SK Theories: While most of you are pissed about the news, some rumblings around the net are saying this is a "sanity effect" that SK and Nintendo are doing before E3 where they will supposedly announce ED2. Given the timing, the fact that Nintendo has made no official statement (except for an unnamed rep), and the fact Denis is a sneaky bastard (and I mean that in a good way), it doesn't seem all that unlikely. Also, you have to remember that any time a company has broken off from Nintendo previously there was something preceeding it to show things were going bad. When Rare left there were rumors abound, when Left-Field left 1080 was mysteriously taken away from them a week prior, here, this was out of the clear blue, which seems counter to the trend. Wether it's true or not, I wouldn't put this kind of 'stunt' beyond SK and Nintendo, and the more I think about it, the more it seems it could be the answer. Thanks to dethdemon at for cluing us in to the theory.