Xbox360 Halo Reach

Cool das man das so modden kann ! Die anderen sind nur neidisch das die sowas net können, also nicht über sowas aufregen :)
Die änderungen zur Final:

> Luke Smith isn't part of the podcast this month, as he's busy.
> It will be Sketch and Urk
> The guests are Carney, and Hamrick (at the beginning).
> They make various jokes about how the Beta was perfect and that there isn't a bunch left to do since they tested all the maps but one.
> Stuff they are discussing could change again between now and the release.
> The biggest takeaway was how everybody used the armor abillities, there wasn't a #1 armor abillity, even ones that they predicted wouldn't get a lot of love, like invis.
> They think Armor Lock was slightly too powerful, but people learned to play against it and it has since been tweaked slightly.
> One of the more suprising glitches was the Elite / Spartan switcheroo in Invasion where elites are defending and Spartans are attacking
> Host Migrations were also suprisingly wacky.
> They fixed Invis so that team mates don't scramble your team mate's radar, just your's and your enemies
> Armorlock got the most tweaking
> The reason why Armor Lock was at 11 in the first place was because they added a bunch of features to make it so that when you pop out of armor lock you don't immediately get hosed because that isn't very enjoyable.
> They gave you an invunerabillity shield for the first second after exiting armor lock, and if they melee'd you while in armor lock, you get stunned, and your shields were damaged, but people got good with it and learned how to activate it perfectly in order to damage people who were meleeing
> They also messed with energy useage for armor lock, because it was too easy to block a ton of grenades with perfectly timed taps.
> Now energy get's used up faster, people still get stunned if they melee you while you are armor locked, but no damage to their shields,
> The EMP from the burst doesn't occur from taps anymore, you have to charge it up a bit before the EMP effect occurs
> They took that 1 to 2 seconds of invunerabillity and shrunk it to a quarter second
> There's more Armor Abillities coming in the Final Game
> Movement Speed / Jumping (~13:40 in)
> In Halo Ce there was a jump height of 6 or 7 feet, in Halo 2 / 3 it was 10 feet (WOAH!)
> In the Beta, we could jump 7 feet, maybe 8 feet with crouch jumping
> It's hard to compare visually to previous games because of the change in the field of view
> It's hard to respond to feedback against purposeful design changes like "Spartan IIIs are slower than Spartan IIs", because you don't want them saying "It doesn't feel like Halo", but what do they mean by that? Someone on the forums who will go unamed said that it just wasn't as fun to move anymore
> If you are getting as much "I hate this" as "I love this", you're probably doing okay (though it is prefereable to get more "I love this")
> They've tweaked the jump height and the movement speed now. It's unnoticable to some people but noticable to others
> They assure us that like in Halo 3 you can mess with the base movement speed if you feel that it is still too slow
> There's a lot of little thing that got tweaked that won't stand out as a massive change, but combined, might make a difference, not radically different but different
> The key to happiness is apparently never reading the internet
> Sketch worries that the headshot glitch really skewed the perception of some people about the beta, "Must be the weapon's fault!" or "Must be the bloom!" but it's fixed now
> This headshot glitch resulted from a tweak that Sage put in prior to the beta. Let's say that you have a sniper, there's an enemy with an AR in front of you and slightly to the side, and behind him (and directly across from you) is an enemy with the sniper. The guy with the Sniper is the larger threat, so you want to kill him first, but auto aim makes this difficult as you would latch on to the guy with the AR. Sage was messing with this in Reach to do a sort of target priority thing so you would latch on to the guy with the Sniper instead
>As a result of this tweaking it was no longer prioritizing the head as your auto aim target and was directing things more towards the body which made it harder to score headshots
>It's fixed now so that it still aims for the sniper guy but doesn't throw off your headshots
> This was one of the most important things fixed in the beta
> They felt so bad about hearing about glitches that got fixed shortly after the beta build was sent off.
> Melee was supposedly very broken in the beta
> In the beta you're going to clang if you melee "like 5 seconds" between the two.
> From Halo 3 they took five frames off the end of the melee to make it smoother, so the melee still takes 30 frames, but you can melee again at 25, but it was discovered that it was a little fast, so they pushed it back to 30 frames
> So essentially it's now the same speed as Halo 3
> Now about Vehicles
> In the interal alpha vehicles were like Paper Mache
> Sage is literally working on the vehicles as we speak
> They are making them not as fragile
> It's a balance though. Sure, if you got the scorpion away from the spawn area, you should be thanking your lucky stars. But once you did, it became a death machine
> "This is hilarious, but also very intersting to work out."
> But yeah, they're working on it.
> Grenades were also interesting. At first everyone was like "OMG NUKES!" then they started to calm down after the first week.
> Poor Carney isn't getting map / gametype questions :(
> Frag grenades are the only thing they've touched really. They tried to make them more like Halo CE, strong, but apparently people like them weaker like in Halo 2 / Halo 3.
> They lowered frag grenades by one point. In the beta, they would take all of your shields and one third of your health from a direct blast. Because of the shield recharge mechanic, you wouldn't be recharging that 1/3 of your health that you lost. However, now that it does one less point of damage, you can recharge your health back to full (assuming you were undamaged at the time of the frag) if you can slip away without taking any more damage. So if you take a frag and run away, you'll be able to recover and be able to fight again, while in the beta you would take the grenade and be crippled, after three grenade blasts you would die if you couldn't find a health pack.
> They also shrunk the blast radius slightly smaller, and made the timer on the grenade one tenth of a second longer, which again seems like it doesn't do a lot but it does.
> So all this means is that it's a little easier to get away from grenades.
> So like you can aim at your feet, throw a grenade, and back up, and be able to escape unscathed.
> Also keep in mind that with a slightly faster run speed and higher jump height, grenades are even easier to escape from.
> It's a very fragile house of cards, small changes have huge ripples
> They messed with the shield indicator was reporting to you the wrong ammount of shields, well, not wrong, but it was slightly off, but it's fixed and will read correctly
> [Insert jokes about people really missing the ODST Red shields so they are bringing that back along with near constant beeping at the slightest scratch of your shield]
tja jetzt fehlt nur noch die finale grafik und ich bin zufrieden :v:

reach wird rocken :goodwork:
da bin ich absolut anderer meinung :blushed:

aber sagt mal gibt das schon etwas vom sngleplayer wo man bestaunen kann? mich würde interessieren wie der aussieht weil das spiel kommt ja bald.

nee, ist aber typisch für bungie, auf der e3 wird es wohl eine singleplayer demo zum sehen geben und einen trailer das wars dann auch.

natürlich kommen noch ein paar viddocs, aber da gibt es nie viel zum sehen^^
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