Unnamed Japanese publisher says Wii name is gay
May 5th, 2006
1up has put together an article revolving around industry reaction to the Wii name change, and Nintendos strategy for the next-gen console wars. One of the harshest reactions to the name comes from a large, unnamed Japanese publisher.
Gay. Sorry if that offended. I hate using that word in the pejorative sense, but it totally applies this time. Thats how terrible I think it is. Seriously, what that tells me is that Nintendo has given up all pretense of making this a serious consumer electronics platform that mainstream American can get behind. Joe Schmoe from middle America cant say Wii with a straight face, whereas he has no trouble saying 360′ or PS3. Nintendo basically threw up their hands and said, You know what? Were not even going to try to be taken seriously.
An extremely harsh comment from the publisher, and a very childish one at that. I usually tend to hold back on personal opinions on the site (minus reviews) but this comment really got to me. These are the people that are publishing games, yet this is how some of them think. I want a publisher to realize the power and innovation behind a system, no matter who makes it. I dont want a publishers decision to be swayed because he thinks the name choice is gay. Is anyone else extremely bothered by that comment? What I wouldnt give to find out who made that statement