Xbox360 Kinect (Project Natal)

Naja war ok aber ich dachte das wurde nicht gehackt sondenr die Treiber veröffnetlicht einfach.

@Kinect kamen eig mal andere Spiele seit launch? ^^
hoffe das es kein 08/15 western shooter wird

in twisted pixel we trust : D

Conduit dev making Kinect game for 2K

Conduit 2 developer High Voltage Software is making a Kinect-enabled game for BioShock publisher 2K Games, Eurogamer can reveal.

Details are thin on the ground. It's a licensed game and it's Kinect enabled, which means it can be played by those who own Microsoft's motion-sensing add-on and those who don't.

What could it be?

High Voltage chief creative officer Eric Nofsinger was tight lipped when cornered by Eurogamer.

"It's not announced yet," he confirmed. "We're doing that with 2K. It's a licensed game. That's our bread and butter as a developer. That's how we've stayed in business for almost 18 years. We don't develop for just one hardware. We don't develop for just one genre of game. We don't develop with just one publisher. We've diversified all the way through."

An announcement is planned for "around GDC". The game will launch this year.

"This game works well with or without the Kinect," Nofsinger added. "It's supported as a device, so if you have the device it works very well, but I don't think it's this brilliant, genius idea.

"It works really well because it's a 360 game. I don't think it necessarily works really well because it's a Kinect game."

High Voltage is currently applying the finishing touches Wii exclusive first-person shooter Conduit 2 for SEGA.

Yesterday Eurogamer brought you the news that it is hard at work bringing Conduit to the Nintendo 3DS, and talks with SEGA have already begun.

wollte eig einen thread machen aber wer weiß schon was das für ein spiel sein wird : D
Microsoft confirms Kinect PC SDK release for next month

Microsoft has reportedly confirmed it’s to release an SDK for Kinect in March. The software will initially be limited to non-commercial use.

The move confirms a previous rumour that the company was preparing to officially open up the 360 motion camera to developers.

Microsoft said today that a commercial version of the SDK – which will allow people to make Kinect-based apps and games for profit – will follow at an unspecified date.

Microsoft has previously said that it shipped more than 8 million Kinect units in 60 days from launching the device last year.

Avatar Kinect Demo


Microsoft plans Kinect SDK

"We think we're going to see a huge explosion in interest," said Craig Mundie, the company's chief research and strategy officer. "We welcome that and will support it."

Said Mattrick during the briefing today, "This seemed like a great way to build on the momentum, intellect and creativity of that community."

Update: After the session, I got a chance to talk with Mattrick about the controversy last year over the Kinect hacks. He said the initial reaction opposing the hacks was the result of a misunderstanding inside the company, which he corrected once he found out about it. The SDK was planned all along, he said. The company just needed to put a priority on shipping the device first.

Buzz! dev: Kinect "a stroke of genius"

Hiho, ich bräuchte mal Hilfe bei Kinect. Und zwar hat mich mein Bruder gerade angerufen, er hat für die Kids das Xbox/Kinect-Bundle gekauft und nun Probleme. Und zwar meint er das nach ca. 20 Minuten der Avatar oder die Spielfigur bei Adventure sich unkontrolliert bewegen. Er oder die Kids stehen ruhig da, aber die Figur bewegt sich vor oder zurück, zappelt rum und wenn er die Hand runter macht geht sie hoch und so weiter. Die Kinect-Hardware wurde schon getauscht aber Problem ist das selbe, jemand ne Idee?
Hiho, ich bräuchte mal Hilfe bei Kinect. Und zwar hat mich mein Bruder gerade angerufen, er hat für die Kids das Xbox/Kinect-Bundle gekauft und nun Probleme. Und zwar meint er das nach ca. 20 Minuten der Avatar oder die Spielfigur bei Adventure sich unkontrolliert bewegen. Er oder die Kids stehen ruhig da, aber die Figur bewegt sich vor oder zurück, zappelt rum und wenn er die Hand runter macht geht sie hoch und so weiter. Die Kinect-Hardware wurde schon getauscht aber Problem ist das selbe, jemand ne Idee?
Schlechte Lichtverhältnisse?
Falsch oder ungünstig aufgebaut?
Zuwenig/zuviel Abstand?
Kinect Tuner mal gecheckt?
Müßte ich mal heute abklären. Was wäre denn bei diesen Punkten der Normalfall?
Kein direktes Licht auf den Sensor (starkes Sonnenlicht auf Sensor)
Am besten den Sensor auf Augenhöhe platzieren (zwischen ~60 und ~1,80m)
Mindestabstand 1,50m abhängig von der Körpergröße (am besten ~2-3m entfernt stehen)
Im Kinect Tuner evtl. nochmal neu konfigurieren und schauen ob auch dort nach ner zeit alles verrückt spielt
Microsoft Research Details Faster Method For Identifying Player Bodies On Kinect

A new paper from Microsoft Research in Cambridge details how machine learning routines are being used to improve the speed and accuracy of limb-detection techniques for the company's Kinect sensor.

"Real-Time Human Pose Recognition in Parts from Single Depth Images" [PDF, summary] lays out in detail new AI routines that could be used to improve Kinect performance in future software.

The basic process involves analyzing millions of 3D depth maps that were pre-labeled with identifiable body parts -- such as arms, legs and torso. A server consisting of 1,000 cores analyzed roughly a million of these images each day, compiling the aggregate results into a series of trees that could successfully identify the body parts quickly without the identifying data.

Once the trees are fully built, they're used to probabilistically guess a specific body part for each bit of 3D pixel data taken in by Kinect. Finally, the system uses these pixels to assign positions for the joints that make up the skeleton of a character's 3D model.

The researchers claim the Xbox 360 GPU can perform this pattern recognition process in under 5 ms -- a rate of over 200 frames per second -- which the team says is "at least one order of magnitude faster than existing approaches." What's more, the large number of machine learning inputs means the process reportedly works across a variety of different body types without any calibration poses, as seen in this explanatory video.

Early Kinect demos and software received some criticism from developers and observers for a noticeable lag between real-world motions and on-screen reactions when using Kinect, which some measured at hundreds of milliseconds. ifying_Player_Bodies_On_Kinect.php

Child of Eden Kinect Trailer
30.03.11 - Ubisoft zeigt einen Kinect Trailer zum Musik-Shooter Child of Eden (PS3, Xbox 360), der am 14.06.11 in den USA erscheint.
DOWNLOAD VIDEO (Child of Eden - Kinect Trailer)
Rare: We've only used 10% of Kinect's technical capabilities

Incubation software director explains inspiration behind BAFTA winner

Rare has only taken advantage of "10 to 15 per cent" of Kinect's technical potential so far - and the studio is going great guns to fully explore the "virtually limitless" possibilities afforded by the device.

That was the message from Rare incubation software director Nick Burton tonight at London's Institute for Contemporary Arts.

Still clearly beaming from the UK firm's BAFTA victory for Kinect Sports, Burton explained that Rare had long been interested in the possibilities of motion control - including experiments with the Xbox 360 Vision camera as far back as 2005.

He said that Rare's modus operandi with Kinect was to "make it conform to the player's control, rather than the other way round".

Burton explained: "Kinect Sports was the first game I've made that my mum has played. She could watch me playing it and instinctively learn the controls just from what I was doing. For core gamers like me, the joypad has evolved, it's been honed. But to others it's intimidating."

He revealed that Rare had to overcome the problem of different players' natural movement, especially whilst sprinting - and avoid forcing its customers to move in pre-designated ways in order to win in-game. Some players crouched when running, he said, whilst others stood tall with a wider width between their legs.

In an engaging, enthused talk, Burton gave the audience of games design students and industry figures a "behind the curtain" view of Kinect Sports, showing off how it took advantage of the peripheral's depth sensor to nail players' movement.

Meanwhile, he showed how Kinect's ability to read 20 points on the body allowed for the game to "pick up on the subtleties, like twisting your wrist or the perfect release point during bowling", whilst still allowing those with a less studied understanding of gaming techniques to record pleasing performances.

Burton recollected that Kinect Sports' Football (soccer) mini-game was one of the hardest to get right for Rare. The studio didn't know how to represent running at first, and tried various approaches.

Discarded ideas included getting players to jog on the spot continually - which "left everyone in the studio knackered" - and to give avatars the natural state of sprinting, with the option to stop via a 'trapping' motion and pick a direction by turning. However, combined with shooting, passing and tackling, this was deemed to be "a bit like rubbing your tummy and patting your head".

In the end, Rare gave some power back to the game's AI, with avatars running around the pitch as players picked out the best timed pass to move up the field.

However, it was the future of the device that really got Burton buzzing. He said that Kinect's "layers" of 3D infra-red depth reading, ability to track body points and voice recognition meant the possibilities for future software were "virtually limitless". Rare's next Kinect project would take advantage of more of the device's features, he suggested, including online connectivity.

Burton said Rare were avid fans of the so-called Kinect hacks doing the rounds, and had tested out many of the ideas seen on YouTube internally.

He was joined on stage by Microsoft-man-turned-Rare-studio-head Scott Henson, who echoed Burton's opinion - stating that Kinect was a "blank canvas" whose true possibilities were still unknown.

Picking ideas out of the air, Henson said he could see a day where Kinect's ability to read player's identity - and automatically sign them into Xbox Live - could revolutionise the living room with instant, bespoke entertainment.

"Now we've got 'Kinect, pause', which is great," he said - referring to the device's voice recognition during movie playback. "But imagine sitting in your living room and saying: 'Kinect, entertain me.' That's where we're going."

When asked by an audience member if he could see a core game like Halo working with Kinect, Burton queried whether Halo fans would want a traditional "run and gun" experience with motion control - but suggested that a Halo game created for the device itself could work.

On the subject of latency - and how restrictive it could be to Kinect's potential - Burton said that there was less lag between a player's movement and Kinect than there was from a button press on a traditional pad.

Rare took the wraps off the undeniably fun, polished Kinect Sports at E3 last summer. All eyes now turn to this year's event in June.
Ich denke, dass wir uns alle einig sind, dass Rare mit Kinect Sports das beste Game für den Sensor gemacht hat. Nicht nur wegen dem Multiplayerspielspaß oder der Tatsache, dass es ein bekanntes Format ist, das aber durch die Avatars/Inszenierung wesentlich charmanter als z.B. ein Sports Champions umgesetzt wurde, sondern eben auch wegen der reinen Steuerung.

Ich hoffe, dass Rare da in Zukunft anknüpft.

10% sind halt Marketing Blabla ;)
Erscheint Segas Rise of Nightmares am 15. Juni in Europa?
06.04.11 - Das Kinect-Horror-Spiel Rise of Nightmares von Sega soll am 15.06.11 in Großbritannien auf den Markt kommen. Das meldet die britische BBFC, die eine Altersfreigabe von 18 Jahren für das Spiel vergeben hat.

Sega hat den Termin bislang noch nicht bestätigt.
CLICK (Gamerzines: "Rise of Nightmares coming to UK June 15, rated 18")
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