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- 13 Jun 2007
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- 83.040
wenn das nicht in den Filmen geklärt wurde, dann im neuen EU. Sprich den BüchernFinde auch, dass nicht ganz klar wurde, wer welchen Stand gerade hat und wer wie mit wem zusammnhängt. Warum gibt es einen Widerstand, wenn die "gute" Republik an der Macht ist? Ist der Widerstand dann nicht einfach die normale Armee der Galaxis? Wenn nicht, warum fühlt man sich dazu berufen einen Widerstand zu formen, anstatt direkt die Republik zu unterstützen?
Mal schauen ob das noch geklärt wird oder das jetzt einfach gelassen wird
Kann auch gut sein, dass die Dinge aus dem alten EU einfach übernehmen. (sprich neue Republic korrupt, Leia hat kein Vertrauen in die etc.)
The Resistance was active some time after the Battle of Endor,[1] in which the Rebel Alliance triumphed over and shattered the Galactic Empire.[10] Several decades after the Empire's defeat, the First Order emerged as the inheritors of the Imperial legacy, and the Resistance served as a check against the First Order's designs for the galaxy. As leader of the Resistance, Organa became a symbol of the group's cause and an inspiration to those who served it. At some point, the Resistance took an interest in the desert world of Jakku,[1] where the New Republic had triumphed over the Empire decades earlier.
edit: Aftermath geht ja schon ein wenig darauf ein:
The New Republic was formed after the Battle of Endor with the signing of the Galactic Concordance. Mon Mothma was elected chancellor (they don't use the term "supreme chancellor" anymore) and they established the New Republic capital on Chandrila, Mon Mothma's homeworld. In the span between Aftermath and TFA, the New Republic has demilitarized to a state significantly smaller than during the Clone Wars, but the Republic fleet is the largest in the galaxy. The current chancellor cares more about trade regulations than the First Order (lel) and, oh yeah, the Republic capital and Senate change planets rather frequently by popular vote. Leia's reputation is tarnished in the Senate, because people think she's kind of crazy, so her "in" is the black woman we see in Maz's castle (correct me if I'm wrong). The Resistance IS a legitimate part of the Republic (begrudgingly), though and is no longer a "rebellion" because the term "rebellion" implies that the rebels are fighting against the established regime. So while the Rebellion of the OT is fighting against the powers-that-be, the Empire, the Resistance is fighting a fringe group on the edges of Wild Space.
wo die Republik jetzt scheinbar auch nicht mehr ist... War das eigtl Coruscant...?
ne, das war nicht Coruscant, das war das Hosnian System