L08: Intermediate
- Seit
- 15 Jan 2006
- Beiträge
- 834
Im folgenden Video siehst du, wie du consolewars als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm deines Smartphones installieren kannst.
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Captain Smoker schrieb:Sry wenns schon gepostet wurde:
Quelle: www.gamefront.de50 Fotos: Größenvergleich von Wii mit anderen Konsolen
23.06.06 - DocCRP hat ein Modell des Wii angefertigt und stellt es zum Vergleich anderen Konsolen gegenüber (u.a. Gamecube, PS2, Nintendo DS, Atari VCS 2600, Game Boy, Nintendo 64, NDS Lite, uvm.).
Ebenso werden verschiedene Verpackungen, Actionfiguren, DVDs, CDs, Telefone und andere Utensilien für den Vergleich herangezogen.
CLICK PICTURE (50 x Wii Größenvergleich)
Dort sind die Bilde rzu sehen
mike1986 schrieb:@Mokka
Wieso glaubst du dasss sicher der Wii nicht so gut verkauft wie die 360? Man darf nicht vergesssen dass sogar der Gamecube aufgrund seines günstigen Preises den Rekord der schnellst verkauftesten Konsole in dier aktuellen Gen hat.
The mystery of the Wii flap revealed!
June 24th, 2006
This comes from a Game Informer interview, sent in by reader Eric.
GI: What is the little door on the front of the unit?
Fils-Aime: That is where an SD card goes. Thats storable media. And on
top, are the attachments for the GameCube controllers.
GI: So will SD cards be the primary storage medium?
Fils-Aime: It will be one of the memory mediums, and its the only one
that weve announced.
Mystery solved or at least partially solved. Reggie says that the SD cards are one of the memory mediums. Perhaps there still are some secrets. I also have to throw in a line from Erics email, it was too good to pass up.
Fils-Aime on WiiConnect24, Microtransactions
by Shawn White (2006-06-23)
In an interview with Game Informer magazine, Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime discussed a number of topics pertaining to the company's next-generation console, Wii, such as uses for WiiConnect24, install base goals and more.
On the topic of WiiConnect24--an internal mode which keeps one's Wii powered on at all times so as to receive updates via the Internet--Fils-Aime provided a few examples as to bonuses players might see with the service. "If you've gotten to a particular part in a game, we could push content out to you, so you get to battle a new boss. Maybe you get a new artifact; maybe you get a new weapon...that's just one example," Fils-Aime noted. "We see the system as something that's going to be used by everyone in the household everyday...all of that is possible."
Concerning the possibility of microtransactions on Wii, similar to those used in Microsoft's Xbox Live Marketplace, Fils-Aime stated, "All of that is possible with what it is we are trying to do. If our licensee partners want to go in that direction, it's certainly possible in our system."
Lastly, Fils-Aime mentioned why he thinks Wii could achieve a greater install base than its predecessor console, GameCube. "Our focus is on a substantially higher base than we achieved with GameCube. We think that our strategy in terms of great core gamer games, expanded audience games should allow us to achieve that," the NOA president said. "Plus, with the stellar third-party support we're getting, really, right at launch, that's another major difference from what we did with GameCube."
The full interview can be read in the latest issue of Game Informer magazine.
Stay with The Wiire for all the latest from Nintendo executives.
Nel schrieb:Fils-Aime on WiiConnect24, Microtransactions
by Shawn White (2006-06-23)
In an interview with Game Informer magazine, Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime discussed a number of topics pertaining to the company's next-generation console, Wii, such as uses for WiiConnect24, install base goals and more.
On the topic of WiiConnect24--an internal mode which keeps one's Wii powered on at all times so as to receive updates via the Internet--Fils-Aime provided a few examples as to bonuses players might see with the service. "If you've gotten to a particular part in a game, we could push content out to you, so you get to battle a new boss. Maybe you get a new artifact; maybe you get a new weapon...that's just one example," Fils-Aime noted. "We see the system as something that's going to be used by everyone in the household everyday...all of that is possible."
Das hört sich sehr gut an!
tweaker06 schrieb:ich finde diese ideen ja toll aber wie wollen sie das realisieren ohne eingebaute festplatte? oder muß jeder der diesen service nutzen will sich selbst darum kümmern genug speicherplatz in form von sd-karten, externe festplatte...oder ähnliches bereitzustellen?
tweaker06 schrieb:ich finde diese ideen ja toll aber wie wollen sie das realisieren ohne eingebaute festplatte? oder muß jeder der diesen service nutzen will sich selbst darum kümmern genug speicherplatz in form von sd-karten, externe festplatte...oder ähnliches bereitzustellen?
Starlord schrieb:Außerdem gibt es für den Wii noch ein weiteres Speichermedium.
Ich denke der Wii wird über USB noch eine Festplatte als Speichermedium bekommen.
Würde gut zusammenpassen mit den Aussagen zu MMORPGS, Downloadable Content etc.
Sasuke schrieb:tweaker06 schrieb:ich finde diese ideen ja toll aber wie wollen sie das realisieren ohne eingebaute festplatte? oder muß jeder der diesen service nutzen will sich selbst darum kümmern genug speicherplatz in form von sd-karten, externe festplatte...oder ähnliches bereitzustellen?
Also bitte die paar Megabyte die neue Maps oder Waffen kosten -werden ja wohl kein Problem sein. Und wenn der Wii erscheint wird es 1GB SD Karten schon ab 20 Euro geben. Also sehe da keine Probleme....