wie kann ein Spiel am Ende der Laufzeit einer Konsole noch immer so schrecklich aussehen?
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