L14: Freak
Verkauft ist nicht gleich heruntergeladen. Das Spiel ist zunächst ja umsonst.
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Verkauft ist nicht gleich heruntergeladen. Das Spiel ist zunächst ja umsonst.
Das Problem mit der Steuerung ist ja dass die Sensitivity viiiiiel zu low ist, wurde das mit dem Update geändert?
sehe ich auch soHab die Demo deshalb geladen, weil ich den 2. "Stick" des New 3DS ausprobieren wollte...
Ist schon ganz ok das Spiel, Steuerung passt auch, aber Shooter braucht man wohl nicht unbedingt auf Handheld.
aber Shooter braucht man wohl nicht unbedingt auf Handheld.
Hast du dir den Text durchgelesen? Die "Änderungen", die für Nintendo-Konsole gemacht wurden?
Binding of isaac für 3DS. Könnte auch n Aprilscherz sein, obwohl das Spiel in den letzten Tagen mindestens 2x geteast wurde aber vielleicht waren diese Teaser auch nur dazu da den Aprilscherz glaubhafter zu machen. Mal abwarten^^
2. the use of the word God:
this was a big one, but i came up with an amusing play on words that actually spices up the games story a bit more. see by simply flipping the word around the offensive “God” simply becomes Dog. see it was Isaac’s dog (max from the classic game) that was speaking to Isaac’s mother instructing her to kill.. son of sam anyone? a perfect fit if i dont say so myself.
3. Christian imagery:
another hard one.. how was i to change every instance of christian imagery as to not offend christian and non-christian alike? well what i proposed was a no brainier.. i simply changed the religious sect to a more publicly ridiculed religion.. Scientology! IE, the Celtic cross is now, the E-meter, the angel baby, now a caged thetan and the list goes on.
by switching out one mainstream belief system with a smaller one that’s more socially acceptable to mock in the media i turned the tides and created a game that is more socially acceptable but still brings home the strong message the game always had.
Note: other minor changes made to the 3ds and wiiU release are as follows: isaacs blood has been replaced with sweat. all instances of pills have been replaced with lollipops. all demon forms are now purple instead of black. you can now choose the gender identity of eden when you choose to play as them. maggy is now Hispanic. the womb has been replaced with a meat boy themed world. all instances of suicide now have text popups of local suicide hotlines. the letters R P A and E have been removed from the games code. isaacs mother is no longer overweight unless you choose the fat acceptance mode from the options menu, you can also replace mom with isaacs dad or isaacs dog from this menu. all references to isaacs sexuality being anything other than straight have been removed and he now carries a football. isaac is no longer shamed for dressing slutty. mulligans now wear police hats. any instance of abortion has been replaced with a funny cat video. the devil is no longer black. Isaac no longer eats dog foot and spoiled milk, but healthy snacks of apples. the A button has been replaced with the “Trigger Button” a simple tap when triggered will close the game and removed it from your system. Isaac is now 18. racism no longer exists and finally all instances of my name have been removed from the game as well as any association with my blog, past games and this post.
Also soweit wie ich weiß, ist BoIR kein Unity Game.Das erklärt warum Isaac nur für den New 3DS kommt:
Unity Engine erscheint für den New 3DS
Das erklärt warum Isaac nur für den New 3DS kommt:
Unity Engine erscheint für den New 3DS