PS3 Infamous 2 - Cole McGrath Evolution

Verteilt ihr Blitz und Donner oder spielt Cole mit Wasser?

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Offizieller Consolewars Thread
Entwickler: Sucker Punch Productions
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Genre: Open World
7. Juni 2011 (NA) | 8. Juni 2011 (EU) | 10. Juni 2011 (UK) | 10. Juni 2011 (Deutschland)




Cole ist zurück und muss sich nach den Ereignissen in Empire City auf das Biest vorbereiten. Doch die Vorbereitung fällt kürzer aus als gedacht und Cole muss am Anfang von Infamous 2 gegen das überraschend auftauchende Biest antreten. Keine Chance und geschlagen zieht Cole nach New Marais. Empire City in Schutt und Asche gelegt und das Biest entlang der Ostküste wütend, ist das von New Orleans inspirierte New Marais Cole´s einzige Chance. Ein Wissenschaftler behauptet den Schlüssel gegen das Biest zu besitzen. Die letzte Hoffnung der Menschheit liegt in den Händen eines Mannes... Cole McGrath.

wird fortgesetzt...


Zeitraum Juli /E3 2010
Chase Gameplay (gamersyde)

E3 2010 Trailer

Game Informer presents Infamous 2

"We're able to have a much more empathetic narrative this time"
"It was a superhero game that you could get into and have a good time. The second game, if we do our jobs right, will hopefully give you a heart attack."
"Cole getting around - the marriage of parkour and superpowers - creates this incredible jungle gym of mobility. It becomes this landscape of opportunities when you can zip up a building, then find a wire that goes across empty space. You're making it up as you go, and you're stringing together these cool moves that allow you to dominate the space in a way that only Cole can do."
"There are bigger consequences to your choices, and it's not really obvious what's good and bad."
"Morality is certainly a big part of the product." "And we are committed to making it impactful and meaningful, and have it be something you feel is responsive to how you're playing the game."

IGN E3 2010 Preview

the two biggest changes are the new level of detail and destruction. The roofs you're running across are covered in picnic tables, the streets have phone booths, and the people running around the streets are terrified. What makes all those little touches cool is the fact that you can completely eff them up. When Cole throws out that vortex, it sucks up cars and the inanimate objects lining the streets. When he fires off one of his electricity missiles and it hits a car that tumbles into those porches I mentioned, the three-story structure collapses to the ground. Smoke gets kicked up and fires break out – the world is alive in a way Empire City never was.

Arstechnica Preview

New Marais itself is an impressive city, with its more varied architecture, interesting locales and a feel of its own. Fox said a place like New Marais is great for a story like Cole's.
"My father is actually from New Orleans, so [growing up] I heard a lot of tall tales as a child, about dogs getting eaten by alligators, about very dangerous places to go when you're a boy, scary alleys, cemeteries above ground, spooky architecture, people going crazy on Mardi Gras," he said. "It seemed like the ideal place to put a superhero's much more gothic."
The tone fits well with the direction the story is taking—following the chopper chase, Cole is confronted by a huge worm-like monster that ends the demo—although how it plays out remains to be seen. Overall, though, the game seems to be a vast improvement over the original. Although some fans have been none too pleased with Cole's redesign (I actually think it's great), Sucker Punch emphasized that it's a work in progress, and could still be changed before the game ships next year. In any case, InFamous 2 looks to be much closer to the ideal superhero game, with more character and color than the first. Be sure to check back for more about the game as new information comes out.

Elektrische Standbilder

Unser Superheld

Cole Design E3 2010

  • Charakteranlehnung an Extremsportler (Tony Hawk, Travis Pastrana, Chris Sharma)
  • Comicslides und Zwischensequenzen
  • Nahkampfwaffen
  • nicht nur an Gebäuden hinaufspringen, sondern man bahnt sich seinen Weg durch Nutzung von Umgebungsobjekten um einen größeren Eindruck von Erforschung zubekommen (You wont just jump up buildings but will construct ways to make it up buildings using objects to heighten that sense of exploration.)
  • Cole soll in Teil zwei zum "Super Superhero" werden

Der berüchtigte Freund des Helden


  • Zeke wird Cole im Verlauf des Spieles mit eigen entwickelten Ausrüstungsgegenständen ausstatten quasi Sucker Punchs Version von Q aus den Bondfilmen
Unser neuer Sandkasten

New Marlais - fiktives New Orleans







Game Informer - Creating New Marais: City Design in Infamous 2

  • New Marais, angelehnt an New Orleans
  • zerstörbare Umgebung, bislang bestätigt Balkonbeschädigungen
  • Grindmechanik wird ausgebaut, man kann jetzt vertikal an Fallrohren (Regenrinnen) an Gebäuden gleiten

  • typischen Verbesserungen, mehr Leute, mehr Autos, insgesamt scheint mehr in der Stadt zu passieren

"Zerstörbare Umgebung"


Superkräfte und Waffen


  • Cole erhält Icepower im Verlauf der Handlung
  • Superkräfte aus Teil 1 werden nicht wie typisch am Anfang dem Spieler entrissen, alle Fähigkeiten vom Vorgänger sofort nutzbar

"Coles neues Spielzeug - The Amp - "



"Ionischer Wirbel - Blitztornado fürs Auge"





Sucker Punchs Formwandler

Charaktervergleich Cole inFamous vs Cole inFamous 2

Sly Devils: The History of Sucker Punch Productions Game Informer


"Infamous was called True Hero until just before its debut at E3 in 2007"
Superheros And What Lies Beyond

As happy as Sucker Punch was working on the Sly Cooper series, it felt that it was time for a change. “It’s a different world now than it was when we first started,” says Zimmerman. “The games people buy now are different than they were ten years ago. You have to adapt to that. Infamous was a big change for us in terms of tone, and character, and story. We changed nearly everything about the studio.”
The company hadn’t worked on a new IP in close to a decade, and building up a world from scratch proved to be a greater challenge than the team expected. “The original pitch we did for Infamous was ‘It’s Animal Crossing, but you’re a superhero.’ That’s where it started,” says Zimmerman. It was an evolving process, but within the first six months of development, Sucker Punch’s loose ideas began a metamorphosis. The city and the story began to take shape as Sucker Punch took all the elements of a superhero title that featured moral choices in an open world and shaped them into what Infamous would become.
However, the most impressive feat of Infamous’ development is that Sucker Punch produced a game that can proudly sit on store shelves next to titles like Uncharted 2 and Assassin’s Creed II while keeping its development team relatively small. Less than 80 people currently work at the Seattle-based developer. To put this in perspective, BioWare has several hundred people on its Mass Effect team, and Ubisoft reportedly paid over 400 people to work on Assassin’s Creed II. “We’re not driven by trying to be the top selling game,” says Fleming. “We don’t worry about what we think the market is going to do, or try to be the number one selling game by figuring out that the next big thing will be pet games or whatever. It’s much more about working on what we want to do that can find a market.”
Infamous found its market. It quickly garnered a faithful fanbase after its May 2009 release. The game also sold well, but it was far from the best selling title of the year. Still, game sales aren’t the only things Sucker Punch cares about. “Something I think about is the 80-year-old man test,” says Fleming. “When we’re all old and retired and someone is making these newfangled video games, will we look back fondly on what we did? It’s not going to be about 'Did we sell the most units that year?' It will be about 'Did we think those games were great?' The most important thing to me is that our games are really good.” If critical response is anything to judge success by, than Fleming has nothing to worry about. Sucker Punch still hasn’t released a game that hasn’t been praised for its inventiveness by at least a few outlets.
As its name suggests, Sucker Punch always seems ready to deliver a surprise or two from out of nowhere. The team is happy with its small size; it’s happy working on the game’s it makes, but it’s constantly trying to shift its focus and deliver that shocking blow from out of nowhere. Maybe someday the industry will see it coming. Until then Sucker P0in a way that only*t it loves.

“When we’re all old and retired and someone is making these newfangled video games, will we look back fondly on what we did? It’s not going to be about 'Did we sell the most units that year?' It will be about 'Did we think those games were great?' The most important thing to me is that our games are really good.”

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Nun Cole im ersten Teil sieht wie eine lebendige Badass Batterie aus.
Der "neue" Cole wie ein Kandidat der für DSDS zurecht gestylt wurde.
Naja mal schaun, das neue Design sieht irgendwie komisch aus. Die Theorie mit Kessler halt ich gar nicht für schlecht. Sucker Punch wird sicher wieder was tolles für die Ps3 zaubern. Und wenn man an den Sprung von Sly zu Sly2 denkt, könnte uns auch SP mit Infamous2 ordentlich überraschen.
Nun ein doch eher comiclastigerer Look würde wohl dem Gesamtbild helfen.
Die Charakterneuausrichtung scheint da konsequent und massenkompatibel.

Vlt. hat man da auch die Wahl am Anfang des Spiels eine "Version" von Cole auszuwählen. Da braucht das Spiel nur zu prüfen, ob man schon den Vorgänger gezockt hat und dann gibt es halt die Option das Originalmodel auszuwählen.

Neue Spieler würde es nicht interessieren und die Infamous 1 Cole mehr mögen können mit diesen spielen. Folglich gewinnen alle, niemand verliert ( in der Theorie).^^
ok... nicht wirklich überraschend... erstes gameplay dann auf der E3... freut mich auf alle fälle! hoffentlich gibts keinen MP!!!
hab gerade Infamous beendet. Tolles Game, nur komm ich jetzt überhaupt nicht klar auf dieses Artwork. Was soll das sein? Cole? :lol: :shakehead:

Die Kessler Theorie halte ich für unwahrscheinlich, hallo? nach dem ende von teil 1 will man diesem ominösen "Beast" den Arsch verschmoren und die Welt retten und nix anderes :scan:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Anscheinend wird im GI Artikel beschrieben, dass SP eine Änderung der Personalität wollte:
"The goal I have is to make a more appealing, more compelling main character," said Matthias Lorenz, art director.

"One of the things we looked at is what would an EXTREME sports star - like Travis Pastrana, Tony Hawk or Chris Sharma - what would they be like if they had super powers," said Billy Harper, animation lead. "We want him to be a little gritty, a little street, without the grumpiness.

Nun wer kam auf die Idee, den Charakter an Extremsportler anzulehnen? Man dies kann ziemlich nach hinten losgehen.

Nicht das Cole vorher an Charisma Overkill leidete, aber er war doch... effektiv.

Ach und anscheinend keine Comicslides sondern richtige Cutscenes.
Muss mir vorher noch Teil 1 besorgen, aber freut mich schonmal das Teil 2 kommt :)
Wenn es keine Comicslides gibt und der neue Cole wirklich SO aussieht, dann muss ich es mir echt 2 Mal überlegen, den 2. Teil zu kaufen!

Aber erstmal abwarten, wird bestimmt alles super ;-)
Egal wie der aussieht, hauptsache das Game wird gut...
Vielleicht haben die Entscheidungen aus dem 1. Teil Auswirkungen auf den Verlauf der Geschichte im Nachfolger. So wie bei ME.
Das einzige was mich ab und zu am ersten Teil gestört hat, war das der Ingame Cole mal überhaupt nicht so aussah wie der aus den Zwischensequenzen^^



Ich zitiere mal einfach aus gt forum:

There are pictures of what appears to be in-game screens although I can't be sure as there are no HUD or anything.

Picture 1. Cole kind of spidey sticking to a wall next to a window with green shudders, cable wiring strung across strung above his head and a busy ole style street below him. It looks almost Victorian with people waiting to cross the cross walk, cars driving with their headlights on at night and brick stone streets.

Picture 2. An almost silhouetted comic style picture of the beast, he looks like Dr. Manhattan but red.

Bottom row of pictures are beautiful concept art of types of in game settings. I'm seeing high contrast, run down blade runner style streets resembling Las Vegas on a small scale. An assassins creed style cathedral, a creepy swamp with a dock and light pouring in from large dead trees with moss hanging from them. What appears to be a cemetery or tombs. Another swampy area but with a resident evil run down mansion in the background.

Picture 3. Cole wielding a big electricity conductor club that looks sort of like a double bladed sword. He is standing in front of a guy wearing cargo pants, a sweater and a helmet hood with a bunch of orange patterns and a gun.

Picture 4. is an assassins creed style image with cole peering over a sun drenched Venice city...although small and hard to make out.

Picture 5. Concept art of a multi colored lit tower in the middle of many old buildings.

Picture 6. Close up from behind cole standing in a water flooded area with capsized boat and old swamp house in the background.

Picture 7. Cole doing a huge spin attack sideways in the air with his electric club/sword. He knocking one of those militia guards into the air.

Picture 8. Close up of Cole doing his classic electricity zap attack to another militia guard. I believe these foot soldiers are people trying to remove people with powers.

Picture 9. A picture of Cole using a new power where he is thrust upward the side of a building via a cable line.

Picture 10. Cole doing a huge electric attack decimating everything in the area including a taxi and foot soldiers.

Picture 11. Close up behind Cole executing a huge electric vortex sucking up anyone and everything.

Picture 12. Cole doing another one of those vortex attacks but in a more visually striking scene.

Picture 13. A screen cap from an in-game cutscene where Cole is leaping and or rolling away from a huge explosion caused by a helicopter missle.

- Bigger bosses, promises to be meaner.
- A smoother morality system, not so black and white.
- Water kills you, tread lightly in swamps.
- Far more visually distinctive areas.
- Possibility of online functionality.

If you haven't seen the Cole Re-design, hes much more attractive, hes essentially the Male version of the girl from Mirrors Edge. Hes got that handsome everyman face, with a light beard/mustache. A stylish hand bandage, messenger bag, simple necklace, V-cut shirt striped pants and a more modern looking two toed ninja boot.

Some quotes:
"We're able to have a much more empathetic narrative this time"

"It was a superhero game that you could get into and have a good time. The second game, if we do our jobs right, will hopefully give you a heart attack."

"Cole getting around - the marriage of parkour and superpowers - creates this incredible jungle gym of mobility. It becomes this landscape of opportunities when you can zip up a building, then find a wire that goes across empty space. You're making it up as you go, and you're stringing together these cool moves that allow you to dominate the space in a way that only Cole can do."

"There are bigger consequences to your choices, and it's not really obvious what's good and bad."

"Morality is certainly a big part of the product." "And we are committed to making it impactful and meaningful, and have it be something you feel is responsive to how you're playing the game."

Update dann morgen nochmal und hoffentlich gibts dann auch Scans. :)
Ok der Beitrag aus dem GT Forum hat mich beruhigt. Hab schon gedacht, dass das Moral-System dem Redesign von Cole zum Opfer fällt. Aber anscheinend kann man immer noch als böser Cole die Stadt in Schutt und Asche legen. Vlt sieht der böse Cole auch etwas cooler aus als das neue Design des guten Coles.
Und das Biest? Scheint sich wohl um nen neuen Gegner zu handeln.
"Cole wird von einem neuen Sprecher synchronisiert"

langsam verlier ich die Lust auf das Game, was zur Hölle machen die?
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