Wieso ist darüber nur so wenig bekannt?
Ob WiiWare, Retail oder DSi Ware, man kennt weder Preis, Umfang noch irgendwas anderes.
Hab ja eigentlich interesse daran, aber es ist doch irgendwie nervig, wenn man weiß, dass es bald erscheint, aber keinerlei Informationen bekommt, was denn nun genau Sache ist...
Jaja, ich weiß. Doppelpost und so ;-)
WarioWare D.I.Y. erscheint wohl sowohl für WiiWare als auch für DS(i)
Die WiiWare Version soll wie bereits erwähnt Ende April erscheinen. Die DS Version dagegen erscheint [...] zur selben Zeit

Irgendwie strange. (USA Release: Ende März)
Auf jedenfall gibt es ne Neuigkeit zur DS Version. Nämlich das es Extragames zum Download geben wird und das sogar auch von namhaften Studios wie Gaijin Games!!!
Famous Developers Flex Their Creativity in “Big Name Games” for WarioWare: D.I.Y.
Some of the video game industry’s brightest talents are contributing to a unique series of microgames for the upcoming WarioWare™: D.I.Y. game for the Nintendo DS™ family of products and the downloadable WarioWare: D.I.Y. Showcase game for the WiiWare™ service. Starting March 29, consumers who own either of the games and have a broadband Internet connection will be able to download microgames created by several acclaimed developers, each of whom has been invited to create an original microgame using Nintendo’s new WarioWare: D.I.Y. game. New microgames by the developers listed below and many others will be available for download under the “Big Name Games” banner every Monday through July 26, at no additional cost to users with broadband Internet access.
The list of “Big Name Games” participants reads like a roster of gaming all-stars. Pixel aka Daisuke Amaya (Cave Story), 5TH Cell (Scribblenauts), WayForward (A Boy and his Blob), Gaijin Games (BIT.TRIP series) and Team Meat (Super Meat Boy) will be featured in the weekly series. To kick things off in grand style, Nintendo will debut new games by Japanese designers Masahiro Sakurai (Super Smash Bros.™) and Yoshio Sakamoto (Metroid™) on March 29. Fans can also visit the Nintendo Channel on the Wii™ console to view exclusive videos and behind-the-scenes peeks of some of these remarkable games. The first video, featuring Masahiro Sakurai, is now available on the Nintendo Channel.
Launching exclusively for the top-selling Nintendo DS family of portable game systems on March 28, WarioWare: D.I.Y. lets users of any experience level create and share their own microgames. Whether starting from scratch or using a library of pre-made graphics and sound samples, players can design every aspect of their microgames, from artwork and music to actions and animations. Users with wireless broadband Internet access can upload their creations to share with friends and can also download additional content. Additionally, players can submit their games in Design Challenges with the possibility of their games being selected and made available for download as Theme Games. The game also includes more than 90 pre-made microgames to kick-start the creative process. Exclusively for the WiiWare service, WarioWare: D.I.Y. Showcase features an additional 70 unique microgames, and lets players enjoy games created with WarioWare D.I.Y. on their television to access and play the same downloadable microgames (broadband Internet access required).