Wii Wii Sports Resort

Das spiel wird unfassbar. Mein Spiel der E3. Knapp vor Red Steel 2. Metroid ist noch zu weit weg.
Das wird so heftig geil, meine Kumpels zu verdreschen. Hoffentlich gibt es auch zweier kajaks. Woar, ich bin so gespannt...:aargh:
Gamespot Hands-On:


The control subtleties enabled by Wii MotionPlus were immediately apparent, given that virtually every move we made was reflected by our Mii onscreen. We were able to rotate the racket and swap between forehand and backhand on the fly. Spin could be added by rotating the controller while swinging, which caused the ball to curve as it sailed past our opponent. As for the sport itself, it's a faithful re-creation of table tennis, with the controller even vibrating slightly with each return, offering a satisfying tactile response.

Air Sports:

After selecting it, we were presented with three gametypes, one of which was a two-player dogfighting mode. Unfortunately, we were lacking a second player (despite our consistent use of "we" throughout the article), so we were stuck with something called "island tour." Like most of the games, it starts with a tutorial that details the unique controls and features of that particular sport. In this case, the Wii Remote is the airplane. If you hold it flat, your plane flies straight ahead; if you tilt it up with a slight twist, your plane will begin climbing upward while turning. It's very cool and very responsive.


As any Wii owner knows, golf already came packed in with the Wii as part of Wii Sports, but we were eager to see how MotionPlus might enhance some of that version's shortcomings. Right off the bat, we noticed several new "Resort" courses, in addition to the original nine from Wii Sports, which should please those who exhausted the original's small supply. As for the game itself, driving feels very similar to the original, though with a twist--literally. Depending on how you angle the controller, you can apply either draw or fade to your shot as you swing, which is a feature that was lacking in its predecessor. However, we did find it a bit more difficult to hit the ball straight ahead as a result, which actually mirrors this editor's (poor) golfing performance in real life pretty closely. You win this round, MotionPlus. After eventually (if not haphazardly) making it onto the green, we finally got the chance to put the new putting controls to the test--an often-maligned facet of the original. Thankfully, we're happy to report that putting has been greatly improved; no longer did the game mistake our pulling back on the club as a putt, and once we did actually make a proper putting motion, the force was accurately measured, instead of the crap shoot to which we'd grown accustomed.


Finally, we decided to close our session of Wii Sports Resort with a quick round of Frisbee. Like with Air Sports, it actually consists of two discreet gametypes: Frisbee catch and Frisbee golf. Given that we were privy to the former last year, we took Frisbee Golf for a quick spin. The game plays very similarly to actual golf, except instead of selecting clubs, you choose one of three Frisbees, each optimized for certain distances. Oh, and instead of aiming for a cup, you simply try to land the Frisbee somewhere inside a giant marked target on the ground. This sport was perhaps the most impressive display of MotionPlus; no matter where we positioned our hand, our Mii responded onscreen to a tee.
Nich schlecht. Bei Gamespot sind sie eigentlich keine grossen Wii-Freunde.
Thankfully, we're happy to report that putting has been greatly improved; no longer did the game mistake our pulling back on the club as a putt, and once we did actually make a proper putting motion, the force was accurately measured, instead of the crap shoot to which we'd grown accustomed.

M+ scheint echt die alten Fehler 100% auszumerzen.
Leider kein Online... Aber was soll's.

Wie kann ich's sagen? Das ist sehr genial gemacht! WiiMotion+ verbessert die Sache doch sehr weit.

Und während Sony und MS noch mit Konzepten und mit ferner Zukunft ankommt...
Ist Motion+ bereits in diesem Monat da 8)

So mag ich das! Jeder Bericht liest sich klasse.
"Diesen Monat" ist gut! Nicht mal mehr eine Woche! :aargh:

Oder kommt das GST-Bundle mit M+ später :-?
Woah! Das klingt verdammt geil! Dienstag kann ich selber Hand anlegen, YES!!
Stellt euch nur mal vor, was für geile Games mit dieser Technik gemacht werden können!
Wenn Miyamoto schon meint, dass man bei Zelda an die Schwertkämpfe und das Bogenschießen von Ressort denken soll, macht mein Spieler-Herz einen kleinen Sprung. :)
Wii Sports scheint das bei weitem ausgereifteste Motion+ Produkt zu sein und das einzige, wo es keine Verzögerungen gibt.

Laut Destructoid sind diese Verzögerungen bei Red Steel 2 sehr stark vorhanden, bei Grand Slam Tennis zu merken aber bei Sports Resort praktisch nicht existent.

Wii Sports Resort (fencing)

Once again, you'll be able to see how Ashley Davis and myself felt about the next Wii Sports game pretty soon. As for now, I can say without a doubt that Wii Sports Resort's fencing minigame was the most pleasing use of the MotionPlus I saw throughout all of E3. The delay between moving my arm and seeing my sword move onscreen felt almost nonexistent after a few minutes. Even though Davis and I initially just wailed madly on one another, the blocking and striking mechanics were much tighter than I expected, after playing Red Steel 2.

You have to hold a button to tell the game that you're blocking, but once you do it's not just an automatic thing that will prevent all attacks no matter what; you've gotta block vertically to parry a horizontal slash, and vice versa. You've also gotta block the specific part of your body the enemy is targeting: if you try to make a really low horizontal block and your enemy tries to slash down on your head from above, they'll still connect. This was, again, not the case in the other MotionPlus swordfighting game I played.

Moreso than any of the other two MotionPlus games I experienced, the Wii Sports Resort fencing felt like it might actually live up to the promises made by the MotionPlus -- and, by extension, the promises Nintendo made about the Wiimote control system in the first place. I'd have to spend way more time with it to be absolutely sure, but Resort managed to make me pretty damn optimistic about the future of the MotionPlus.

Presuming the right people are programming for it.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Uärgh genau das will ich fast gar nicht hören, das die 3rds wieder zuviel Toleranz einbauen, weil sie glauben Joe Sixpack kann sich nicht bewegen.

Bei WiiSports dachte ich: Fein die 3rds haben jetzt ne Blaupause wie sie ihre Spiele mit der Wiimote steuern können. Was passiert? Es dauert 2 Tiger Woods-Spiele bis EA ansatzweise WiiSports Golf simuliert. Bei Tennis baruchte man erst M+ um irgendwas hinzubekommen und ein vernünftiges 3rd Boxspiel gibt es bis heute nicht.

Ich hoffe dasselbe passiert jetzt nicht nochmal. Böses, böses dejá vu.
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