More hardcore Kinect announcements in 2011 - MS
Next year will be "amazing" for gamers on Kinect and 360, says UK boss
Microsoft will show more 'core' focused Kinect games next year, UK marketing boss Stephen McGill has told CVG.
Speaking during the midnight Kinect launch this week, he pointed to the roster of hardcore motion control offerings revealed at this year's Tokyo Game Show, including
a game from Suda 51 and
a new Steel Battalion.
"Obviously back in September at the Tokyo Game Show we announced a whole range of incredible games really targeted to core gamers that are going to be dedicated to Kinect - adventure games, horror games etc," he said.
"We'll start showing more of those in 2011. 2011 is going to be an amazing year for gamers both on Kinect and
normal controller-based games for Xbox 360. I think there's something for everyone."
McGill argued that while Kinect's launch line-up may appear casual-focused on the surface, you've actually got to be "a blooming good gamer" to master games like Kinect Sports.
"I think whilst these games at launch are incredibly accessible to start with, they have a lot of depth. So things like Dance Central and Kinect Sports particularly are great examples. The developers know how to service core gamers as much as casual audiences.
"There's a lot of depth there when you scratch the surface and actually get in to it - the nuances, the level of finessing you have to do when you're on Joy Ride drifting around corners, or going for high scores on Dance Central and trying to get all the Achievements in Kinect Sports.
"You're going to have to be a blooming good gamer to be able to do those things."
hoffentlich kündigen sie noch mehr exlusiv titel für den controller ( + kinect) an denn nur gears 3 und forza 4 ist bis jetzt zu wenig
ich glaube rare wird perfekt dark 2 ( controller + kinect) und viva pinata 3 ankündigen
ein neues killer instinct oder ein neues conker wäre ja natürlich ein traum aber daran glaube ich nicht
mal sehen was die so bringen werden