Star Citizen [Space-Sim von Chris Roberts]

und seit dem letzten Patch stehen ja auch keine Trainer Schiffe mehr im Hangar, da muss man den AC über das Menü starten
Jo man muss jetzt seinen Hanger bestücken auf der offiziellen Seite. Hab ich zuerst nicht gewusst und dachte einen Bug und hab das Spiel mal neu installiert ^^
Gestern meine ersten Rennen gefahren. Haben auch mal die letzte Strecke ausprobiert. Man ist die hart.
Letter from the Chairman:

1 Video von Foundry 42 welches diverse Militärschiffe im Hangar zeigt: [video=youtube;Hmnh_EafsRE][/video]

Starfarer Corridor:

Cutlass 3D commercial: [video=youtube;c74-JBDlrL8][/video]

Unlock der Wave Four Ships und der Gewinner des 57 Mio Goals war ein Repair Ship.

Jeder Backer bekommt 10 000 UEC als dankeschön (jetzt kann ich mir auch den Buggy leisten :ugly: )

Ich hab mal für das Assault Ship gestimmt, aktuell liegt es auf dem 2ten Platz. Der Deep Space Fighter hat aktuell einen minimalen Vorsprung.

€: achja, es wurde zusätzlich ein ruckelfreies Video von der PU Demo hochgeladen: [video=youtube;o-xvCg8CI9U][/video]
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Q: What games are you drawing mechanical inspiration from?

A: A mixture of Counter-Strike, Rainbow Six, Arma, Delta Force, Kill Zone

The FPS module will be released early next year and receive continuous updates.


Q: For ship boarding, what have you all come up with for actually entering other ships e.g. cutting through the hull, forcing hatches, shooting out the windows, etc.?

A: you can cut through the hull, sneak on board through many mischievous techniques, blasting hatches, etc. entry points are very carefully chosen, however. essentially they're 'vulnerable' points of a ship/station. Windows are generally extremely fortified.


Zero G has lots of scenarios.

If you're in ZeroG inside a ship and you have a suit that has thrusters (or thruster attachment), you can move around but moving inside a ship with thrusters is difficult as movement isn't very smooth. You can also easily gain too much speed and slam into a wall, killing yourself.
If you're in ZeroG inside a ship without a suit that has thrusters you can use push/pull mechanics to move around the ship. Launching yourself from surfaces. the real danger here, of course, is floating off into the middle of a large room very slowly. This is the safest method of moving around a ship in ZeroG. you can also use your boots to walk along the walls/ceilings of most surfaces.

theres a whole lot of other conditionals with ZeroG too, especially if you're floating around in outer space!

yes there is serious limb damage implications that will effect all sorts of stuff like this. if your lower legs are ruined (and your not bleeding out) you'll be forced to crawl. If you damage your arms, your weapons will fall out of your hands, etc.

No magazines and clips do not magically refill themselves. If you put a half full magazine in your inventory the system going to remember the amount of bullets that are in there. You should pick good times to reload, and conserve your ammo.

At PAX AU we will be showing off some different ballistic weapons, energy weapons, grenades, and gadgets!

weiß gerade gar nicht, welchen Smiley ich hier verwenden soll, das ist einfach zu :banderas:
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How Ideas Take Flight: The Star Citizen Ship Pipeline:

Current Ship Status
This chart shows the current status of ships in the pipeline. Note that this is not every ship in development; some which have yet to be revealed are not included! (And others, like the newly selected Wave 4 ships, have not yet entered the pipeline.)
Ship Name Next Stage
315p Flight Ready
325a Complete
890 Jump Hangar Ready
Aurora CL Flight Ready
Aurora ES Flight Ready
Aurora LN Flight Ready
Aurora LX Flight Ready
Avenger Flight Ready
Avenger Variant 1 Concept Ready
Avenger Variant 2 Concept Ready
Avenger Variant 3 Concept Ready
Banu Merchantman Concept Ready
Carrack Concept Ready
Caterpillar Concept Ready
Reclaimer Concept Ready
Constellation Andromeda Flight Ready
Constellation Aquila Flight Ready
Constellation Taurus Flight Ready
Constellation Phoenix Flight Ready
Cutlass Black Flight Ready
Cutlass Blue Flight Ready
Cutlass Red Flight Ready
Freelancer Flight Ready
Freelancer DUR Flight Ready
Freelancer MAX Flight Ready
Freelancer MIS Flight Ready
Gladiator Hangar Ready
Gladius Hangar Ready
Herald Concept Ready
Hornet F7C-M Flight Ready
Hornet F7C-R Flight Ready
Hornet F7C-S Flight Ready
Idris M Hangar Ready
Idris P Hangar Ready
Manticore Concept Ready
Mustang Hangar Ready
Mustang Beta Hangar Ready
Mustang Delta Hangar Ready
Mustang Gamma Hangar Ready
Mustang Omega Flight Ready
New Corvette Concept Ready
Hull C Concept Ready
P52 Merlin Hangar Ready
Redeemer Hangar Ready
Retaliator Hangar Ready
Starfarer Concept Ready
Vanduul Glaive Flight Ready
Vanduul Scythe Flight Ready
Xi’an Scout Hangar Ready
Xi’an Volper Concept Ready

Die Manticore kenne ich noch nicht..
Das Ship Lineup ist schon echt fett, wenn man bedenkt wieviel Liebe ins Detail jedes Einzelne bekommt. Ich bin so gehypt :scan:
PAX Video/Interview mit Chris

ab Minute 43:30 sieht man das neue Zielsystem.

Patch kommt heute im Laufe des Tages: neue Steuerung, neues Zielsystem, größere Karten - aber noch nicht der 64 Bit Client, der braucht noch länger

Patch ist da :awesome:

As far as updates go this one feels pretty special. This is the first time I’ve felt that the control and targeting in Arena Commander is beginning to achieve the level of control and sense of dogfighting that I had in my head when I first pictured how the space combat should “feel” back when I started the journey that is Star Citizen.

Maps sind auch doppelt so groß wie vorher und die wollen die nochmal vergrößern, wenn die ihren 64 Bit Clienten fertig haben
We plan to increase the map size again once the 64 bit world space engine changes are completed, but for now having double the size will allow for more interesting engagements.

Veteran’s Tip: With the increased zoom and focus, it can be used to hit specific parts of an enemy ship. Want to slow them down? Pew-pew, destroyed engine! Too much firepower? Aim for the guns. Who said don’t play with your food, eh?

Added Gladius to hangar
Added Enhanced Stick Precision for Joystick and Gamepad
Added Target Focus
Added Virtual Joystick toggle (left-alt)
Added missile deployment animations
Added option to now bind decoupled yaw on joysticks

Health reduced
Turning speed increased
Acceleration increased
Decreased boost
Weight increased
Adjusted weapon heat decay
Increased power draw of shield
Adjusted weapon heat decay
Weapon Cooling tweaked for all weapons
Omnisky III
Damage Decreased
Firing rate increased
Omnisky VI
Firing rate increased
CF-007 Bulldog Repeater
Damage decreased
CF-117 Badger Repeater
Damage increased
Behring M3A Laser
Damage increased
Behring M4A
Firing rate decreased
Bullet speed increased
Reduced bullet spread
Behring M5A
Firing rate increased
Power usage increased
Damage increased
9-Series Longsword
Size reduced from 2 to 1
Firing rate increased
Damage increased
11-Series Broadsword
Firing rate increased
Damage decreased
Sledge II
K and W Mass Driver Cannon display name changed to Sledge II
Size reduced from 2 to 1
Firing rate decreased
Damage decreased
Mantis GT-220
Damage decreased
MaxOx NN-13 Neutron Cannon
Firing rate increased
Damage increased
Decreased heat and power usage
Changed color
Target Lead Indicator replaced with Lag-Pip
Increased size of DFM maps
Adjusted Shield Regen Delay
Default joystick x-axis input is now yaw instead of roll
Comstab now off by default
Updated 315p material
Relative mouse mode improvements
Various HUD visual changes
Zoom slightly increased, visual effect added
Adjusted position of locker toilet paper
Updated ammobox visual in holotable
Decreased IFCS Banking
Racing checkpoints now open faster
Adjusted Broken Moon and Dying Star ambient light

Fixed 325a textures
Fixed Mustang enter animation
Fixed Aurora gimbal rotation rate
Fixed Squadron Battle not ending if one team leaves
Fixed Vanduul spawning in incorrect locations
Fixed racing end of match scoreboard
Fixed some draw distance issues in the hangar
Fixed the planet flickering in Broken Moon
Fixed 300i series door sounds
Fixed 300i series hologram not showing ship damage
Fixed Origin radar sphere being too dim
Fixed flickering issues of environment assets during the beginning of a race
Fixed distance marker on selected reticle to now match scale of reticle
Matchmaking improvements
Localization fixes
Various crash fixes

Ships can appear to jitter near edges of large maps
325a external material incorrect after zoning into multiplayer matches
Gladius canopy becomes offset from cockpit during open animation
325a power management bars do not update when redistributing power via the power triangle
Dynamic Zoom only functions when ship is not moving
Arena commander menu specified Hornet F7a as ‘TRAINER’
Omnisky III and IV do not overheat
Floating geometry above 315p starboard door
The nose and wing stripes on the 315p are displaying incorrectly
Targeting an enemy ship during the HUD bootup sequence will result in the targeted ship not appearing in the target window
Wingmen stop flying between waves in Vanduul Swarm
Turrets are inaccessible in the Cutlass Black and Blue
Graphical artifacts appearing when using an AMD R9 285 video card
Docking Collar is inaccessible in the Cutlass Black
Docked targets show a scanned reticle/HUD arrow but do not give lag pips
Grey cat will always turn right when using the Gamepad
Joystick and Throttle inputs do not prevent Windows power saver mode from putting monitor to sleep
You can prevent this by increasing the sleep timer for your display in Windows Power Saver settings
Stalker IR missiles do little damage and ignore flares
Hornet nose weapons do not recharge
Helmet overlay still appears below feet when looking down
Aurora MR red decals don’t get damaged when the ship does
Vanduul, Vixen and Warlord will sometimes collide with asteroids
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das war...awesome :banderas:

und Kapitel 1 von Squadron 42 2015 soll 15-20 Stunden gehen :ugly:
FPS sah so geil aus. Dagegen wirken CoD und BF einfach nur wie ein schlechter Witz in Sachen Immersion und Realismus. Zumindest dem nach zu urteilen, was ich mitbekommen habe, weil ich 90% der Demo nicht mitbekommen habe, wegen Abkacken des Streams.
FPS sah so geil aus. Dagegen wirken CoD und BF einfach nur wie ein schlechter Witz in Sachen Immersion und Realismus. Zumindest dem nach zu urteilen, was ich mitbekommen habe, weil ich 90% der Demo nicht mitbekommen habe, wegen Abkacken des Streams.

die Videos wird man ja sowieso wieder normal schauen können ^^

Animationssystem immer noch nicht fertig in der Demo, die werden alles noch mit motion capture bearbeiten etc.

Auch toll, dass die First Person Sicht nicht nur eine schwebende Kamera ist (*hust* Call of Duty und BF *hust*) sondern die Animationen für First Person und 3rd Person Sicht gleich sind.

Aber wow, Roberts macht First Person Shooter für mich gerade wieder interessant :ugly:

Ich stelle mir gerade den Capture the Idris (oder Bengal) Modus vor: erst schön im Weltall bekämpfen, dann Schiff kapern und sich zum Cockpit durchballern, die Besatzung hat dann Fallen aufgestellt (Hologramm hat man im Stream ja schon gesehen ^^), kann natürlich auch sein, dass Luftschleusen geöffnet werden und man dann im Weltall nur im Space Suit weiterkämpfen muss. :banderas:

Und das ist nur ein Spielmodus, danach geht es einen Schritt weiter und stellt sich sowas im Persistant Universe (oder großen SP Mission) vor, vielleicht noch in Mitten einer größeren Raumschlacht :awesome:

die neuen Patch-Features im Video
[video=youtube;DhDIAzNgFP4][/video] :banderas:
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