Gelöschtes Mitglied 6612
Lokalisierung lohnt sich halt nicht für die 3 One Käufer. Mit Exklusivität har das imho wenig zu tun.
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Japanese (Famitsu) Openings:
1989.04.21 [Nintendo GameBoy] (¥12.500) - unknown (3 days)
1990.10.06 [Sega GameGear] (¥19.800) - unknown (2 days)
1995.07.21 [Nintendo VirtualBoy] (¥15.000) - unknown (3 days)
1996.07.21 [Nintendo GameBoyPocket] (¥6.800) - unknown (1 day)
1998.04.14 [Nintendo GameBoyLight] (¥6.800) - unknown (4 days)
1998.10.21 [Nintendo GameBoyColor] (¥8.900) - 155.774 (5 days)
1998.10.28 [SNK NeoGeoPocket] (¥7.800) - 21.471 (5 days)
1999.03.04 [Bandai WonderSwan] (¥4.800) - 102.655 (4 days)
1999.03.19 [SNK NeoGeoPocketColor] (¥8.900) - 18.809 (3 days)
2000.12.09 [Bandai WonderSwanColor] (¥6.800) - 145.975 (2 days)
2001.03.21 [Nintendo GameBoyAdvance] (¥9.800) - 611.504 [5 days]
2002.07.12 [Bandai SwanCrystal] (¥7.800) - 30.692 (3 days)
2003.02.14 [Nintendo GameBoyAdvance SP] (¥12.500) - 117.859 (3 days)
2004.12.02 [Nintendo DS] (¥15.000) - 441.485 (4 days)
2004.12.12 [Sony PlayStation Portable] (¥19.800 / ¥24.800) - 166.074 (1 day)
2005.09.13 [Nintendo GameBoyMicro] (¥12.000) - 148.117 (4 days)
2006.03.02 [Nintendo DS Lite] (¥16.800) - 67.653 (4 days)
2007.09.20 [Sony PlayStation Portable-2000] (¥19.800) - 263.538 (4 days)
2008.10.16 [Sony PlayStation Portable-3000] (¥19.800) - 155.720 (4 days)
2008.11.01 [Nintendo DSi] (¥18.900) - 170.779 (2 days)
2009.11.01 [Sony PlayStation Portable Go] (¥17.800) - 28.275 (1 day)
2009.11.21 [Nintendo DSi LL] (¥20.000) - 103.524 (2 days)
2011.02.26 [Nintendo 3DS] (¥25.000) - 371.326 (2 days)
2011.12.17 [Sony PlayStation Vita] (¥24.980 / ¥29.980) - 321.407 (2 days)
2012.07.28 [Nintendo 3DS LL] (¥18.900) - 193.441 (2 days)
2013.10.12 [Sony PlayStation Vita-2000] (¥19.929) < 58.682 (4 days)
2013.11.14 [Sony PlayStation Vita TV] (¥9.954 / ¥14.994) - 40.225 (4 days)
Home Consoles:
1998.11.27 [Sega Dreamcast] (¥29.800) - 101.490 (3 days)
2000.03.04 [Sony PlayStation 2] (¥39.800) - 630.552 (2 days)
2001.09.14 [Nintendo GameCube] (¥25.000) - 133.719 (3 days)
2002.02.22 [Microsoft XBox] (¥34.800) - 123.929 (3 days)
2005.12.10 [Microsoft XBox 360] (¥29.000 / ¥39.795) - 62.135 (2 days)
2006.11.11 [Sony PlayStation 3] (¥49.980 / ¥59.980) - 88.443 (2 days)
2006.12.02 [Nintendo Wii] (¥25.000) - 371.936 (2 days)
2012.12.08 [Nintendo Wii U] (¥26.250 / ¥31.500) - 308.570 (2 days)
2014.02.22 [Sony PlayStation 4] (¥41.979 / ¥46.179)- 322.083 (2 days)
2014.09.04 [Microsoft XBox One] (¥43.178 / ¥53.978) - 23,562 (4 days)
Zumindest können sie damit werben Zahlen wie noch keine Konsole zuvor erreicht zu haben.![]()
Dragon Quest X for 3DS sells so well that Square-Enix halts sales because of demand
"Square Enix is halting shipments of Dragon Quest X for Nintendo 3DS in Japan. The game sold well and the initial batch sold out in less than one week, but the huge influx of players lead to problems with the 3DS version.
Unlike Dragon Quest X for Wii, Wii U or PC, Dragon Quest X for Nintendo 3DS uses cloud servers to stream the game to players. With so many players online, especially during peak hours (7PM to midnight), players are having a hard time logging in to the game. Those that can get online have had issues playing Dragon Quest X and freezing game shipments will ameliorate server load issues for existing players. Dragon Quest X for Nintendo 3DS has also been removed from the Nintendo eShop in Japan too."
Square Enix halt. Man darf nur glauben, was man in der Hand hält. Oder hast du FF XIII Versus schon durch?
|System | This Week | Last Week | Last Year | YTD | Last YTD | LTD |
| 3DS # | 29.555 | 37.515 | 79.191 | 1.464.325 | 2.536.671 | 16.126.245 |
| XB1 | 25.674 | | | 25.674 | | 25.674 |
| PSV # | 15.351 | 20.734 | 7.314 | 873.046 | 692.892 | 3.228.403 |
| WIU | 7.349 | 8.584 | 5.702 | 389.399 | 440.612 | 1.914.829 |
| PS4 | 7.299 | 6.502 | | 685.484 | | 685.484 |
| PS3 | 6.139 | 7.895 | 13.790 | 360.751 | 605.864 | 10.070.425 |
| PSP # | 288 | 187 | 5.493 | 96.937 | 358.117 | 20.165.346 |
| 360 | 126 | 86 | 201 | 8.094 | 18.181 | 1.647.410 |
| ALL | 91.781 | 81.503 | 112.669 | 3.903.710 | 4.710.452 | 53.863.816 |
| PSVTV | 910 | 1.156 | | 60.392 | | 136.636 |
| PSV | 14.441 | 19.578 | 7.314 | 812.654 | 692.892 | 3.091.767 |
| 3DSLL | 23.624 | 30.111 | 60.077 | 1.104.075 | 1.662.722 | 6.529.961 |
| 3DS | 5.931 | 7.404 | 19.114 | 360.250 | 873.949 | 9.596.284 |
| PSP | 288 | 187 | 5.493 | 96.937 | 358.117 | 19.989.359 |
If PS4 doesn't average 10k every week for the next 3 weeks it will fall behind Dreamcast! Hopefully Destiny moves some consoles.
Media Create is not counting the bundled copies of the Xbox One Kinect Day One Edition (Titanfall / Kinect Sports Rivals / Dance Central Spotlight). So their Titanfall number includes only the Xbox One Day One Edition.
Nice of them to actually put out an explanation.
Media Create: (Titanfall standalone) + (Xbox One Day One Edition) = 8,961.
Famitsu: (Titanfall standalone) + (Xbox One Day One Edition) + (Xbox+Kinect Day One Edition) = 22,416
Media Create: (Kinect Sports Rival standalone) + (Xbox+Kinect) = outside top 20
Famitsu: (Kinect Sports Rival) + (Xbox+Kinect) + (Xbox+Kinect Day One Edition) = 14,191
Also, I guess (they don't say it) Famitsu does not chart Dance Central Spotlight because it doesn't have a standalone retail edition.
To put the Japanese Xbox One launch sales into perspective:
2002.02.22 [Microsoft XBox] (¥34.800) - 123,929 (3 days)
2005.12.10 [Microsoft XBox 360] (¥29.000 / ¥39.795) - 62,135 (2 days)
2014.09.04 [Microsoft XBox One] (¥43.178 / ¥53.978) - 23,562 (4 days)
2012.12.08 [Nintendo Wii U] (¥26.250 / ¥31.500) - 308,570 (2 days)
2014.02.22 [Sony PlayStation 4] (¥41.979 / ¥46.179)- 322,083 (2 days)
2014.09.04 [Microsoft XBox One] (¥43.178 / ¥53.978) - 23,562 (4 days)
Ich sage, nächsten Mittwoch wird der 3DS noch immer auf Platz 1 stehen.![]()
Ich zitiere mich mal vom letzten Mittwoch: