L16: Sensei
Mal was sehr interessantes, könnte sogar echt sein:

I just got my Nintendo Wii back from the Canadian repair center and I was showing it off to my friend that has never seen one. to my surprise, there was an sd card inside. I popped it out and put it in his laptop to look at it and it had 1 file on it. it was my serial number from the old console "serial.NEW.rbk" im thinking it stands for revolution back up. the file is about 51 meg or so. On the sheet they sent back it said they transfered the contents of my console incuding saved games and user info. new serial, and i can get my other virtual console games off of it.
When I got it to my friends house i plugged it in and pressed eject,
A disc came out...
Wii back up disc ver. 1.3.1
It is a pink disc with 2 fish almost kissing at the top of it. Rvl-410e-USA is printed on it.
I will know more in a few hours when i get it back home. left my av hookups
in the meantime, no dvd drive where i am.
Has anyone ever seen this disc or referred to a disc like this in the past? I searched around the net and found nothing. hopefully it will come to be useful
thanks nintendo