Switch Mario Kart 8 (Deluxe)

Der Titel wird wie Sekundenkleber auf mich wirken. Freue mich schon extremst drauf:freude:.
Und das, obwohl man erst recht wenig gesehen hat an strecken und so :lick:.
Multiplayer: I didn't happen to see if it was in the demo for "Mario Kart 8," but one thing that has found its way into the series for a few years now has been an item that is loved and hated - the blue shell. Where did that idea originally come from, and does it appear in this latest game as well?

Mr. Konno: It's not in the demo out there, but it will be in the final version of the game. It's actually a question that I get a lot, talking about balance, or where that idea came from, we often get that in interviews. One of the things that we always think about when making a "Mario Kart" game is the replay value for the customer. When we made that game, we thought it added something to that value, for people to play over and over again. When you just want to play one more game, one more match.

So actually the original idea, that we had back in "Mario Kart 64" where we hit upon this idea for a Blue Shell weapon, was that it would enable even whoever was in the back of the pack to still want to continue the race, to still want to keep going. Something that would allow them to still have that feeling.

The first one we made would go straight up the middle of the course, so anyone that was in the way would get damaged as it flew. Then we changed it to the one that flies over and hits that person in first place, and you know, takes them out of their game a little bit. Every time we make a new game we want to challenge ourselves to adjust it a little bit, with something new.

We're always having this battle of whose side do we take? The person in the back obviously they want something that hits, because that's their chance to influence the game. The person in first, of course, wants to have some kind of chance to get out of the way. That's always something that the designers have to think about, and make small adjustments to figure out the best thing for that particular game.

That's part of the reason about why it's not out on the floor, because we're still thinking about that balance and what we're going to do with the blue shell. We'd like your opinion actually, what you're idea would be to have that thing go at you.


schade. :( aber ich wüsste wie sie ihn perfekt balancen könnten. man lässt ihn einfach wie er ist, aber der getroffene spieler wird nicht mehr ganz so lange durch die luft geschleudert wie es bisher der fall war. ganz einfach.
Von mir aus kann der blaue Panzer wieder alle treffen, die ihm im Weg sind! :coolface:
Ich verstehe das nicht, wenn ich hinten bin, dann ist das letzte Item was ich haben will der blaue Panzer. Das macht ihn doch grade so beschissen, er nervt den ersten unglaublich und hilft dem Spieler weiter hinten in seiner Situation in keinster Weise - er kann ja nicht mal das Ergebnis seines Panzers sehen, wenn er nicht grade die ganze Zeit auf die Spielerpositionen achtet.

Wenn er schon drin sein muss, dann hoffentlich in einer stark abgeschwächten Version und mit viel seltenerer Erscheinungsrate.
Für die hinteren Plätze sind Blitz und POW Block eigentlich sehr gute Items.
Der Blaue Panzer bringt dem letzten einfach gar nichts und bestraft nur gutes Fahren.
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