World of Goo Coming to WiiWare in Europe!
Thankfully good old Ron and Kyle (and no doubt the impressive WiiWare sales figures!) have now persuaded RTL Games to reconsider. Europe will now get the WiiWare release too! More from 2D Boy’s blog:
ever since we realized that releasing world of goo as a wii retail game in europe is unfair to those on the other side of the atlantic, we’ve been in discussions with our european publisher about how to make things right.
today, we’re happy to announce that world of goo will be coming to wiiware in europe after all! we’ve started the submission process and hope to release it sometime in december. we’d like to thank our publisher, RTL Games, for being flexible and working with us on this course correction.
we’re anticipating some questions about this, so let’s try to answer them:
Q: how much will world of goo cost on wiiware in europe?
A: most likely the same as in the americas: 1500 points.
Q: will the pc version be available in europe too?
A: yes, at the same time as the retail release, hopefully late december. it will cost 19.99 euros and will be available in retail stores (to be announced), through steam and other digital downloads services, and on (an incorrect price is currently listed).
Q: will there be an extra chapter for europe?
A: no. everyone will get the same version of the game.
Q: why are they not available now?
A: we need to put the final touches on translations, get european age ratings, and go through nintendo’s approval process. the retail pc version also needs to get manufactured and shipped to retail stores.
Schade das es keine Extrainhalte gibt, aber für 15€ kann man nichts verkehrt machen und das Spiel wird wohl für einige von uns wieder interessant werden (mich eingeschlossen^.^)