- Seit
- 1 Mai 2007
- Beiträge
- 79.862
- Xbox Live
- Kiera Salter
- VegetaEx
- Switch
- 079910150123
- Steam
- VegetaEx
Weitere neue Charaktere kommen
Project X Zone has a final release date, but Namco Bandai isn't done with the character reveals yet. The game's official blog said today that there are still some unannounced ally characters.
The recent trailer hinted at this, of course, as it ended with the phrase "and more...." This was in reference to unannounced characters, the blog confirms.
Today's blog post is mostly about the game's field maps. The maps are where you move your characters between those sweet cut-ins (or maybe it's the other way around).
When moving a character, you have full control over the character. This isn't the type of strategy game where you select a hexagon or square and the character moves there. As you move, you can press the B button to make the character dash.
The blog also explains a few of the past screenshots that appeared to show two cut-in animations, one on the top screen and one on the bottom screen. This happens during a support attack. The main team appears on one screen, and the support team appears on the other screen. Only one team will actually speak during these pair attacks. The team that speaks will be shown on the top screen.