RUMOR - SPOnG confirms Wii NiGHTS title
March 19th, 2007
I know that SPOnG doesnt have the greatest reputation out there. For every site out there, theres a group of people that dont like it (GoNintendo included). Having said that, I dont trust this story, but I thought it was worth a mention. I dont want to misconstrue what SPOnG is saying, so you can read a bit of their post word for word below.
This morning weve spent a good deal of time chasing up contacts at Sega, Nintendo and elsewhere and we are glad to be the first to confirm 100% that there IS a totally new NiGHTS title for Wii in the works (i.e. its not just NiGHTS coming to Virtual Console or whatever).
As is the case with these things, nobody was happy to go officially on the record with this, suffice to say that SPOnG will be getting the official word with full details of the game in the very near future, so stay tuned for that.
They say its confirmed, but they dont have anyone willing to go on the record yet. Take that however you would like. As far as I am concerned, the game is still very much up in the air.