Rumor Time! Eine volle Liste der Botschafterspiele ist aufgetaucht. Ist natürlich Gerücht Status aber ich finde es hört sich sehr gut an hoffen wir mal das es stimmt!
Important: The following information was sent in by NintendoStar, a reader of the blog, but I’m unclear on the source. Please do not take it as truth until I can find a source. I like to report on rumours because they’re fascinating and it’s exciting. There’s every chance in the world they’re inaccurate though.
Nintendo has unveiled the NES and GBA titles to be made available for free via the Ambassador Program for early adopters of the 3DS. They’ve also confirmed that the GBA titles will be available on December 4th, and re-iterated that the NES titles will be available on September 1st. Mario Kart: Super Circuit and WarioWare Twisted are set for a public release in 2012. The NES titles will see a public release on October 15th.
Super Mario Bros.
Donkey Kong Jr.
Balloon Fight
Ice Climber
The Legend of Zelda
Super Mario Bros. 2
Kid Icarus
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
Kirby’s Adventure
Yoshi’s Island: Super Mario Advance 3
Mario Kart: Super Circuit
Metroid Fusion
WarioWare, Inc.: Minigame Mania
Mario vs. Donkey Kong
Pokemon Emerald
The Legend Of Zelda: The Minish Cap
Kirby And The Amazing Mirror
Super Mario Ball
WarioWare Twisted (Up To Date 3DS Motion Controls)
Da fackelt die Gerüchte Küche! Ich fände es so sehr sehr sehr gut! Hoffen wir mal das es Stimmt!