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Ich hatte das Update gestern installiert. Ohne zu wissen was es beinhaltet. Hatte dann aber nach dem einschalten schon den Eindruck als wäre das Bild bei CoD an meinen OLED eine Nuance strahlender. War eine Momentaufnahme, wirkte als hätte einer den Bildschirm mal gereinigt. Danach war alles gut wie immer (vielleicht eine Steigerung von ein paar Prozent)
Interessanter Artikel der noch einmal bestätigt, wie Gamepass die Auffindbarkeit und Reichweite von Spielen erhöht und so auch zu mehr Einnahmen beim Entwickler führt.

New, big-name games that go into Game Pass see their active playerbase grow by a factor of two, Percy says, and older games see an average six times increase (but sometimes as high as 32 times). A bigger playerbase means a bigger audience for potential monetisation. For example in the past month Square Enix has added Tomb Raider Definitive Edition and Shadow of the Tomb Raider to Game Pass, meaning the entire rebooted trilogy is now available to members. This will potentially make new fans of the franchise and increase sales of paid add-on content, which is still being rolled out.
On average we see a 25 per cent increase in franchise pre-orders and a 10 per cent increase in franchise sales coming from games that go into Game Pass. And that’s coming from Game Pass members discovering they really love franchises and following along with them
Last time we announced numbers for Forza, we were upwards of 8 million players in a given month", Greenawalt says. "That kind of tonnage of players gives you a tremendous amount of leverage to create new experiences. If you have the community … business will follow
Getting a larger community means more people are watching streams, which means more people create streams … which means more people want to play the game. It’s self-fuelling.
Bradley says the decision to make a deal with Microsoft to launch Ashen day and date on Game Pass, rather than relying on gamers finding and paying full price for the game, was the easiest decision in the game's development.
The friction for [players] getting into Game Pass is so low", he says, pointing out that players with a limited budget might have only been able to play one or two games a month previously.
We’re a new developer making a fairly ambitious thing, and we really need that community for the game to thrive, and Game Pass really made that happen. We’ve had a very very smooth transition into a Game Pass kind of model
It’s going to be a double-edged sword, especially for smaller indies that haven’t necessarily proved themselves. It’s going to be some tricky waters for the smallest indies, and it’s going to be very interesting to see how the different platforms tackle the same problems
New Features Rolling Out to Xbox Insiders This Spring

Hat jemand eine Ahnung was ich für ein Headset benötige? Habe eine Xbox One X Scorpio Edition und frage mich, ob ich diesen Adapter fürs Headset benötige. Bin verwirrt, da ich bei jedem Headset auf Amazon lese, dass ich für Xbox etwas zusätzliches benötige.
Nein, alles was du braucht ist ein 3,5mm Klingen Anschluss am Headset. Den steckst du dann in den Controller.

Bei den aller ersten One Controllern von damals brauchte man noch einen Adapter, aber das ist schon lange Geschichte
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