L20: Enlightened
Einfach immer auf den Kopf halten, dann gehen die recht schnell down und halt Granaten / Shotguns nutzen. Die sind natürlich stressig, aber nicht so frustierend.was ist das denn für nen bullshit, dass die gepanzerten typen mit kugeln nicht tot zu bekommen sind und mit den fäusten ca ne minute brauchen?
is natürlich toll, wenn man dabei noch weiter beschoßen wird.
und bin ich zu unfähig oder kann man es einfach nicht mehr schaffen nen abschnitt komplett mit stealth kills zu machen?
bei teil 2 auf hard ging das 1a.
Außerdem kann man komplett Abschnitte per stealth kills abschließen

Btw. hat NaughtyDog Forenmember aus dem Gaf zu sich eingeladen um die Problematik zu diskutieren und dabei kam das raus
What up everyone. Didn't have time to come home and post my thoughts until now. We signed NDAs, but Arne just gave me the go ahead to post some thoughts, so here they are before the hypnotism pills they gave me wore off --
First off, the guys at ND were totally awesome and seemed to be fully genuine in wanting to get a fix together as soon as possible. I sat down and played with a couple tweaked versions of the new controls, and they were definitely more in line with the MP and UC2. They seem to have fixed much of the dead zone problems, and are adjusting the sensitivity so you can go even higher than what 100% is now. They were literally making changes ON THE FLY as we played, and asking us what we thought of them. They would tweak things like sticky radius, sensitivity, etc.
Also, they mentioned motion blur is definitely getting fixed for SP. Very cool. They mentioned more about a patch coming out very soon, but again, Arne has told me not to give anything more specific away.
All in all, I can say that while bringing Gaffers in might be a partial PR move, it didn't feel that way at all. From everything I could gather, they were genuine. I asked if they didn't notice the difference in control themselves, like many gaffers have been wondering, and they said they literally would sit employees down and give them different versions and they would not be able to tell. If the control code was messed up at some point, I don't know, but they are not taking these criticisms lightly at all.
Overall, it was super cool to see how things like this get adjusted and tweaked.
Arne, thanks a ton for being so cool, and thank Justin again if you see him on Monday!