Switch NX - Handheld? Konsole? Hybrid?

Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
Wenns aber echt Nintendo Dreamcast heißen würde und sogar Sega iwie mit an Bord wär, würd ich das dennoch iwie cool finden :v:
Horror wenn sich Nintendo und Sega zusammentun würde. Man sieht ja an Mario & Sonic bei den Olympischen spielen was dabei herauskommt. :neutral:

Fand ich anfangs nicht schlecht und hatte sich auch gut verkauft! Des weiteren wäre das natürlich der Oberhammer und bigN hätte einige Fans und eine Menge guter ip's mehr im Portfolio!?
RUMOR: NX Platform Details, Both Console & Handheld
Rough English Translation

  • He's under strict NDA with Nintendo Japan
  • Informations are from march 2015, with some updates from june-july
  • He received a bunch of patents (some of them are publics now), info about what Nintendo is planning and a list of games potentially in development (some of them may or may not have been cancelled), third parties included
  • NX is a platform, not tied with a single device
  • Wii U is still in the picture thanks to good software results for games like Splatoon, will still be the main home console in 2016
  • 3DS is a bit old, they're planning of replacing it. Some games will still come out on it, but big projects are being moved on portable NX
  • With NX, Nintendo wants to create a platform where they can develop software for multiple devices with ease, from the home console to the portable to smartphone and tablets. They'll have a big catalogue available for multiple platforms, with cross buy, cross saves and cross play, similar to what Microsoft is doing with Xbox One and PC thanks to Windows 10 (that allows to play many Xbox games on PC, which is also getting a bunch of ports from Xbone). Each platform will still have exclusive games
  • NNID is tied to the single device, but it will allow to share details between platforms, like friend list, contents, local coop games, etc. Thanks to the new membership program (the successor of Club Nintendo), we'll benefit from the new Nintendo policies in terms of rewards
  • They'll show the portable in spring 2016, will be out for the end of the year or spring 2017 max. Specs will be higher than PS Vita but nothing mindblowing, screen resolution should be 540p, considering 720p if costs go down. BC with 3DS was problematic
  • Wii U successor will not have an optical drive, which will be optional. It will sync with the portable (not obligatory). Specs won't be super high, but close to PS4/X1 (doesn't know how much, like with the portable this is still subject to change anyway). Cross games will look better on the home
  • Nintendo is focusing a lot on the anti-piracy system
  • Big focus on the OS as well. They hired people that worked for Google on Android, the guys who worked on the Gamecube OS and Wii U browser are there too. Optimized versions of the same OS for every NX platform (think, again, W10), each with its set of specific functions. Updates will come out at the same time, they're focusing on making the OS blazing fast on every platform
  • The home console can connect with the portable to send to it its own version of the games you buy, will use the same tech as the Wii U-Wii U Gamepad streaming to do that, or the internet connection
  • The home will have bc with the Wii U. Gamepad should be compatible as a controller, considering selling it standalone. Can connect with the portable for offtv and bc. WiiMote compatibility is being considered too. As for support, since the new home won't have an optical drive, they're considering an external one. Also being considered NNID/eShop bc for titles bought on the eShop. Seems they're considering digital games sharing too, but this bit is not perfectly clear
  • The portable will have its own internal memory, which will be expandable
  • There will be a complete overhaul of online infrastructures, but Nintendo is determined to hold successful operations as Miiverse, extending it even further and making it a central hub for communications by developers and a meeting place for players. It will be even more interactive with the ability to upload videos and screenshots in an integrated system and not dependent on the game
  • Voice chat and interactions between users will be revisited too, much will depend on the users age though, to protect the minors
  • The home will be out 6-12 months after the portable, creating the "NX system" that will allow Nintendo to better use their resources in games development
  • They approached third parties during E3. Capcom, Square-Enix, Ubisoft and Electronic Arts already have devkits. Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, Sonic, F-Zero and Metroid are in development, doesn't know if these are main episodes or spin offs. Zelda is currently a Wii U only title due to high development costs, but they can reconsider to have another big game at NX launch
  • Prices will be low, 200-300€ (for the home?), considering a bundle with both for no more than 500€
  • Many of these things will be discussed in future Nintendo Directs, which will have a different host in every market if Nintendo can't find a new CEO by october
  • A new 3D Mario will be shown, along with a new Zelda trailer. Retro moved their project on NX, will not be unveiled before 10-18 months
  • They'll talk about a new "Club Nintendo", which will be in full function with NX
  • Considering making agreements with phone carriers in order to better manage applications like Miiverse, Club Nintendo and the ability to purchase software by phone. Some of these will be out by March 2016
  • Is everything set yet? Yes, but with Nintendo you'll never know. If he has updates he will share them with us.
Also mir fehlt bisher noch das Knallerargument für die Konsole.
Auf der einen Seite find ichs schade, dass es "nur" auf dem Level der PS4 / XBone ist - aber auf der anderen Seite reicht mir die Leistung der WiiU völlig aus, und mehr brauch ich auch garnicht.
Ansonsten liest es sich wie eine relativ normale Konsole ohne großen Besonderheiten :| Wii, WiiU, DS und 3DS hatten alle irgendwas revolutionäres, sowas finde ich in dem Artikel über die NX-Geräte bisher nicht. Klar, die Verbindung zwischen Handheld und Konsole ist irgendwo neu, aber das verändert das eigentliche Spielerlebnis ja nicht.
Bin gespannt, ob da noch mehr kommt.
2016/2017 also die Nintendo Vita, 2017/2018 die Nintendo One, scheinbar immernoch ohne richtiges Accountsystem und Retro arbeitet an einem neuen Donkey Kong? Klingt tatsächlich realistisch.
Der ganze Text ist im Prinzip nur eines, nämlich die Ausformulierung des Basisgedanken, den ich ja auch schon ein paar mal geschrieben hatte:

NX ist weder nur Handheld, noch nur Konsole, noch Hybrid. Es ist eine Plattform ala iOS mit unterschiedlichen Geräten.
Und genau wie Angry Birds auf iPhone anders aussieht als auf iPad, ist es dann halt auch so mit Mario auf NX mobile und NX home.

Ich glaube auch, dass NX mobile zuerst kommt, macht ja auch Sinn. Der 3DS ist halt schon älter.

Meine Bauchschmerzen: NX home als Box dazu für einen winzig-Preis (99-149 Euro) und das Ganze kann funktionieren. Aber für "Prices will be low, 200-300€ (for the home?)" hat sich das Thema erledigt.
Kein Mensch brauch 2017 ein NX home mit ~PS4 Leistung für 300 Euro
Ein neues Donkey Kong von Retro wäre - in dem zeitlichen Rahmen von dem man momentan ausgehen kann - einfach nur noch lachhaft.

Wäre ein Donkey Kong Returns 3 jetzt zu Weihnachten 2015 oder Frühjahr 2016 erschienen - okay meinetwegen.

Aber wenn die tatsächlich irgendwann Ende 2017 oder so mit nem weiteren 2D-PLattformer um die Ecke kommen, an dem sie dann wieder knapp vier Jahre gehockt haben, dann sollte Nintendo da tatsächlich schleunigst mal was umstrukturieren, denn das wäre schon Ineffizient par excellence.

Mudo wirds zwar freuen, aber beim Rest ist der Flop dann wieder vorprogrammiert.
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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