Nintendo Wii Ware und VC News

Ich weiß nicht, ob es schon berichtet wurde.
Aber man kann bei inzwischen seine Downloads (VC und WW) in Sterne umwandeln (50 Pro Download).

Mit genügend Sternen kann man sich dann Wiiware & VC Titel sogesehen gratis runterladen.
Muss nur die gesammelten Sterne in Nintendo Punkte umwandeln.
Ich weiß nicht, ob es schon berichtet wurde.
Aber man kann bei inzwischen seine Downloads (VC und WW) in Sterne umwandeln (50 Pro Download).

Mit genügend Sternen kann man sich dann Wiiware & VC Titel sogesehen gratis runterladen.
Muss nur die gesammelten Sterne in Nintendo Punkte umwandeln.
Könntest du noch dazu schreiben, wie man die Titel umtauschen kann? Finde das nicht.
Sternen Gutschrift für Virtual Console und WiiWare Titel.

Seit einiger Zeit ist es möglich bei Nintendo, Sterne für Download Titel zu erhalten.
Dafür muss aber euer Konto bei Nintendo mit der Wii oder dem DSi verbunden sein.

Geht dabei auf der Nintendo Homepage in "Club Nintendo" auf "Mein Konto".
Auf der linken Seite findet ihr den Menüpunkt "Spiele und Systeme".
Wenn ihr diesen Punkt auswählt, werden alle eure registrierten Spiele angezeigt (Retail).
Falls nun euer Nintendo Konto mit der Wii/DSi verbunden ist, werden auch eure DSiWare, WiiWare und Virtual Console Titel in dieser Liste (sortiert nach Kaufdatum) angezeigt.

Unter jedem DSiW/WW/VC Titel befindet sich jetzt eine Option:
"Erhalten Sie 50 Sterne für diesen Download"

Um 50 Sterne zu erhalten muss der Käufer seine Meinung zu dem Spiel äußern und er erhält anschließend sofort seine 50 Sterne gut geschrieben.
Das witzige dabei ist, dass bei genügend Sternen, Nintendo Punkte für DSi und Wii erworben werden können.
Mit diesen Punkten könnt ihr neue VC/WiiWare/DSi Titel erwerben.

Man kann somit sagen, dass das Sternensystem inzwischen ein kleines Rabattsystem geworden ist.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
jo danke für die info, nur konnte ich komischerweise nicht alle meine gekauften VC/WW spiele dort anmelden und mir ist nicht ganz klar wieso das so ist:( ich muss wohl N mal anschreiben
Vielen Dank für den Hinweis, :goodwork:

habe mir gerade 800 Sterne abgeholt.

Schade nur, dass man diese Funktion nicht bei allen Spielen nutzen kann.
Bei »Water Warfare« und »Texas Hold'em Tournament« gibt es den Button zum Beispiel nicht.
Wii: Groovin’ Blocks – Screens & Trailer


Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Wii: Groovin’ Blocks – Music & Q&A

Here are a few tracks from Groovin’ Blocks. Get your Saturday night groovin with some music from Groovin’ Blocks. Also below is a Q&A with Francois Bertrand and Matt Shores, from Empty Clip Studios.

Zoo Games: What inspired Groovin’ Blocks?

Matt Shores: It’s funny, Groovin’ Blocks started as a “quick tech demo” for our RapidFire Engine, but the more we added to it the more we thought “Wait! This is actually pretty fun!” So we started exploring the project as a full game and ended up shipping it on WiiWare™.

Zoo Games: So you guys originally published Groovin’ Blocks on WiiWare™. How is the Wii™ boxed version going to be different?

Matt Shores: WiiWare™ is a great opportunity to get a game out there, but the main restriction is on size. This was a bit of a limiting factor for us because the entire game is based on music tracks which can only compress so much. We are really happy we can finally get all the content we wanted and provide more variety to players. We also added some special effects we didn’t have the ability to put in the original.

Zoo Games: We love the soundtrack for this game. How did you decide on the music for Groovin’?

Francois Bertrand: It was clear we needed tracks with a solid rhythm. It’s really cool to see people tapping their feet as they play the game! Matt’s background is in music, so he knew a couple of artists we could go to. Our approach was to provide players at least two distinct styles of music. We ended up going with an entertaining pop video game style with original songs from Mercer Friendly, and a more electronic sound with licensed tracks from Soliton. We’re really happy with how the soundtrack came out! We really think it’s one of the stronger games musically in this space.

Zoo Games: Would you ever consider doing other musical genre versions of Groovin’ Blocks? Maybe hip hop, rock, or funk?

Francois Bertrand: Yes! Maybe for the sequel! The greatest thing about Groovin’ Blocks is that you really get into the music as you play, so any music with good rhythm in it works very well.

Zoo Games: What’s your favorite power-up in this game?

Matt Shores: It’s sometimes not the most useful, but the “Destruction” power up is always very satisfying. A big bunch of blocks just blows up!

Zoo Games: How does multiplayer work?

Francois Bertrand: For multiplayer, we tried something we hadn’t seen before: simultaneous cooperative play on the same board! It’s a bit chaotic but it’s always fun and truly requires the players to cooperate together. We also have head-to-head mode of course. An interesting thing in head-to-head is that all the bonuses which are usually positive, become negative for your opponent (e.g. the “slowdown” power up actually speeds up your opponent’s blocks!).

Team 17 says digital delivery is win-win for devs and consumers, confirm plans for WiiWare

"Generally-speaking everything's a lot more protected. At the end of the day the consumer's paying a lot less as well, and we're earning more royalties - and it's digital delivery, so everybody's kind of win-win." - Team 17 studio director Martyn Brown

Mr. Brown also went on to confirm that Team 17 is talking to Nintendo about working with WiiWare, but he wouldn't divulge what game the company plans to bring over. While Team 17 plans to support WiiWare, they don't really believe that Nintendo is doing all they can to help the service.

"I think there's a lack of maturity on the Nintendo side - there are, what, 30 or 40 million Wiis out there, but I'm not quite sure how many users are connected. My theory on Nintendo in that because of the way they handle online gaming as a number, they're two steps away from social interaction - and the shopping experience isn't so great, either. I think they know they've got to get a presence there because that's the way it's going."

La-Mulana - first trailer shown, late 2009 release confirmed, DLC modes added

Los Angeles, CA (July 27, 2009) – Nigoro, a division of Asterizm Co., today announced an all-new remade LA-MULANA, co-developed and published by Nicalis, Inc., to appear on WiiWare in late 2009. The original Windows version was inspired by the action-adventure games of the 1980s a visual style indicative of that era. In contrast, the all-new remake of LA-MULANA features stunning new graphics and gameplay.

Sealed since long ago the ruins of LA-MULANA are yours to explore. Assume the role of famed archeologist, Dr. Lemeza Kosugi and uncover the remains of an ancient civilization, the origin of man and all life as we know it. Developed in conjunction with Nicalis, Inc. the re-imagined LA-MULANA features a robust all-new game engine built specifically for LA-MULANA with vibrant hand-drawn artwork, original audio and special effects not seen in the original—which used a limited 16-color palette.

Additionally, the new console version of LA-MULANA will expand the mysteries of the ruins with downloadable content support including new gameplay modes (such as Boss Rush), special stages and more. From Japan to China, Europe and North America, Nigoro has gained a wide audience. Fans all over world have experienced games designed by Nigoro, “We want to develop more games for consoles and bring back that ‘excitement of classic games.’ It’s the concept for our games in the future, so thank you and bon appétit for the support!,” said Shoji Nakamura of Nigoro.

Pricing for LA-MULANA will be announced at a later time.

LA-MULANA Product Overview
Developer: Nigoro, Nicalis
Platform: Wii
Genre: Action Archaeological Ruins Exploration!
ESRB: Not Yet Rated
Estimated Completion Date: November 2009

PR email
Sieht wie Funkflitzer damals aus. 8 Spieler lokal klingt gut, nur wie will man die zusammen bekommen?
Sollen lieber auch einen Onlinemodus einbauen.
USA: Neuheiten im Wii Shop

Nintendo hat Neuheiten für den amerikanischen Wii Shop angekündigt, die ab sofort erhältlich sind.

- Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 1 (Telltale Games)
* Preis: 1.000 Wii-Punkte

The Three Musketeers: One for All! (Legendo Entertainment)
* 900 Wii-Punkte

- HB Arcade Cards (HB Studios Multimedia)
* 500 Wii-Punkte

Nintendo DSiWare
- Sudoku Student (Hudson Entertainment)
- Preis: 200 Nintendo DSi-Punkte)
Gamelion offers chance to get your name in Furry Legends

Yes, you’ve read this right! You can get your name into a visible place in Furry Legends!

How? It’s pretty simple!

Follow us on Twitter (you can click the Twitter bird on the right side of this page), and once we exceed more than 1000 followers, we will randomly choose a person, or a couple, who will have their names featured in the game. Oh, and we’ll pay attention that these people are not associated with our company in any way ;-)

So! Follow our Twitter, and get ready for the name drawing!

Twitter page here
Telltale Games: 'Wii Audience Is Perfect For Us"


Developer loves Nintendo's machine, actually

Despite the fact that one of the company's staff is of the opinion that the iPhone is more powerful than the Wii, Telltale's design director has insisted that he thinks Nintendo's platform is a perfect fit for their games.

We think the Wii audience is perfect for the kinds of games we make, orientated towards story and characters and casual play - a sofa experience if you will - and WiiWare is an amazingly effective way to reach that audience.

Telltale have used the WiiWare service before for StrongBad and has more recently released Tales of Monkey Island, following the same formula by releasing it in 5 downloadable chunks of goodness.

Have you been pleased with Telltale's WiiWare games so far?

Was ist denn eigentlich aus diesem Sega JNR geworden? Wie hiess das Spiel noch gleich? War glaub ich so ne Art Mario Bros. Verarsche.
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