Xbox360 Halo Reach

Und genau aus den im obigen Videos gesehen Situationen kann ein Killzone oder Call of Duty 20x besser aussehen als Halo. Es wird niemals besser sein. Halo ist immer wieder anders, abwechslungsreich und überraschend.
Ich kanns seit heute Mittag endlich dank Gold online Spielen und meine Fresse, das Spiel bockt noch viel mehr als im lokalen 4-Spieler-Showdown.
Big Team Battle mit 8 gegen 8 (oder 6 gegen 6, was auch immer es ist) macht tieeerisch Spaß. :)

Gibts eig. die Möglichkeit Spiele nach einer Map zu filtern, auf der man spielen möchte? Oder kann man lediglich nach Können, Verbindung und nochwas ( :ugly: ) filtern? :)
Report: New Halo: Reach add-on coming “very soon,” says Nelson

Major Nelson has hinted that a second add-on pack for Halo Reach is on the horizon.

Apparently speaking in an Inside Xbox video, Nelson drops the news whilst discussing the Bungie shooter.

Only one map pack have been available thus far for the game, the Noble Map Pack.

Thanks, TSA.

Wird sowieso gekauft
bin gespannt wie die neuen karten aussehen und sich spielen lassen werden
die karten von noble map pack sind richtig toll
Leaked Halo: Reach Map Pack – Defiant




Here's a story you will not find anywhere else yet, and moreover, an exclusive French, see International ! As the title tells you, here is the name of the next map pack for Halo Reach the Defiant Map Pack ! Again thank you to our ninjas for this extraordinary action, and rather quickly. But now, talking more in detail about this new map pack. Before you disclose everything, I wish to inform you that it is possible that this pack is not made available to the public , for the simple reason that it is also a test for another map pack . Be careful again, but rest assured, you can certainly put your feet on the land.

Let's start with the contents of this pack, which includes 2 multiplayer maps , and little novelty in the DLC card Firefight ! Bearing sweet names Sentenced and Highlands , the map shows it is called FF Unearthed , here also, an overview of recent, at least the icon of the cards you will see appear in your list in local content, in the order listed:

This is typed card BTB, but how to Storm, playable 4 against 4 very easily. This pack will weigh 450MO, and certainly available (if appropriate) for 800 Micosoft Point:

- Unearthed : As a card for the baptism of fire, will be easily playable at 4 against an army of Covenant , and it seems even more open than can be map On the Beach.
- Condemned : It is situated in space, and seems to be human in the frigate destroyed during the mission "A long night of comfort", namely the Savannah . Playable 4 against 4 as it will accommodate the best 12 players .
- High-lands : Map apocalyptic situation, because during your battles, a croisseur Covenant will be happy to lead the rest through its firing to vitrify Reach, as you can see in the pictures below. This card could be adapted to be used as qu'Invasion, and all other game modes, and can accommodate from 8 to 16 players . This card draws much of the essence of Halo: CE .

And for your enjoyment, here are some pictures of these same cards, at least, more particularly from Terre Haute . We are sorry the quality of these images, we have not yet at our disposal a HD capture card , so we had to content ourselves with our poor cameras, waiting again for new ways to buy a digital SLR (joke).





geilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll !!!!!!!!!!!!! :aargh:
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