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Naughty Dog ist schon Nice, nur interessieren mich ihre Spiele kaum bis gar nicht. Bin eher auf Gameplay fixiert![]()
Ich finde das Metroid-Prinzip auch super, das motiviert einfach ungemein.
Ich hab ja nur Uncharted 2 gezockt und beim Bosskampf genervt abgebrochen^^
Uncharted hat Potential, aber es artet halt in doofes Geballer aus.
Die wenigen (wirklich guten) Erforschungs-Abschnitte zeigen, was es sein könnte.
Ja die können schon was, Telltale auch. Aber ich bin genau wie du und neige zum Anspruch im gameplay. Aber kann mir schon vorstellen das es Leute gibt die gerne zuhause sind und lieber Brain Out zocken, so nach dem Alltag.
Ja vor allem Naughty Dog sollte was lernen.
Aber kann mir schon vorstellen das es Leute gibt die gerne zuhause sind und lieber Brain Out zocken, so nach dem Alltag.
Wer noch gar keine Spielkonsole hat oder einen Systemwechsel erwägt, sollte auch bedenken, dass Sony aktuell die größere Anzahl hochwertiger Exklusivtitel hat. Am besten schaut man sich das Angebot der Kontrahenten in Ruhe an. Fühlt man sich bei Sony eher zu Hause, ist das kein Beinbruch. Die Xbox One X ist zwar stärker als die PS4 Pro, aber nicht haushoch überlegen. Ohne direkten Vergleich sehen die meisten Nutzer den Unterschied in der Darstellung kaum.
Gewiss, ein richtiger Schmuddelladen ist das
Former Naughty Dog Employee Says He Was Fired After Filing Sexual Harassment Complaint
Ist doch gut, wenn die X sich gut verkauft. Die Xbox Sparte hat harte Zeiten hinter sich. Und ein taumelnder Konkurrent nutzt keinem Käufer was. Wenn Switch und X Erfolg haben, wird auch Sony konstant weiter liefern.
Was mich interessieren würde, wäre die gesamte Liste der Konsolenstarts in UK. Welche Konsolen seit wann finden sich drauf wieder? Handhelds?
HAHA so lustig. Sollte eigentlich direkt wieder ne Sperre hageln.
Deine PS-Gamelist aka Trophycard ist bei einigen in der Shoutbox immer wieder ein spannendes Thema![]()
Weil ich auch trophy Sammler bin![]()
Naja, alle Marktanalysten und weiteren Markterfassungsorgane haben aufgrund des extrem guten Starts auf der Insel ihre Verkaufsprognosen teilweise mehr als verdoppelt. Für die sind die sehr sehr guten Zahlen aus UK schon ein wichtiger Indikator um andere Region zu bewerten.
Aber gut bleiben wir bei der Allgemeinen Feststellung und Logik - Keiner will sie und die Engländer sind eh Idioten![]()
Man sieht aber gut wie weit man gekommen ist und ob man das Spiel beendet hat.
Ohne Trophäen zu sammeln
Das fett markierte halte ich für ein Gerücht:
Breath of The Wild
The ambiance by the music and lighting was nice (day/night cycles are always a plus) but the world felt dull (oh look you switched biomes it's different) and empty, the stamina/hp upgrade system was tiresome and the weapon durability was beyond shocking. Not to mention some of the horrific enemy designs (but also not mentioning some of the great designs) how ugly it looked overall and the lack of interest in the story to push me forward playing it
Clearly well crafted (for the most part) just very much not for me
Breath of the wild.
Wanted to love that game so much. And I did for the first 10 hours. The next 15 were just a slog. Ultimately dropped it and sold the switch.
Might try again on emulator one day.![]()
BotW - I became so bored playing it. I found staring out a window more entertaining.
However, playing it for around 20 hours or so, it never really clicked with me as a Zelda game, and nor did it do so as a game like Zelda even. It feels more like some sort of crossbreed of Zelda meets Morrowind and Minecraft and the two latter influences are respectively refreshing and tiresome for me. For the percentage of concepts they add to the mix the remaining 66% of Zelda there should've been in the game seem absent and I outside of obvious things like the main dungeons being a real disappointment or the story not having any subtlety or subtext, there's just something missing that would've made me want to keep playing it.
BoTW - Found it to be incredibly boring.
BOTW. Those damn breakable weapons, coupled with an empty world and a paper thin story. It felt nothing like Zelda. To me it's just another example of Nintendo being out of touch with modern gaming. Zero Dawn is the new Zelda for me.![]()
Zelda BOTW
No matter how many times I try to get into it I always become extremely bored.
Breath of the Wild. I should love this game, but I don’t. It has so many annoying little problems, that I just haven’t been able to play it through to completion.
I loved the first 30 hours of Botw...then i reached the first dungeon and was totally disappointed...then i reached the second one...and now i'm at the third and it feels like every dugneon has the same mechanics. The world starts to feel empty and everything looks similiar..if there is anything to look at. I loved the first 30 hours due to moments like discovering the flame wizards and not knowing what they are only to find a man that tells me he nearly died due to a monster that can cast fire, or seeing the lake dragon for the first time. Botw feels like an unpolished beta. They have a great they need to fill it with life, plus i love the normal Zelda tropes like a hub city, a->b story line and really great dungeons.
Breath of the Wild. It does everything I think an open world should do (focus on exploration with very little handholding)... But I didn't enjoy it. I wish it were a Dragon's Dogma sequel instead.
Zelda Breath of the Wild: I just had no direction. I would run wherever and get murdered by enemies. Couldn't find any side quests. I didn't know what I was supposed to be doing (yeah I know Divine beasts but early in the game I was "under leveled" as fuck)
Breath of the Wild.
Very boring compared to previous Zeldas.
Breath of the Wild: That isn't to say that I think it's a bad game - just not for me. It's too far into the open world, do whatever, game design that comes up as of late and the forced gameplay styles through weapon durability was just annoying.
I really, really want to love it. But I get bored of it so fast. There's just no reward system. Makes exploring feel like a waste.
Breath of the Wild for the most part.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the game, but I don't really have that "one of the best games ever made" feeling from it. Never been the biggest fan of pure sandbox games. That and the narrative being pretty weak for the most part. The ideas surround the plot are interesting but the way the game tells it is boring to me.
Breath of the Wild
Enjoyed it for the first 10 hours and then noticed all the cracks in the seams. Exploration is absolutely worthless once you realize the only reward you achieve from them is another shrine. Shrine's became repetitive after about the 20th one I did, weapons breaking meant any weapon I gathered in the shrines got pretty much a resounding meh from me. Story was also terrible and the combat was really mediocre, couple that with framerate issues and I didn't enjoy my 40 or so hours with it as much as I thought I would.
Another one for Breath of the Wild.
I loved the concept and it has obvious class. I just wasn't interested. I will go back to it some time though.
Breath of the Wild
Everyone was saying it was the greatest thing ever. I played it for a few hours and I can't really agree.
- The performance on Wii U was terrible (also it looked awful at 720p)
- The weapons breaking every 2 minutes was just a terrible design decision.
- The rain mechanic was horribly employed. Every 10 minutes you basically couldn't climb anything until it was over. Fun!
- Nonexistent story.
- Too wide open for its own good. I played for hours and didn't even make it to a divine beast.
After Horizon, this was a huge disappointment.
botw tried to get into it but its so boring the entire world looks the same
Zelda - story is non existent , combat is too basic , World and enemy design is very empty and lacking .
Just could not get into it at all. Just figure Nintendo games are not for me
Breath of the Wild the thread.
It did eventually click with me and I loved it by the end, but it took 25 hours of pushing myself through it before I started liking it. And that was when I had dealt with many of the annoying barriers the game puts in front of you.
Breath of the Wild for me too. I'm a massive fan of the Zelda's games, and i would probably rank it as one of my least favourites in the series. I'd rather go back and play Zelda 2 than BotW again. It does make me slightly sad that it was so successful as it will now be the blueprint going forward for the Zelda series. I feel like I have lost a franchise that I loved dearly.
Zelda. Great game but just none of them every really click for me, from link to the past up to breath of the wild. They're still good they just don't click with me.
Zelda: BOTW I found it unbelievably boring and the world empty and lifeless.
Probably Zelda. I had finished Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword, but the series just dont click with me.
Nintendo games in general, especially Mario and Zelda games.
I tried to like them but no... Zelda is boring me to death, and i don't see the appeal of Mario. And you can bet that i really tried : my ex i a Nintendo fangirl, she pushed me a lot to it. In the end, the only Zelda that i liked was Hyrule Warriors. Essentially because it was a musou game.
Bei den Japan zahlen und deinem Beitrag musste ich echt lachen
pff, mal sehen...
Hier gehts weiter:
Ganz schön anstrengend.
muss alles gelogen sein. kann gar nicht stimmen.![]()