Wie sich dann heraussteltte, wurde Chris bewusst seitens eines Moderators provoziert, der ihn offensichtlich auf den kiecker hatte. Also eine Art abgekartertes Spiel, weswegen einige User inklusive Chris den Abflug machen. Alles ein großes "Drama". Nervt mich nur in der Hinsicht, das man wie nach dem GAF Drama, solche Leute wieder verliert.
- The OP was warned for "antagonizing" an user.
- A mod replied to him in bad faith and he eventually was banned for 1 day, and he alone.
- New guidelines were imposed which didn't address the issue at all
- Many regulars were banned for complaining.
- Discord screenshots showing that the mod was acting in bad faith and ridiculing OP/regulars surfaced
- Mods admitted that the user being "antagonized" was a troll and lift the ban, saying they couldn't identify the trolling in the dozens of time he was reported over the year.
- The "punishment" for the mod was that he will voluntarly refrain from interacting with sales thread.
Oh and the OP of other sales thread was banned for saying something about a mod in Twitter.