3DS Mario Kart 7

Seh ich nicht so dramatisch, seit Nintendo meinte, dass sie vielleicht auch DLCs für ihre Spiele anbieten wollen, die allerdings kostenlos sind ;)

Zumal das Spiel nicht voreilig auf den Markt gebracht wird, man hat sich lediglich Retro Studios dazugeholt, da man das MK7 rechtzeitig auf den Stand bringen wollte, auf dem es jetzt ist. Die Entscheidung (vorerst ?) keine Missionen mit einzubauen wurde nicht aus zeitlichen Gründen getroffen, denke ich. Gerade Nintendo ist dafür bekannt, sich für ihre Titel die volle Entwicklungszeit zu nehmen, zum Teil weit darüber hinaus (Zelda SS).
Das Fehlen eines Mission Modes ist imho nicht schlimm. Wenn der Online-Mode gut gemacht ist, wiegt das diese Tatsache locker wieder auf :D

PS: Ich freue mich schon riesig auf Online-Matches den CW'lern ^^
Hört sich nach nem Schnellschuß an und dürfte die Absenz der ''Mission Mode'' erklären.

fail. :fp:
Ganz klar:

Famitsu: 37/40 (10, 9, 9, 9)
The game's made so you're always able to stage a comeback, making it approachable and enjoyable for anyone. Competing for time [in the time trial mode] is also exciting, and there's more than enough room for hardcore play here. The Community feature makes netplay a lot more accessible than before, and finding opponents via Street Pass is also impressive. It's really exciting to think how the community's going to unfold.

There are a lot of changes here, but play it and it's definitely still Mario Kart. That goes to show how complete a game it's become. It's accessible enough that even new players can enjoy it, and when you get into it, you really get into it.
CVG: 9.4/10
This time, Nintendo's mechanics managed to balance everything perfectly. Let us introduce you to Mario Kart 7, your new favourite Mario Kart.

Mario Kart 7 is the best in the series so far, and it carries itself like it is too. Throughout, there is a sense of triumphant, exhilarating culmination that rings out loud like the doom-siren of an incoming red shell. It's no longer enough for Mario Circuit to skirt round the edges of Peach's castle - now, the drawbridge is lowered and the track leads directly onto the royal red carpet, leading you through the main hallway before spitting you out high above the Mushroom Kingdom. Conversely Bowser's Castle opens its portcullis outwards, so you can screech around the hideous smelting factory that passes for a moat in the King Koopa's neighbourhood.

There's one other major difference that distances Mario Kart 7 from Mario Kart Wii - the items themselves. Almost all the goodies introduced by MK Wii have been discarded - so its farewell to the Raincloud, Mega Mushroom, POW Block and other gimmicky items which although fun, were introduced primarily to keep everyone at level pegging. In their place, a range of tactical options which Nintendo won't be able to dispose of so easily. These are the best additions to the arsenal since the original cast of bananas and mushrooms were formed.

[Mario Kart 7 is] as complete a racing game as you could hope to play. All that's good about the previous Karts, distilled and mixed with a trillion ideas of its own. Excellent.
Eurogamer: 8/10
The 3D is a treat, benefiting from the technology's more comfortable application in games that travel into the screen rather than across it. Likewise, Mario Kart 7 is a handheld technical marvel, going toe-to-toe with the Wii title for graphical vibrancy, texture and detail.

Above all, there's a constant focus on the series' fundamental strengths: narrower courses and a lower number of on-track competitors place renewed importance on precision racing. Meanwhile, the glider, rebalanced power-ups and exuberant new tracks filled with short cuts and secrets ensure that the light-hearted side to the series is maintained. The additions that are here may look significant, but in reality they are sympathetic, while the subtractions from recent games move the game back to its glory days.

"The core of Mario Kart is pretty solid at this point and I think it's safe to have it evolve in a pretty staid and traditional manner," Miyamoto said recently. Mario Kart 7 reflects that, in its title and in its design: it's robust, but it lacks some creative effort on Nintendo's part. Newcomers will love it, while series stalwarts will find its novelties welcome, if largely inconsequential. But it's nevertheless one of the stronger entries in the series, balancing the orthodox precision of the original with the playful silliness of the more recent iterations more successfully than ever.
Game wird bei Toys r Us ab 2.12 nur 33€ kosten !!
Hoffentlich zieht Amazon mit^^
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Amazon is schon fast nachgezogen, kostet dort auch nur noch 34,90€^^

Zu dem Preis wird das Game sicher echt der Kracher im Weihnachtsgeschäft^^
Hoffentlich bekomm ich das im Gamestore auch für den Preis <.< jetzt wo ichs da bereits vorbestellt hab...
Supi, hab auch bei amazon vorbestellt :goodwork: .
Die deutsche Seite zu Mariokart 7 ist übrigens online:


Da steht auch ein wenig über den Onlinemodus. Bei Anschauen der Videos bekomme ich Lust, es gleich zu zocken :D . Einige deutsche Übersetzung für manche Strecken sind echt :ugly: :

- Instrumentalpiste
- Daisyhausen
- Naschparadies
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