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und wenn die Reviews erst ne Woche spaeter kommen wuerden.


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we did get a chance to talk to him about a topic Nintendo developers don’t often discuss – games they didn’t make.
“In the past I didn’t play many video games. But then I realized, this isn’t right, I have to. So nowadays, I actually play a lot of overseas titles,” Aonuma says.
In research for Breath of the Wild, Aonuma played games like Far Cry, The Witcher, and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, though he said Grand Theft Auto is a little too violent for him. “While playing those games, I do find some ideas, but it’s not that it connects directly to Zelda to where I would take something and use it in Zelda, but it’s more of something I keep in the back of my head while developing the game,” Aonuma says.
Last year was busy for Aonuma, as he was wrapping up development of a new Zelda game on a new console, but he did make tome for one game, even if he probably shouldn’t have based on his workload. “I was too busy in 2016, so I couldn’t play a lot of games [laughs], but I did play The Last Guardian,” Aonuma says. “[Fumito ] Ueda and I go back, so when he completed that game he sent a copy to me. It was actually a really busy time so I shouldn’t have been playing the game, but I just couldn’t resist, and it was really good.”
There aren’t many direct comparisons to be made between Breath of the Wild and The Last Guardian, but Aonuma didn’t identify at least one kinship it created between himself and Ueda. “Flying in the sky is very similar to paragliding in Breath of the Wild, so it kind of made me feel like, we’re friends, and we’re kind of doing a similar thing.”
alter Schwede das Artdesign ist so godlikeThe Japanese BOTW page has been updated (high-res art, some names, bg info)
Wird mit Sicherheit ein tolles Game
Aber am meisten mache ich mir sorgen um die detailarme und leere Landschaft die ja extrem groß sein soll , das war schon bei TP mein hauptkritikpunkt![]()
Ich vertschüss mich jetzt für etwa 2 Wochen. Der Boss im neuen Trailer war mir jetzt eindeutig zu viel.
Jetzt drücke ich noch ein paar Mal den Unsub-Button bei Youtube, dann muss das passen ;-)
Schon bisschen süß das mini Spiel in der riesen Verpackung.
Werd bei der Switch alles downloaden .Was soll ich mit der kleinen Card und mit der großen Hülle
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