Im folgenden Video siehst du, wie du consolewars als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm deines Smartphones installieren kannst.
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Wenn es im TV zu 99% nur noch solche Werbung wie zu Job Island zu sehen gibt, ist es überhaupt nicht verwunderlich, dass es soviele Wii-Hater gibt![]()
doch is es ^^
das ich n produkt hasse weil es crap gibt, macht für mich keinen sinn.
Toby and Kenton were keen to point out that they didn't try to implement the 1:1 MotionPlus feature that EA have been showing off in their upcoming Grand Slam Tennis, preferring to keep the game closer to its arcade roots.
Die 2 Knöpfe, die man da drücken muss bei 2 Schlägen, machen das Spiel auch nicht schlechter.
Mit M+ muss man doch bei GST keine Knöpfe drücken.
McCarthy goes on to explain how, once you’ve truly got to grips with the controls, you can actually pull of lobs and drop shots using Wiimote movements alone, with no need for the modifier buttons.
The first thing I did notice was how difficult MotionPlus made serving, until Toby told me it was all down to how you hold the Remote - if you have it face up in the palm of your hand, you'll slice the ball without the need to twist it, for example. Once I grasped that, serving in particular became much easier as you start to use a wider range of movements to aim the ball into the corner of the court. It's a very pleasing feeling to hit a great serve across your body and see the ball spinning away from your opponent in a very realistic fashion.
That approach certainly paid off, creating a fast-paced tennis game that gets very tense when in the longer rallies - I found myself holding my breath during a particularly competitive rally! With the aim assist bar (den es allerdings nur ohne Motion+ gibt) it was easy to place shots exactly where I wanted them, and with the player's artificial intelligence automatically moving them, with the option to override it with the D-pad, I felt I had just the right level of control, even with the desperate passing shots.
I came away very impressed with Virtua Tennis 2009, particularly with its full online modes and the comprehensive single-player World Tour mode too.
Aber wenn man diesen Müll ständig im TV sehen muss, wirkt das bestimmt hassfördern, egal wie viele gute Games es sonst auf der Konsole gibt![]()
Ich hab keine PS2 und den Singstardreck gibt es jetzt auf der PS3 auch, daher hasse ich die PS3.
nee, die Argumentationsbasis ist mir etwas zu schwammig.
What Virtua Tennis lacks in panache or style, it makes up for with substance, including a comprehensive World Tour mode and the best tennis controls on Wii. [July 2009, p.62]
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