L06: Relaxed
Die letzten Trailer zum Spiel habe ich mir nicht mehr angeschaut. Es sind schon zu viele Informationen preisgegeben worden. Ich befürchte, die Spannung könnte dadurch zu kurz kommen.
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Die letzten Trailer zum Spiel habe ich mir nicht mehr angeschaut. Es sind schon zu viele Informationen preisgegeben worden. Ich befürchte, die Spannung könnte dadurch zu kurz kommen.
WiiU Zelda sollte so aussehen, das hätte was :-D
Auf jeden. Wäre mir deutlich lieber als ein generischer Stil mit dem TP/SS-Link. Stell dir das dann zusammen mit dem geilen Lightning vor, das wir in letzter Zeit in Zeug wie Mario 3D World und Co. sehen.![]()
Sieht nice aus, ich glaub ich hols mir![]()
Noch 2 Wochen![]()
Pfff...das wird das beste Spiel seit AlttP![]()
http://api.viglink.com/api/click?fo...n-1460892483&jsonp=vglnk_jsonp_13839342788886The item rental option is the best change to the Zelda formula in a generation.
There is one restriction on rented items. Ravio takes them back if you die. That's a fair trade-off. I'm no Zelda novice, so I've been opting to rent a lot of items on the assumption I won't die. That strategy has mostly worked. It has allowed me to beat more enemies, earn more money and find more hidden stuff. I have died once or twice and seen all my rented items taken away. That has stung more than the average death in one of these games, but I enjoy playing Zelda in this riskier, optional way.
The 3D in this game isn't mandatory, but it is magnificent
If you want to, you can play A Link Between Worlds on a Nintendo 2DS or on a 3DS with the 3D turned off. Please don't do that. The game's use of glasses-free stereoscopic 3D is a marvel. The game's world is viewed from an overhead perspective. The 3D effect accentuates the depths and heights of the world. That much I expected. What has surprised me is how well various pop-out effects are being used. For example, when you shoot an arrow into a stone wall, it doesn't ricochet back so much as it also ricochets a bit up, seemingly out of your 3DS screen. It's not distracting. It looks cool
The game world is more mysterious
The game holds your hand a lot less and expects you to explore and choose what you want to do next. I'm at a point where I think I can access about a half dozen major dungeons depending on which one I feel like trying next.
Extra notes
-Dungeon design remains excellent as it's been through the recent Spirit Tracks and Skyward Sword Zelda games, offering some minor head scratchers and including a decent amount of optional discovery.P
-The major new action—being able to flatten yourself and move along walls in 2D is fun but hasn't been fleshed out a lot by the point I am in the game.P
-The music, much of which consists of remixes of A Link To The Past is Soundtrack of The Year material.P
Aus Gaf kopiert:
Dass das Renting-System so gepriesen wird klingt erleichternd.