Well this is strange
FPS Mega Man for Wii rumor
June 14th, 2006
This is just too damn weird. Reader the_sense1 sent me an email dealing with Mega Man for the Wii. This is the exact body of the email as sent to me.
Sega Bringing New Megaman FPS to Nintendos new generation console.
by Matt Casamassina
June 14, 2006- We here at IGN have just recieved word that Sega is bringing Megaman to the Wii for the first time ever in first-person. Based off Retros Critically acclaimed fps adventure, Megaman, exclusivly for the Wii, will take Megaman in a new direction. Using the Wiis innovative design and controller youll be able to controll Megaman for the first time in first-person
This game is scheduled for a 2007 release. Stay tuned for more.
Just look at how many things are wrong with that article! I mean there are almost too many to count
spelling errors, punctuation, not to mention Mega Man in first person, and Sega being involved! I was also provided with a link to the story, which of course doesnt work.
Oh yeah! :o
Hoffentlich gibts da auch "Giant Enemy Crabs" wo man dann die "Realtime weaponchange" einsetzen muss und dann den "weakness spot for massive damage" angreifen muss!!
Nein mal ehrlich, ein Megaman 3D wird schwierig, die 3 Megamans die es bisher auf 3D gab sind nicht sonderlich gut (einen fürs N64, einen für die PS2 und einen in Cell Shading Grafik fürn Gamecube). Die müssten das dann so ähnlich wie Metroid aufbauen, oder ein 3D RPG draus machen. Naja, die Zeit wo ichs erste mal Megaman X gezockt hab war eh die geilste, wie man da abging wenn man da einen der übelst starken Bosse gefetzt hat! (heute besieg ich die mitm kleinen Finger....).