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Nicht so pessimistisch sein! ^^
New Marais itself is an impressive city, with its more varied architecture, interesting locales and a feel of its own. Fox said a place like New Marais is great for a story like Cole's.
"My father is actually from New Orleans, so [growing up] I heard a lot of tall tales as a child, about dogs getting eaten by alligators, about very dangerous places to go when you're a boy, scary alleys, cemeteries above ground, spooky architecture, people going crazy on Mardi Gras," he said. "It seemed like the ideal place to put a superhero's much more gothic."
The tone fits well with the direction the story is taking—following the chopper chase, Cole is confronted by a huge worm-like monster that ends the demo—although how it plays out remains to be seen. Overall, though, the game seems to be a vast improvement over the original. Although some fans have been none too pleased with Cole's redesign (I actually think it's great), Sucker Punch emphasized that it's a work in progress, and could still be changed before the game ships next year. In any case, InFamous 2 looks to be much closer to the ideal superhero game, with more character and color than the first. Be sure to check back for more about the game as new information comes out.
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You'll start the game with a wide range of abilities learned during Cole's time in Empire City, drastically improving the feeling of actually being a superhero rather than going through the obligatory power strip-down that's become so common in most games. Fox said over the course of the game Cole will only gain more powers, becoming a "a really super superhero," which we feel can only be a good thing.