PS4/PS5/XSeries/PC Death Stranding

From Voxel Brazil - 91/100

"If you like mysteries and loved the cryptic marketing campaign that Kojima alone can craft, leave this review right now and dive headfirst into the unknown. You see, that's where a huge part of the game's charm resides: having an ultmost personal experience and expect to be surprised"

Zusammenfassung aus dem Test:

- Kojima did it: Make delivers is fun.... played for 50 hours and is very 'comfy' to deliver packages.
- Combat started after 5-6 hours in the game, but it's not the focus.
- Stealth is really good.
- Memorable boss fights, but wanted more.
- He thinks that the multiplayer is creating a new genre. A step ahead from souls multiplayer.
- Spent 10 hours just creating "a better world" (roads, etc). It's fun to mold this world.
- Original story and well made.
- Graphics are a sneak peek at next-gen.
- Didn't like the pacing.
- Empty open-world.

Main quote:
"Death Stranding is not a revolutionary game, but it sets up an unpublished picture with old pieces and brings a freshness of creativity to the market."
Das ist korrekt, ABER zu dem Zeitpunkt gab es den Deal mit Sony nicht wegen der DECIMA Engine. Es ist schon interessant, da Death Stranding der erste Teil ist, der eine Sony Engine benutzt und auch für den PC erscheitn. Supermassive Games mußten damals auf die Unreal Engine umsteigen als Sie Multi gegangen waren.

Die Engine auf der Dark Souls beruht ist soweit ich weiß auch ein $ony-Ding, PhyRe hieß die glaube ich?
IGN gibt 6.8

"Certain landmark games in recent years, like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Red Dead Redemption 2, have managed to successfully tread the line between the rigidity of realism and the exhilaration of pure escapism. But much like its stumbling protagonist, Death Stranding just can’t consistently get the balance right despite possessing equally lofty ambitions and countless inventive ideas. There is a fascinating, fleshed-out world of supernatural science fiction to enjoy across its sprawling and spectacular map, so it’s a real shame that it’s all been saddled on a gameplay backbone that struggles to adequately support its weight over the full course of the journey. It’s fitting that Kojima Productions’ latest is so preoccupied with social media inspired praise, because in some ways I did ‘Like’ Death Stranding. I just didn’t ever love it. "

95 :coolface:

War zu vermuten, dass es polarisieren wird. Weiß immer mich nicht, ob mir das zusagen wird. Gameplay scheint genau das zu sein, was wir zur TGS gesehen haben. Atmosphäre soll seinesgleichen suchen. Story kann aber muss man nicht geil finden.
hahahaha erste Haterwertungen von 35/100 wobei Friday the 13th video game 40 bekommen hat...Nur Rage und Aufmerksamkeit...
hahahaha erste Haterwertungen von 35/100 wobei Friday the 13th video game 40 bekommen hat...Nur Rage und Aufmerksamkeit...

Besser als die Wertung ist der Text:
Death Stranding is an irredeemable piece of garbage that should serve as a warning to publishers who give developers carte blanche to create ‘art’.

Wer schreibt so ein Review? :coolface:
Bin wohl nun auch raus. War mir eh unsicher und die Wertungen machen es nicht besser.
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