Xbox360 Kinect (Project Natal)

Sorry fürs Doppelpost, aber ich habs jetzt doch gekauft und der Platz reicht zwar nur knapp, aber er reicht! Habe bisher nur Kinect Adventures ausprobiert, was ganz nett ist, um die Prinzipien mal zu kapieren! Zumindest das Schlauchbootfahren und das Aquarium-Level machen auch viel Spaß. Ich werde gleich noch Kinect Sports ausprobieren und werd mir dann noch zu Weihnachten entweder Dance Central oder Your Shape: Fitness wünschen. :)
Sorry fürs Doppelpost, aber ich habs jetzt doch gekauft und der Platz reicht zwar nur knapp, aber er reicht! Habe bisher nur Kinect Adventures ausprobiert, was ganz nett ist, um die Prinzipien mal zu kapieren! Zumindest das Schlauchbootfahren und das Aquarium-Level machen auch viel Spaß. Ich werde gleich noch Kinect Sports ausprobieren und werd mir dann noch zu Weihnachten entweder Dance Central oder Your Shape: Fitness wünschen. :)

Na dann mal Glückwunsch von mir! Wirst viel Spaß damit haben, so wie ich ;) Wenn Du Lust und Laune hast, könnten wir mal Kinect Sports ne Runde Online spielen.....wäre sicher ganz lustig ;)

Ab morgen kann ich auch wieder zocken. Freue mich schon wieder mit der Freundin ne Runde zu zappeln :D

Dir noch viel Spaß mit Deiner neuen Errungenschaft!!
Na dann mal Glückwunsch von mir! Wirst viel Spaß damit haben, so wie ich ;) Wenn Du Lust und Laune hast, könnten wir mal Kinect Sports ne Runde Online spielen.....wäre sicher ganz lustig ;)

Ab morgen kann ich auch wieder zocken. Freue mich schon wieder mit der Freundin ne Runde zu zappeln :D

Dir noch viel Spaß mit Deiner neuen Errungenschaft!!

Das Dumme ist, dass wir in unserem Wohnhein immer mit dem Uni-Zugang online gehen müssen, und die 360 will das nicht, selbst wenn ich die Daten des Servers eingebe für die manuelle Einwahl inklusive Passwort.
Aber ich melde mich ansonsten in den Weihnachtsferien in diesem Thread nochmal! Spielt ihr alle schon viel zusammen online?
Kinect is Selling 2X as Fast as the iPad

The iPad was crowned the fastest-adopted consumer electronic device ever last month, stealing the title from the once-coveted DVD player. Records are made to be broken, though, and the Microsoft Kinect has already come out of the gate twice as fast. Notably, Microsoft predicted back in September that it would sell more Kinects than Apple is selling iPads.

25 days after its launch, Microsoft said today that it has sold 2.5 million motion-detecting Kinect devices. Granted, that includes sales over the Black Friday shopping holiday, but reviews of the device have been positive. Apple took twice as long to sell its 2 millionth iPad. These seem to be the days of the radically new interface.

In May of 2010, Apple announced that it sold 2 million iPads after two months of availability. At a base price of $500 each, that meant that Yankee Group analyst Carl Howe's prediction that the iPad would become the fastest consumer product to hit $1 billion in sales in history was proven correct.

ReadWriteWeb's Audrey Watters reported in October that the iPad kept up a torrid pace for months. "The iPad sold 3 million units in the first 80 days after its release in April, and its current sales rate is about 4.5 million units per quarter," she wrote. That pace of sales, according to analysts at Bernstein Research, made it the fastest growing consumer electronics device of all time.

Now this. The Kinect sells for substantially less than the iPad ($150-$399 at Best Buy vs. $500-$830 for the iPad) but more have been sold in the product's first 25 days than were sold in the first 60 days after the iPad launched.

Can the Kinect sustain that rate of sales? Only time will tell, but early adopters appear likely to spread positive word of mouth about the product - as will Microsoft's massive advertising machine. For context (and to put a grain of salt in play here), the Wii has sold 75 million units in 4 years. That's a little bit more than 50k per day, on average.

For now the Kinect is focused on game play, but some people believe it's only a matter of time until it becomes the interface for many other tasks, from browsing the web to controlling various devices around the home. If Microsoft learns as well from the nascent Kinect jailbreaking community as Apple has from the iPhone jailbreakers, the Kinect could soon gain official support for all kinds of different uses.

Kinect Sales

2.5m in 25 days = 100k per day
$150-$399 each

iPad Sales

2m in 60 days
3m in 80 days
4.5m every 90 days = 50k per day
$500-$830 each
hab gestern die demo von sonic freeriders getestet und es funktioniert erstaunlich gut!
MSFT Aims to Patent Every Aspect of Kinect

Microsoft last year filed multiple patents in an effort to protect the software and technology behind its motion-sensing gaming system Kinect.

Microsoft has filed at least 12 patents that protect the intellectual property of its motion sensor controller technology surrounding Kinect. The company aggressively aims to patent every aspect especially the software that enables a gaming experience that is based on gestures and motion tracking. The patent applications that surfaced this week are:

- Extending Standard Gestures
- Gestures Beyond Skeletal
- Gesture Shortcuts
- Gesture Tool
- Gesture Coach
- Avatar Integrated Shared Media Selection
- Localized Gesture Aggregation
- Systems And Methods For Tracking A Model
- Real Time Retargeting of Skeletal Data To Game Avatar
- Systems and Methods For Applying Animations or Motions to a Character
- Avatar Integrated Shared Media Experience
- User Movement Feedback via On-Screen Avatars

Especially interesting are the filings of user movement feedback via an avatar, which is described as:
"a method for providing feedback to a user about a computing environment, the method comprising, recognizing, using an image-based capture device, a presence of a first user in a capture area; associating a first avatar with the first user and displaying the first avatar on a display screen; recognizing aspects of the first user within the capture area; and modifying an appearance of the first avatar to provide feedback to the first user about at least one of capabilities, features, rights or permissions of the first user in the computing environment."
as well as the filing that details motion tracking, which is described as:
"A device for tracking a model of a user, the device comprising a camera component, wherein the camera component receives a depth image of a scene; and a processor, wherein the processor executes computer executable instructions, and wherein the computer executable instructions comprise instructions for receiving the depth image from the camera component; removing a background of the depth image to isolate a human target; and adjusting the model to fit within the isolated human target."
All patents have in common that they were filed last year, eight on May 29, 2009; three on August 31, 2009; one on August 26, 2009 and one on June 15, 2009.

It is very apparent that Microsoft does not want to allow any loopholes that would allow others to copy its technology. This flurry is reminiscent of the aggressive patent approach surrounding the iPhone about three years ago - which, however, did not help much as Apple is tangled up in countless lawsuits today and courts still have to confirm its patents.

If Kinect is the future of gaming, then Microsoft could see a similar trend.,news-9253.html
Noch ein Aufruf in eigener Sache: wenn jemand vom Forum hier das Adapterkabel für sein Kinect nicht braucht, würde ich es sehr gerne abkaufen! (MS Online Store liefert nicht in die Schweiz :() -> einfach PN schicken, gracias!
Sonic und Joyride sollen nicht gut sein. Die Joyride Demo finde ich auch schlecht. Hatte mich eigentlich so auf das Spiel gefreut, quasi ein Mod Nations Racer für die Xbox 360. :(

sonic ist sehr geil, hätte nicht gedacht das es so gut ist,
joyride dagegen bullshit.

sobald du deine hände 5 sekunden nach unten hälts, steuert sich das spiel von selbst und du kannst das nicht mehr ändern,
man kann dadurch 1000gs automatisch bekommen ohne selber was zu machen, echt lächerlich
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