Wii Wii Sports Resort

yeah, können wir gerne machen :)

geht Jetski auch online zu zweit gleichzeitig? wär sonst sicher auch cool :goodwork:

hab vorhin GST vorbestellt, können wir dann zocken :love2:

JetSki online wäre auch super nice, hoffentlich gibts dann auch die Möglichkeiten Bestzeiten wie bei Mario Kart hochzuladen. Sehr sehr schön :-)

Also GST am 10.Juni dann mit M+ ?
Hab GST mit M+ auch bei Amazon vorbestellt. Hatte Amazon ne Mail geschrieben, ob MotionPlus im Bundle bereits am 10. erhältlich ist. Aber als Antwort kam nur das, was schon auf der Homepage steht. Ich bin also gespannt, ob ich das Bundle bereits am 10. erhalte. Wäre geil!
Hey Sasuke, du selsbternannter Golf pro, was sagst du zu meiner -4 auf dem Anfänger Kurs @ Wiisport 1 :)
Anscheinend sind 12 Sportarten dabei:-D

• Wuhu Island has so many things to do, there’s never a dull moment. A dozen activities await visitors: Archery, Frisbee®, Basketball, Cycling, Canoeing, Power Cruising, Table Tennis, Air Sports, Bowling, Swordplay, Golf and Wakeboarding.
• The activities use the precision controls of the Wii MotionPlus accessory to help players come much closer to the physical reality of engaging in the actual sports. Every real-world action, whether it’s a perfect drive on the fairway or a slice off the course, is meant to be faithfully replicated.
• Each activity has multiple fun challenges designed to keep visitors coming back for more. Basketball players might compete in a three-point shootout or jump into a three-on-three pickup game. Archery enthusiasts must aim for the bull’s-eye across ever-increasing distances and obstacles.
• Different activities use the Wii Remote and Nunchuk™ controllers in different ways. For example, players hold the Wii Remote like a paddle in Canoeing, while in Cycling they use both arms to “pedal” with the two controllers. The Wii MotionPlus accessory picks up every nuance of motion and translates it onto the TV screen.
• Depending on the activity, players can compete solo or against other players. Some activities even let players team up to work cooperatively.

Von Air Sports, Cycling und Motion Plus Bowling hat man bisher noch nichts gesehen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ist imo ja auch das mind. für so ein Spiel - da eine Disziplinen hier ja schon stark Geschmackssache sind ( Hunde Frisbee lol )

Da steht aber nichts von Online, also doch nichts in der Richtung Starlord ?
Wie schon beim letzten mal mit den Jetski habe ich mir diesmal beim Fallschirmsprung gedacht: Wieso man das nicht in Form eines gewissen, lang vermissten Franchises entwickelt, sprich wieso kein verdamtes Pilotwings?

Im Ganzen sieht Resort aber recht spaßig aus (und wesentlich mehr wie ein richtiges Spiel denn eine Demo). Ich mag Stil und Setting.
Wie schon beim letzten mal mit den Jetski habe ich mir diesmal beim Fallschirmsprung gedacht: Wieso man das nicht in Form eines gewissen, lang vermissten Franchises entwickelt, sprich wieso kein verdamtes Pilotwings?

War die Insel nicht sogar die Insel aus Pilotwings fürs N64? Sah imo danach aus.
von www.ign.com

6:40 p.m.: NOA's Bill Trinen is up front again demoing a sword fighting component of Wii Sports Resort in which you travel through a landscape dueling with various Miis on your system. You have only three hearts to make it as far as you can get. "Trying to clear the 10 stages of this is really a lot of work and very challenging," says Miyamoto.

6:37 p.m.: "Wii Sports did a great job of getting people off the couch... but I thought we could've improved upon the ability to improve skills within the game," Miyamoto says. He cites basketball as a sport that's hard to do because it's very subtle and hard to recreate in a videogame.

6:36 p.m.: MotionPlus inspired the new game.

6:36 p.m.: Back to Wii Sports Resort. "When we were first designing the hardware, Wii Sports was one of the titles we were working on. And we were already thinking about, after Wii Sports, what could we do?" says Miyamoto.
Air Sports Videos:



Die Insel ist laut Miyamoto die gleiche wie in Wii Fit.

6:51 p.m.: "I think some of you noticed this island here. This is the same island that appeared in Wii Fit. And it's also appearing in Wii Fit Plus. Something I've been thinking about for a long time is to take a location and treat it like a character," says Miyamoto.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Das Spiel war schon eins meiner MW vor Ankündigung der 12 Sportarten... großartig, habe nicht erwartet dass wir noch ein verbessertes Bowling bekommen. Und Frisbee könnte doch auch ganz nett werden... nur Fahrradfahren klingt öde.
IGN Hands-On

Wii Sports Resort is far meatier than the original Wii Sports.. The whole point of Wii Sports Resort is to demonstrate the wonderfully accurate Wii Motion Plus attachment, and it does this extremely well.

The first game mode we jumped into was the Sword Fighting mode that we loved last year. In this improved version, Casamassina got his rear end handed to him in a quick three point match against yours truly. The sword control is absolutely spot on, but it requires a calibration at the start of every bout: the game prompts gamers to click the A button, which means you're pointing directly at the screen and "resetting" the zero point of the Wii Motion Plus peripheral. But once calibrated it recognizes precise swipes in every conceivable direction, and the two player battle absolutely blows the pants off the Boxing fight in the original Wii Sports. There are different modes in this option, including a mode where you challenge another person to slash at objects at a specific direction, noted by an arrow overlay.

Then we jumped into Frisbee mode. We skipped the dog catch mode in favor of the full Frisbee Golf option. We love the Disc Mode in the upcoming Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2010, but it's clear that the version in Wii Sports Resort is much tighter with better disk handling and more attention paid to the physics of the throw. You can play a short three hole game or take part in a whole 18 hole course, with multiple courses available to take part in.

Table tennis is clearly Wii Sports Resort's version of Wii Sports Tennis, and it's just as fun and addictive in its smaller scale. Your character runs to the ball automatically, and you can forehand and backhand the ball with swings from the remote. It's true 1:1 control, and you will have to swing at the ball on the proper side of your body if you want to land the perfect shot. You can apply english to your shots for top spin...Wii Motion Plus is that accurate.

Wakeboarding is surprisingly fun as well: hold the Wii Remote in its classic orientation as you're pulled through the lagoon, swinging yourself back and forth along the boat's wake to gain air and perform tricks for points. It's fast and frantic, but the Wii Motion Plus gives players incredibly tight control over their position behind the boat.

Of course, the more games you have, the greater the odds for a dud. And in this case, it's cycling. You ride your bike around the island against 30 other cyclists, pedalling by thrusting the Wii Remote and Nunchuk up and down alternately. If you waggle too fast you'll wear out your character, but you'll also go faster if you draft behind other racers as well as get caught in a tailwind. Steering is handled through tilt of the Wii Remote. Did not like this mode all that much.

But the rest of the package is pretty top notch, and well worth the $50 price tag especially when you consider that it will include Wii Motion Plus in the box along with the game. Watch for a release in July.

Von Gonintendo:

Miyamoto golf demo.

Bowling and Golf return from the Wii Sports, but they are much different thanks to WM+. Golf's gameplay will reflect many details of your swing this time around (including power, angles, etc), such as a real-time, wiggling power gauge that sways back and forth to show the hook or slice. Power is determined by the amount of your back swing. Swinging too hard will cause an inaccurate delivery, so a relaxed approach works best. You can also easily add things like backspin to feel like a professional golfer.

Playing 18 holes doesn't take much time, and it's easy to just play naturally without watching gauges or meters. Also, lengthy tutorials aren't necessary for WSR.

Table Tennis is also an office fave. The ball physics are faithful to the experience of the real world sport. Using the paddle's rubber face makes putting spin on the ball easy, and that spin causes the signature mid-air wiffling curvature the lightweight balls are known for. Speed/power can affect the curvature and vice versa.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Klingt doch alles verdammt gut! Nächsten Dienstag kann ich das Spiel ausgiebig in Frankfurt testen. Ich freu mich wie ein Schneekönig.

Interessant ist auch, dass man dank M+ beim Bogenschießen zielen kann, ohne dass man auf die Sensorbar zielt. Bei Red Steel 2 ist das Zielen auch mit M+ optimiert. Je nach Geschwindigkeit, mit der man den Curser zum Rand steuert, ändert sich auch die Drehgeschwindigkeit. MotionPlus macht also einiges möglich.
Das Spiel wird geil. Ich weiß jetzt schon, dass ich süchtig danach werde. Wii Sports hat mich lange gefesselt und zwischendurch mit Freunden immer wieder Bock gemacht. Wii Sports Resort topt das um Längen.
PAL Boxart

seht ihr das Flugzeug ?
Pilotwings ist zurück in Wii Sports Resort und meine geliebten Jetskis
Day one Kauf !

Edit: cool wurde schon ein Video zu gepostet^^
Macht nen genialen Eindruck
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Online Matches sind schon bestätigt, gell?
Statistiken, Ranglisten ( Land, Kontinent, Welt ) auch?
Was weiß man eigentlich bisher über den Online Modus in dem Spiel?

Kaufen werde ich es mir auf jeden Fall. Allein schon, wegen dem beigelegten Motion Plus :-) Bin auch sehr sehr positiv über den Umfang überrascht. 12 Sportarten sind schon 3 mehr als erwartet. Da können jetzt ruhig 2-3 Crappi sein, bei dem Umfang :-)
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