Wii Wii Music [Nintendo]

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Krass wie N gehatet wird nur wegen diesem WiiFit - dabei hätte man der Situation so leicht ausm Weg gehen können wenn man für dieses Jahr noch nen Hardcore Knaller released hätte.

Stattdessen gibts den AC DS Port :scan:
Krass wie N gehatet wird nur wegen diesem WiiFit - dabei hätte man der Situation so leicht ausm Weg gehen können wenn man für dieses Jahr noch nen Hardcore Knaller released hätte.
Meiner Wii lag kein Vertrag bei, in dem sich Nintendo verpflichtet hat, jede Weihnachten in den nächsten fünf Jahren ein AAA-Core-Game zu veröffentlichen (natürlich eines, das meinem individuellen Geschmack gerecht wird). Muss vergessen worden sein - der Rest der Welt hat so einen Vertrag scheinbar...
Vorallem ist die Annahme, dass es nicht herrausfordernd sei völliger Schwachsinn.
Bester Beweis ist IGN bzw. Matt mit seinen Videos oder das ABC NewsVideo (lol) und im Gegenzug Videos von Menschen die das Game beherrschen.
Würde auch reichen sich die Ersteindrücke/Anspielberichte im GAF durchzulesen.

Naja auch egal, ist eh nur eine Hetzkampanie mit 1000 Mitläufern die nur stänkern weil sie Bock drauf haben und auch sonst nichts zu tun haben.
Krass wie N gehatet wird nur wegen diesem WiiFit - dabei hätte man der Situation so leicht ausm Weg gehen können wenn man für dieses Jahr noch nen Hardcore Knaller released hätte.

Als ob....WiiMusic wurde von niemandem gespielt, aber ist halt einfach ein super anlass auszurasten. Und Disaster wird auch gerne mal übergangen. Auch wenn es kein ultra-haxx0r-1337-AAAAA-hardcore-uber-game ist, so soll es doch ein gutes spiel geworden sein.

Aber wen juckts.....WiiMusic :supersaiyanjin::mad2::cry2::aargh2::wut::wut::wut:
Dieses ganze HardCore / Casual geht mir langsam schwer auf den Geist. Vor 2 Jahren haette ich noch gesagt, ich bin aus Zeitmangel vom HC- zum Gelegenheitsspieler geworden. Heute gibts nur noch HC oder Casual. Schwachsinn.
Dieses ganze HardCore / Casual geht mir langsam schwer auf den Geist. Vor 2 Jahren haette ich noch gesagt, ich bin aus Zeitmangel vom HC- zum Gelegenheitsspieler geworden. Heute gibts nur noch HC oder Casual. Schwachsinn.

Jo, es nervt einfach nur noch. Vor allem die Tatsache wie unterschieden wird. Tetris -> ultra-hardcore
Fifa -> zu hardcore
MegaMan -> übertrieben hardcore (WTF??? für das spiel braucht man 2 tasten, der schwierigkeitsgrad bestimmt über hardcore oder nicht? Warum sind dann alle heutigen shooter so hardcore?)
WiiSports -> casual (warum bitte schön? ich brauch genauso viele tasten wie bei megaman und zusätzlich noch bewegungssteuerung, das ist ultra-haxx0r!!!!!11!!!)

Es ist lächerlich und ich hoffe, all diese whin0r hängen ihr hobby endlich an den nagel. Dann könnten sich alle anderen mal wieder normal über games unterhalten.
WiiMusic kann natürlich garnicht mehr floppen. Die ersten 500 verkauften Einheiten in Japan haben bereits die Entwicklungskosten gedeckt :ugly:
fixed :ugly:

Wie ich dieses Spiel hasse. Dieses abstoßende Spielkonzept ist die chlimmst Perversion der Wissenschaft! ;)
Naja, verkaufen wirds sichs ja wohl trotzdem. Da hilft auch mein CW-aktivismus nichts... :cry:

EDIT: Ja diese einteilungen mag ich auch nicht. Deswegen hab ich auch noch keins dieser Wörter in den mund genommen. zumindest nicht in dem zusammenhang...
Dieses ganze HardCore / Casual geht mir langsam schwer auf den Geist. Vor 2 Jahren haette ich noch gesagt, ich bin aus Zeitmangel vom HC- zum Gelegenheitsspieler geworden. Heute gibts nur noch HC oder Casual. Schwachsinn.
Dito, es gibt nichts was mich momentan mehr aufregt.

Die Gaming-Community ist einfach nur beschissen geworden.

Ich weiß langsam auch nicht mehr ob mich diese dumme Ignoranz oder Arroganz mehr nervt an den Leuten. :rolleyes:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Naja mal zurück zum Thema, das Game hat anscheinend keine Friendcodes, sondern nutzt das Mario Kart - System:


The fact that you can pass songs back and forth and refine them will only make the process faster. Speaking of which, is anyone going to set up a thread specifically for sharing songs? No one on my friends' list seems to have the game, although thank God this uses the general Wii code and not a game specific one.

My Wii code (PM me if you add me): 4479 4083 7192 4514 - dyls
Übrigens, wegen WiiMusic =/= Herausforderung.

Anscheinend schon. Z.B. laut Gamepro ist die Lernkurve relativ hoch und es dauert bis man lernt, gute Musik zu machen. Nur wird man halt hier nicht durch Punkte belohnt, sondern dadurch dass es gut klingt. Wenn man's nicht kann, klingt's eben schlecht. Kaum schafft mal jemand das ganze Highscore-System ab, schon hat das Spiel keine Herausforderung mehr. Weiß selbst nicht, ob mir das Spiel taugt, aber aus den bisherigen Videos kann man schon erkennen, dass z.B. Matts Version des Zelda Themes mies klang, aber andere, die ein paar Japaner, die das Spiel schon haben, hochgeladen haben, richtig gut.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Die Freestyle Videos bringen am geilsten rüber, worauf ich mich am meisten bei dem Spiel freue: Spass an der Musik und Improvisation. Hab mich schon immer darüber aufgeregt, dass ich fürn netten Abschlusston, der nicht im Set steht, bei GH oder Donkey Konga z.B. bestraft werde^^

Ich freu mich immer mehr drauf :blushed:

btw.: Matt kanns echt nicht :D Man schaue sich nur die Youtube Vids von den Leuten an, die es erst seit ein paar Tagen zocken ^^ Also irgendwo muss da schon ne Herausforderung liegen
Aber das "Verteilen" der FriendCodes war bei Mario Kart ganz praktisch. Werden jetzt wohl alle N-Spiele so machen. Find ich insgesamt ein ganz gutes System.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Meiner Wii lag kein Vertrag bei, in dem sich Nintendo verpflichtet hat, jede Weihnachten in den nächsten fünf Jahren ein AAA-Core-Game zu veröffentlichen (natürlich eines, das meinem individuellen Geschmack gerecht wird). Muss vergessen worden sein - der Rest der Welt hat so einen Vertrag scheinbar...

Meiner schon, würd mich beschweren gehen.
Haterz am cry. :)

Hier mal alle Eindrücke aus dem GAF, ob positiv oder negativ (naja, letzteres gibts ja nicht):

Hier kann man wirklich wieder sehen wie sich die Community ans eigene Bein schießt, aber hauptsache Möchtegern(hartkern)gamer sein, der sich für alles was ihm nicht gefällt zu gut ist. :goodwork:

JoshuaJSlone schrieb:
So today the store had it in. Haven't put a lot of time into it yet, but I can tell there's definitely a learning curve. It's easy to get something sounding vaguely right, but to get used to control nuances or what particular timing works well for a song will take time. Fun to replay a song as it becomes more and more full of my own past tracks, even if those other tracks include lots of crappy bits where I'm figuring out how to make the most of steel drums versus castanets versus acoustic guitar.

I'm surprised how few songs are available from the start. Having some that unlock isn't unexpected, but only having 10% of them to start with is pretty narrow.

What is the point of the score from 0 to 100 you assign to videos. Completely to indicate to other people (and yourself) how well you think you did, or is there something deeper?

Dreamwriter schrieb:
I've played the game for a few hours now, here are my impressions.

I find Wii Music to be a pretty hard game. For anything other than the main Melody and Harmony, it's kinda hard for me to make something that sounds good. It'll definitely take practice. Having said that, it *is* fun to play the game when you are good enough to be able to improvise making it all sound good. I wish there were a few more settings, though - like, there are only 4 tempo settings, I tried to play the F-Zero song as a slow, classical piece but it's slowest tempo is still a bit too fast for that.

The minigames are fun, but the first two definitely need more songs. Especially the hand-bells one - that one wouldn't have taken much work for Nintendo to have included all the songs, why only include 5?! I think less people would have just written the game off if they had included like 15 conductor songs and all 52 hand-bell songs.

Now that I've unlocked 50 songs, I can safely say, I do like the mix they have, but it could be a LOT better. Of course it could use a few modern top hits and definitely a few more video game tunes. They did manage to sneak in Tetris, since its main song "Troika" is public domain. But it could also use more classical music tunes - it's got a few, but it seems that much of what they went with are folk songs or kids songs.

I guess what I'm saying is, I definitely like Wii Music, but it has a LOT more potential, and could have been a lot better.

VGChampion schrieb:
I'm not gonna lie, this game is pulling time away from Dead Space. It's funny how much I enjoy not having to worry about a score while I goof around.

My mom really took to the pitch perfect mini games and hasn't put it down for awhile. :lol:

dannie schrieb:
wii music is awesome game.....but i tell you
the drum mode is more awesome!!!:D buy wiifit just for wii music is Worth!

send music video with wifi is really fun too!!

to me wii music is one of best game for wii

i think i played over 10 hours alone,haven't even multiplay

MrWisker schrieb:
Despite the hate I have seen all over the web (on a game no had played) I have to say that Wii Music is brilliant (in its own special way). My family loves it and have not been able to stop playing for hours.

I was skeptical at first but after playing around with the game and experimenting with different instruments, timings etc... I love it. Great "game" or rather software to play around with the kids.

Well done Nintendo.

WiiRevolution1 schrieb:
Been playing for the past 3 hours.

Wow its really good.
I like it tho I am shocked that I unlocked half the songs and no mario brothers yet :lol

BTW: Anyone wanna trade songs? 7489-8712-0873-4606 If you do.

Count Dookkake schrieb:
The game is awesome. It's a time machine!

Oh, and the hardcore can stop complaining as there are scores in a couple of modes.

big black woman schrieb:
been playin for the last 6 hours, my favorite part is instrument improvising with the piano and banjo

DavidDayton schrieb:
Just played it for about two hours.

A slightly sore arm -- I think I am shaking the remote too briskly -- but otherwise it seems like an interesting piece of software. I'll wait until I have a chance to get some other folks to try it out, though...

... and yes, it takes skill to play well.

Kevtones schrieb:
Played this for an hour at work tonight. Overall, I was thoroughly impressed. At first it seemed a little ridiculous but once my coworker and I joined together to perform an insane rendition of Twinkle Twinkle, I was having a great time.

At this point I'd say the game is innovative, hilarious, and very forward-thinking in its design. I'd like more time with it, but so far so good.

Also, drums were a bit disappointing (I drum), but I didn't have access to a Balance Board so that might change. I was able to get a nice jazz beat going on a song or two but the improvisation seemed a bit off.

Count Dookkake schrieb:
Played a few hours last night. A bt solo and then with two friends. Holy shit, group jams are great. Also, I didn't expect the videos to be so much fun. You can really see the details of each player's performance.

Oh, and if you'e really played this for more than an hour (not two minutes at a demo) and are not entertained, you have no soul.

El Pescado schrieb:
Picked it up yesterday and played it with my fiancee, my little brother, and one of my friends for 3 hours while we were waiting for our other friends to come over to watch House. We had a blast and we hadn't even unlocked anything yet. I had more fun with this than I've ever had with Rock Band or Guitar Hero.

Then my other friends came over and ridiculed us for playing Do-Re-Mi on our waggle sticks. :(

JonathanEx schrieb:
Oh god.

I played this.

And liked it.

I think it's actually far from a casual game: most casual will just hit out of time and stuff, but if you actually do the redoing a track 6 times thing, then it's quite good. I'm surprised by the depth with some of the instruments: there's more than I thought.

markatisu schrieb:
That haters just need to go away, this game rocks so hard!

This is coming from someone who loves rhythm games like Guitar Hero and Rock Band, there is no comparison.

Skill is required for this game but in a different way, you have to have rhythm to play this not just coordination like the other games.

Everything from creating the cover art to jamming is immersive, the only thing I can complain is that Nintendo could have done more (like let you import your own pictures from the photo channel for cover art, allow for a youtube channel or something where you could upload your videos to outside of just your friends)

But I am loving it, even Twinkle Twinkle Little Star which every "hardcore" gamer rags on is fun

Matt at IGN must have been high or something when he played it because so far I have made nothing that comes close to the abominations he put out in those IGN Review videos

I have to say I agree with 1up on their assessments. I cannot sit here and bitch about its lack of content because Wii Sports and Wii Fit were both lacking content, its just the way things are and I expect there to be a Wii Music 2 or something that incorporates this into it for a more deluxe package down the line

jibblypop schrieb:
My girlfriend picked this up today. We had a blast playing around with this game for hours tonight. It's just a lot of fun.
I guess my only complaint is that some of the instruments are so badly mimicked with midi that a few of the instruments sound almost identical. So yeah the complaints about sound quality are justified.
Honestly though this game isn't about making music, it's about playing around with it. Overall I think it does it's job and becomes a very fun multiplayer toy.
I'm quite impressed.

dyls schrieb:
So at this point Wii Music is pretty much my Game of the Generation, and I haven't even unlocked most of the (few) good songs. Nor have I played any mulitplayer. It's funny, Miyamoto hinted that musicians would hate it, but I'm a professional musician and I absolutely love it. It's like they took a MIDI sequencing program and boiled it down to its most basic ingredients. I've done quite a bit of MIDI work on Digital Performer and Pro Tools, but I always end up getting burnt out in rather short order. I tend to be too much of a perfectionist and in trying to clean up every aspect of my (or others') performance I take the soul right out of it. Not to mention it takes forever.

What's so awesome about Wii Music is that it forces you to do everything in performance and not in post. At first I lamented the fact that I couldn't go into each track and fix the little issues, but now I find it incredibly liberating as I don't get so bogged down in the minutia. It handles so much for you, yet still leaves lots of room to get what you want. The "Jam Mastery" lessons are genius as well. They really can teach people what specifically is unique about each genre, and how different acts get the sound they do.

I can understand that people hate the MIDI sounds used in the game, but I've worked from the most basic built-in Apple synth sounds to the gargantuan Gigastudio and Garriton samples and I tend to love the chinsy sounding stuff more than the meticulously sampled sounds. These are pretty much lower to mid-quality sounds; like all synths, some always sound better than others.

I hate arguing with reviewers, and Matt is certainly entitled to his opinion, but for him to say that the game is "borderline shovelware" is some of the most irresponsible journalism yet in the already yellow-stained world of games reporting. It's so obvious the level of care taken with each and every aspect of the game: from the amazing and transparent programming of each 16th note for each of the 6 parts for each of the 50 songs; to the fantastic animation of the Miis, with every instrument represented in a fun and cartoony, yet realistic way (the castanets may be my favorite); to the way you can play along in the main menu, and practice each instrument while setting up the jams; to making the jackets for each video recorded; to the way pretty much everything in the game moves to the beat; etc, etc. Hate the game all you want, Matt, but don't marginalize the literally hundreds of hours put in by some of the best in the business just because it doesn't click with you.

I have no doubt that, like the Wii, this game will be remembered far more fondly once we all have a bit more separation and perspective.
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