PS3 Gran Turismo 5

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ich krieg die krise, da gibste dem idioten nen Pickup der 325 Kmh fährt, und die pfeife, bremst andauernd ab, fährt wie ne richtige pussy.Schaue die Gegner an, alle munter drücken auf die pedale und geben Gas ohne ende.
* Seasonal Events: [Seasonal Events] have been added to the [GT Mode] – [GT Life] screen. From here you can participate in official online events from the Polyphony Digital team. In these events, all participants are under the same regulations, and if you complete the event you will win rewards and experience. Compete on the leader boards with players around the world, in Time Trials and Drift Trials!
* Online Collector’s Dealership: An [Online Collector's Dealership] has been added to the left and centre of the [GT Mode]-[GT Life] screen. In here you will find popular and rare cars. You might just come across that one car you’ve always been looking for, that you haven’t been able to find in the [Used Car Dealership].
* Online Race Rewards and Experience: When you complete a race in the [Open Lobby] or [My Lounge], you will now gain rewards and experience points. Even if you are focused more on playing online, you’ll still be able to gain rewards and levels that you need to progress in [GT Life].
* Driving Distance and Number of Wins in Online Races: The driving distance and the number of wins you achieve when you complete a race in [Open Lobby] or [My Lounge] will now affect your stats in [Profile] and the [Garage]. Here the results from your online play will cumulate within [GT Life].
* Improved Rewards: The rewards for winning races in both A-Spec and B-Spec in [GT Mode]-[GT Life] have been increased for a limited time only. (This applies until the end of January 2011.) This is a great chance for those who were previously having difficulties getting ahead in the game, due to a lack of funds for tuning and purchasing required cars.
* Race Information Display: It is now possible to set the [Race Info Display] in [Start]-[Quick Options]. (You can also set this in [Race Display] in [Options]).
* Save Data Backup: You can now copy and restore your save data. For details, please refer to the in-game [Manual].
* User BGM (Menu): From [Options]-[Hardware]-[Audio Settings], it is now possible to set the [User BGM] (Menu)]. (This can also be set from the [Music Library] within [GT Mode]).
* Car Name Change: The official name of “Red Bull X1″ has been changed to the “Red Bull X2010″.
* Integration with the Website: The main features within [GT Mode]-[Community] can now also be accessed through the “” official website.
* [Important Note:] We have made improvements to the [Log] within [GT Mode]- [Community] section, in order to make its operation more stable. Please note that the information that was contained here from before the update has been reset.


* The license test menus have been streamlined. After winning a bronze or silver trophy, for example, you have the option to immediately restart the test without having to sit through the animation sequence. (Thanks, Alex.)
* GT Academy USA has now been listed in the new Seasonal Events (I’m writing up a full post on this now).
* Mechanical damage has now been implemented in the game’s “Practice Mode” – the first time the feature has been usable outside of the custom online events.

kommt man nach 7 std uni nach hause und dann sowas.. gooil
und nice one. lightning hab mir den formula wagen in schwül lila gekauft, ausleihe ist damit nicht mehr notwendig ^^ Danke dennoch
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Sagt mal ich gewinne laufend Autos in Meisterschaften, aber irgendwie sind sie nicht in meiner Garage....

Is das nen Bug oder wieso kann ich sie net auswählen?
Gott, wie blöd von mir, danke^^

Aber wieso is das so umständlich gemacht? versteh den Sinn dahinter nicht^^
Bah, bei mir geht garnichts mehr online.

Wollte ein geschenktes Auto entgegen nehmen. Keins gesehen, also "alle empfangen". Dann ging garnichts mehr. Habe Disconnect gemacht und neu angemeldet und nun tut sich im Hauptmenü garnichts mehr online, als wäre mein Controller aus/tot. Dabei läuft es ganz normal :(
Bah, bei mir geht garnichts mehr online.

Wollte ein geschenktes Auto entgegen nehmen. Keins gesehen, also "alle empfangen". Dann ging garnichts mehr. Habe Disconnect gemacht und neu angemeldet und nun tut sich im Hauptmenü garnichts mehr online, als wäre mein Controller aus/tot. Dabei läuft es ganz normal :(
jo, schon ein paar mal von dem fehler gelesen, du musst deinen spielstand löschen, dann läufts wieder..
ernsthaft? das klingt makaber... wenn du autos als erneute Starthilfe brauchst klopf an o.0 .. hoffe es geht auch anders

edit: braucht wer nen diy wheel
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kann es sein, dass die server am verrecken sind? kann nicht mehr in das saison menü rein wo man zwischen den 5 verschiedenen wählt
edit: okay noch 3,9 sek auf den ersten platz.. also pro runde eine sek schneller fahren ...grr
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