PS3 Devs Begin PlayStation 3 Flash and Registry Entry Analysis
With the release of yesterday's PS3 FTP server which enabled easy access to dev_hdd0, dev_flash, dev_flash2, dev_flash3 and dev_bdvd on the PS3, several developers are now examining the PlayStation 3's dev_flash and registry entries.
Forum user diemetal has let us know today that Spanish PS3 developer DemonHades has began to analyze dev_flash from PS3 Firmware version 3.41, stating the following (roughly translated):
"TeamHades has removed the three dev_flash that PS3 has. Thanks to the Homebrew PS3News we needed to extract (PS3 FTP Server).
We begin the analysis with some pictures of their content, we will later file by file documenting that we are not able to do anything and escape in the future a stable CFW."
RichDevX has also tweeted some pictures (below) of the PS3 flash contents and registry entries today.
Included in flash0 he stated that fonts, image, and 3 user modules (prx) files were interesting, however, he went on to say he is working on something else at the moment.
Finally, after a little digging CJPC discovered where Sony stores updates for both Retail and Debug PS3 games, stating that users can simply replace the game's TitleID with the one from any game and be able to obtain the latest update download links.
More details will come once PS3 Devs have had a chance to examine it, but for those who missed it and are interested the PS3 TEST / TOOL Debug Game Backup Guide also discusses this topic.
Stay tuned for more PS3 Hacks news. Also be sure to drop by the PS3 Hacks Forum for updates!