L20: Enlightened
- Seit
- 28 Sep 2002
- Beiträge
- 33.168
Welche Homberew-Internestseiten etc. könnt ihr mir denn mal empfehlen kenne bisher nur homebrewwelt.com :-?
Jede Menge Spiele und Programme

Im folgenden Video siehst du, wie du consolewars als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm deines Smartphones installieren kannst.
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Welche Homberew-Internestseiten etc. könnt ihr mir denn mal empfehlen kenne bisher nur homebrewwelt.com :-?
I know everyone has been waiting for a 5th Demo and I'll give it to you Sourire There is currently only 1 stage but 9 characters. We're having problems with the KT_lib/EFS system so more stages could take a week. Keep in mind this is only the Beta Version so a fixed version will come soon. Please no posts on the forum like This demo sucks there's only 1 stage and no music! because we know and we're working on it. But I hope you guys enjoy the demo Sourire If you see Fuzzy on the forum thank him for the help with the KT_Lib Clin d'oeil
Hi, ich hab mich nach längerer Zeit nun doch entschieden, den CycloDS zu holen. Kennt jemand nen Shop, wo man das Teil am günstigsten bekommt?*Thread aus der Versenkung hol*
Der DS schafft Neo Geo Emulation ? Biste dir sicher ?
Schafft doch schon kaum SNES Games![]()
Der DS schafft Neo Geo Emulation ? Biste dir sicher ?
Schafft doch schon kaum SNES Games![]()
Game FPS Audio Screen Comments
2020 Super Baseball 55 Yes Normal
3 Count Bout 50-55 Yes Normal
Aero Fighters 2 55-60 No Normal The sound dissapair after a few seconds
Aero Fighters 3 55-60 No Normal The sound dissapair after a few seconds
Aggressors of Dark Kombat 50-55 Yes Normal
Alpha Mission II / Amored Scrum Object II: Last Guardian (ASO 2) 55-60 Yes Normal
Andro Dunos 60 Yes Normal
Art of Fighting / Ryuuko no Ken 50-55 Yes Normal Not tested
Art of Fighting 2 55 Yes Normal
Art of Fighting 3 45-50 Yes Normal
Bakatono Sama Mahjong Manyuki N/A N/A Normal Not tested
Bang Bead 55 Yes Normal
Baseball Stars 2 55-60 Yes Normal
Baseball Stars Professional 60 Yes Normal Graphics missing, rom corrupted?
Battle Flipshot 55-60 Yes Normal
Blazing Star 45-50 Yes Normal
Blue's Journey 55-60 Yes Normal
Breakers 45-50 Yes Normal
Breakers revenge 45-50 Yes Normal
Burning Fight 60 Yes Normal
Captain Tomaday 55-60 Yes Normal
Chibi Maruko Chan N/A N/A Normal Not tested
Crossed Swords 55-60 Yes Normal
Cyber-Lip 55-60 Yes Normal
Diggerman (Prototype) N/A N/A Normal Not tested
Double Dragon 55-60 Yes Normal The game hangs sometimes before battle
Eightman 55-60 Yes Normal
Fatal Fury 55-60 Yes Normal
Fatal Fury 2 55-60 Yes Normal
Fatal Fury 3 45-50 Yes Normal
Fatal Fury Special 55-60 Yes Normal
Fight Fever 55-60 Yes Normal
Football Frenzy 55-60 Yes Normal
Galaxy Fight 55-60 Yes Normal The game reset before the battle starts
Ganryu 55-60 Yes Normal
Garou Mark of the Wolves 40-45 Yes Normal
Ghost Pilots 60 Yes Normal
Ghostlop (prototype) ? ? Normal It hangs after Neogeo logo
Goal Goal Goal N/A N/A Normal Not tested
Gururin 60 Yes Normal
Jockey Grand Prix ? ? Normal The game enter into a reset bucle
Jyanshin Densetsu: Quest of Jongmaster N/A N/A Normal Not tested
Kabuki Klash / Tengai Makyou Shinden 55-60 Yes Normal Some glitches
Karnov's Revenge 55-60 Yes Normal It hangs before battle, raster effects?
King of Fighters 2000, The 45-50 Yes Normal
King of Fighters 2001, The ? ? Normal Loads with graphics problems and neoDs hangs
King of Fighters 2002, The 60 No Normal If sound is enabled, the game dont boot (green screen)
King of Fighters 2003, The 40-50 Yes Normal
King of Fighters 94, The 45-50 Yes Normal
King of Fighters 95, The 45-50 Yes Normal
King of Fighters 96, The 45-50 Yes Normal
King of Fighters 97, The 45-50 Yes Normal
King of Fighters 98, The 45-55 Yes Normal Sometimes fps counter goes to 40 fps
King of Fighters 99, The 50-55 Yes Normal
King of the Monsters 2: The Next Thing 55-60 Yes Normal
King of the Monsters, The 55-60 Yes Normal
Kizuna Encounter 45-50 Yes Normal
Last Blade 2, The / Bakumatsu Roman Daini Tobari: Gekka no Kenshi 45-50 Yes Normal Graphics dont appear in life-bars, counters, etc
Last Blade, The 45-50 Yes Normal
Last Resort 55-60 Yes Normal
League Bowling 55-60 Yes Normal
Legend of Success Joe 60 Yes Normal
Magical Drop 2 60 Yes Normal Some little glitches
Magical Drop 3 55-60 Yes Normal
Magician Lord 55-60 Yes Normal
Mahjong Retsuden N/A N/A Normal Not tested
Matrimelee 45-50 Yes Normal Some glitches on supers
Metal Slug 55-60 Yes Normal Randomly hangs (throwing granades?)
Metal Slug 2 45-50 Yes Normal It hangs before character selection
Metal Slug 3 45-50 Yes Normal
Metal Slug 4 45-50 Yes Normal
Metal Slug 5 45-50 Yes Normal
Metal Slug X 45-50 Yes Normal
Money Idol Exchange 60 Yes Normal
Mutation Nation 55-60 Yes Normal
Nam-1975 60 Yes Normal
Neo Bomberman 55-60 Yes Normal
Neo Drift Out 55-60 Yes Normal It hangs before race starts
Neo Geo Cup 98 55 Yes Normal It hangs after team selection
Neo Mr Do 55-60 Yes Normal
Neo no Panepon (Homebrew) N/A N/A Normal Not tested
Neo Turf Masters 55-60 Yes Normal It freezes, raster effects?
Nightmare in the Dark 55-60 Yes Normal
Ninja Combat 55-60 Yes Normal
Ninja Commando 50-55 Yes Normal
Ninja Masters 55-60 Yes Normal
Overtop 55-60 Yes Normal
Panic Bomber 55-60 Yes Normal
Pleasure Goal 55-60 Yes Normal Randomly Freezes, the sound dissapairs
Pochi & Nyaa 60 Yes Normal
Pop n' Bounce 60 Yes Normal Strange noice on sounds
Power Spikes II 55-60 Yes Normal Black screen after Neogeo logo
Prehistoric Isle 2 50-55 Yes Normal
Pulstar 45-50 Yes Normal
Puzzle Bobble 55-60 Yes Normal
Puzzle Bobble 2 55-60 Yes Normal
Puzzle de Pon 60 Yes Normal
Puzzled 60 Yes Normal
Quiz Daisousa Sen N/A N/A Normal Not tested
Quiz KOF N/A N/A Normal Not tested
Quiz Mantentai Neo&Geo N/A N/A Normal Not tested
Rage of the Dragons 45-50 Yes Normal Some glitches on supers
Ragnagard 50-55 Yes Normal
Real Bout Fatal Fury / Real Bout Garou Densetsu 45-50 Yes Normal
Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 50-55 Yes Normal
Real Bout Fatal Fury Special / Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special 50-55 Yes Normal Little glitches sometimes on battle
Riding Hero 60 Yes Normal After selecting a bike the game freezes, also neoDs hangs
Robo Army 55-60 Yes Normal
Samurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits: Amakusa Kourin 55-60 Yes Normal
Samurai Shodown 3 / Samurai Spirits 3 45-50 Yes Normal
Samurai Shodown 4 / Samurai Spirits 4 45-50 Yes Normal
Samurai Shodown II / Shin Samurai Spirits: Haohmaru Jigokuhen 45-50 Yes Normal
Samurai Shodown V 55-60 Yes Normal
Samurai Shodown V Special 55-60 Yes Normal
Savage Reign 50-55 Yes Normal
Sengoku 55-60 Yes Normal
Sengoku 2 / Sengoku Denshou 2 55-60 Yes Normal It hangs after "how to play" screen
Sengoku 3 60 No Normal Only SFX
Shock Troopers 55-60 Yes Normal
Shock Troopers 2 45-50 Yes Normal
Snk VS Capcom Chaos 45-50 Yes Normal
Soccer Brawl 55-60 Yes Normal
Spin Master ? ? Normal Black screen after Neogeo logo
Stakes Winner 45-50 Yes Normal
Stakes Winner 2 50-55 Yes Normal
Street Hoop / Street Slam / Dunk Dream ? ? Normal Black screen after Neogeo logo, neoDS hangs (Rasters?)
Strikers 1945 plus 55-60 Yes Normal
Super Dodge Ball 55-60 Yes Normal
Super Sidekicks N/A N/A Normal Not tested
Super Sidekicks 2 N/A N/A Normal Not tested
Super Sidekicks 3 N/A N/A Normal Not tested
Super Sidekicks 4 55-63 Yes Normal The game freezes after flags intro, neoDS hangs (Rasters?)
Super Spy, The 60 Yes Normal Black screen after Neogeo logo, neoDS hangs (Rasters?)
Syougi no Tatsuyin N/A N/A Normal Not tested
Tecmo World Soccer 55-60 Yes Normal
The Irritating Maze 60 Yes Normal Distorted sound, not playable, no trackball emulation
Thrash Rally 55-60 Yes Normal Black screen after intro
Top Hunter 55-60 Yes Normal
Top Players Golf 55-60 Yes Normal Freeze on demo
Twinkle Starts Sprite 45-50 Yes Normal
View Point 55-60 Yes Normal
V-liner ? ? Normal S-ram error
Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer 50-55 Yes Normal
Waku Waku 7 55-60 Yes Normal
Windjammers 60 Yes Normal
World Heroes 55-60 Yes Normal It hangs before battle, also neoDS hangs
World Heroes 2 55-61 Yes Normal The game reset after character selection
World Heroes 2 Jet 55-62 Yes Normal Graphics corrupted, it hangs, also neoDS hangs
World Heroes Perfect 60 No Normal If sound is enabled, when the battle starts the game reset
Zedblade ? ? Normal Black screen
Zintrick 60 Yes Normal
Zupapa 55-60 Yes Normal
Zu deinen Fragen, diese kann ich alle mit einem dicken JA beantworten.
da findet du alles, was man braucht. Das Programm fuer den DS und den Encoder.
Was wichtig ist wenn du bestimmte Cards benutzt. „and patch with DLDI if necessary „
Weil die moisten sonst nicht gehen. Ist aber wirklich einfach zu bekommen. Kann ich dir zur Not geben, sollte aber dort auch stehen, wo man den Patch bekommt.
Dann brauchste auf der Datei nur Rechte Maustaste > Patch with DLDI > fertig^^
meine Erfahrung
- gute Quali von Sound und Video
- schnelles Vor/Rueckspulen
- spielt Problemlos ab ohne lange Ladezeiten
auch das gleiche wie DSVideo. Hier muss ich nur als Nachteil ansehen (vllt. wurde schon gefixt)
Mein letztes Update war 2008 Sommer oder frueher lol^^ aber die Tastatur von diesem Programm ist scheisse. Du klickst auf e und ein ganz anderer Buchstabe kommt oder so. Also das funzt nicht so prickelnd. Es ruckelt auch, wenn du eine bestimmte Aufloesung nimmst. Aber sonst laeuft es recht stabil, fluessig und man kann damit gut arbeiten. Hab ich echt schon gemacht damit gesurft und videos auf YT angeschaut.^^ und diese per S-Video auf TV uebetragen.
ich nutze Super Micro SD
ist schon ein sehr altes Modell. Ich wuerde dir M3 oder wie das heisst empfehlen. Da haste diese Passport und SD Slot in eins und nicht wie ich, in 2 Teilen. Einmal das Modul Passport und einmal das Modul fuer Slot2 fuer die SD Karte.
Also.. sry erstmal fuer die erste etwas schlechte Antwort lolwar noch mitten im Tim K. Diskussion.
ich schreibs mit mal Word 2007.. ist mir einfacher.^^