L14: Freak
Ja, der Wächter ist größer
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Well, I waited in line for about three hours to play Breath of the Wild. Do I regret that? Not in the least bit. I didn’t record the beginning of the game in terms of the opening cutscene because we’ve seen that before. Instead, I decided to go along a bit with the story, but I also wanted to do some exploring. I’ve got to say, this game is a bit difficult. The AI is actually pretty intelligent – as you can tell from when I die. That was actually the second Game Over I got, as I wasn’t expecting to be caught from behind by a strong Moblin. Apparently, different Moblins use different items that do different damage. They also don’t all wait to attack you like in Skyward Sword.
I wish that I could have shown off what the screen looked like in HD because it was gorgeous. As you can see, though, this is just Off-Screen footage. The Switch runs beautifully, though, I do have to admit that at the beginning, there were a few frame rate drops. They quickly dissipated, though and I no longer had to deal with them.
Then there’s the voice acting- my goodness it felt good. It was nice to hear actual voicing in a Legend of Zelda game for once in my life. I never thought I’d see the day when there would be voice acting in this game series. More than that, it was nice to see a fluid NPC. The old man moved naturally, especially when he told me to follow him a little ways.
As we’ve seen before, there is a stamina bar in this game similar to what was in Skyward Sword. I ran into a few problems with this as I rushed into everything in a pretty foolhardy profession. Returning fans of the series will find that they have to do a bit more planning instead of actually rushing into scenarios headfirst. For example, one does not want to run straight from a cliff into the water, as you will drown due to a lack of stamina. Pretty much any strenuous activity such as running, climbing, and swimming consumes stamina, so you want to make sure that you’ve got enough stamina before attempting any of these feats. I also thoroughly enjoyed
During the demo, we played with the Pro Controller. This was because they encourage you to switch back and forth between the dock and the tablet, so, to save time, the Joycons remained on the console. The Pro Controller felt nice – not too different from the past Pro Controllers, except that it was heavier and felt more like a proper controller. It felt nice to hold and was, in my opinion, a more solid Pro Controller than the Wii U’s.
The console truly shined, however, when I got to use the portable mode. First, the transition between the TV and the Portable mode, while it took a quick second for the demo, was seamless. More than that, the game looked absolutely beautiful on the small 1280 x 720 screen. The graphics were far superior to the Wii U’s GamePad, as was to be expected. I expected the portable mode to feel awkward and clunky, but it felt natural. The buttons and analog sticks felt sturdier and more stable than the GamePad’s. To put it another way, they didn’t wiggle around or feel like cheap plastic. The HD rumble feature did not exist in reference to BotW, and I unfortunately did not get to play any of the other games available.
All in all, I’m very excited for the Switch and Breath of the Wild and will definitely be playing it right when it comes out. It’s everything I’ve wanted in a Zelda game thus far and I think those naysayers will change their tune once they play it. Also, check out some of the photos I took in the gallery below of the Switch and some of the games.
Bei Media Markt online ist die WiiU Version auch ausverkauft, dafür wurde dann aber anscheinend ein neuer Artikel angelegt.
Was soll das?
Dann können sie ja jetzt den neuen Artikel im Preis senken, ohne das die Vorbesteller vom 1. Artikel etwas merken. :-D
Ja, der Wächter ist größer
hier nochmal ein Anspielbericht von Zeldainformer
neben der großen Freiheit ala Zelda 1 finde ich an BotW besonders genial, dass das in Zelda eh schon brilliante Kampfsystem anscheinend nochmal deutlich aufgebohrt wird/ist
ich hoffe aber mal, dass es nicht nur 1000 Moblins geben wird, sondern auch wieder viele viele andere bewährte und bekannte als auch neue Feinde :-D
wird gameplaytechnisch schon passen. mach mir da null sorgen. was mich nur ärgert ist, dass Nintendo nicht einfach im dockmodus auf 720p bleibt und das mehr lesitung in sichtweite, konstante fps und bessere schatten etc. investiert, anstatt mit ach und krach auf ner wiiuportengine 920 laufen zu lassen
tja, weisst doch wie das ist... bis sich Nintendo an Spielen wie der PS4-Version von Rise of the Tomb Raider oder Nioh hinsichtlich Auswahlmöglichkeiten bei der Grafik orientiert, haben wir den Nachfolger des Switch-Nachfolgers ;-)
wird gameplaytechnisch schon passen. mach mir da null sorgen. was mich nur ärgert ist, dass Nintendo nicht einfach im dockmodus auf 720p bleibt und das mehr lesitung in sichtweite, konstante fps und bessere schatten etc. investiert, anstatt mit ach und krach auf ner wiiuportengine 920 laufen zu lassen
Alles eine Frage der Zeit und Geld. Und beides ist wohl einfach schon längst am Limit. Noch später hätten sie Zelda einfach nicht bringen können.
Breath of the Wild jetzt bei um 51,99€, hat jemand Erfahrung mit dem Bestellen dort? Wie launchnah kommt das dann wirklich an?
Wegen den Wertungen bin ich so aufgeregt. Das muss einfach deutlich über 90% werden alles andere wäre enttäuschend für mich. Ich hatte ja so ne große klappe im War-Thread :v: