3DS Project X Zone (Sega x Capcom x Bandai Namco)

Meet the Enemies

Project X Zone has more than just the good guys. The crossover strategy RPG will also have rival characters who appear as enemies.

Famitsu reveals the following this week:

- Lord Raptor (Darkstalkers)
- Selvaria Bles (Valkyria Chronicles)
- Vava (Mega Man X)
- Ciseaux and Prelude (Sakura Wars)

Joining these crossover characters are a few original enemies: Dorai Veranos, Ain Veranos and Douhet Frabelm. (As usual, I've probably completely missed the mark on these romanizations.)


Selvaria :aargh:
Da Monolith an dem Spiel arbeitet habe ich Hoffnungen das dieses Spiel bei uns erscheint,..würde es sogar sehr begrüßen.
Massig neue Bilder

Project X Zone Adds Batsu (Rival Schools), Juri (Street Fighter) & Alisa (Tekken)

Project X Zone has a bunch of brawlers ready to do battle in the Capcom, Sega, and Namco Bandai crossover game.

Batsu Ichimonji from Rival Schools, Alisa Bosconovitch from Tekken, and Vashyron from End of Eternity are playable characters in Project X Zone. Famitsu also confirmed Neneko and Neito from the PS2 game Yumeria

Juri from Street Fighter IV shows up in Project X Zone as a crossover rival character. Jedah Dohma (Darkstalkers), Heihachi Mishima (Tekken) and Aya-me (Sakura Wars) are also borrowed bad guys.


Naja viel Content sagt da leider nichts aber ich hoffs auch :)

Naja, es ist ein SRPG, also ist es automatisch ein Knaller und Knüller :) Aber bei so viel Content mache ich mir schon Sorgen um einen EU-Release, je mehr Charaktere und Franchises vorkommen, desto schwieriger die Rechtslage.
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