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Als nicht MP-Spieler fänd ich ein zusätzliches Story-Chapter als DLC viel cooler.
So eine kleine abgeschlossene Geschichte, die nichts mit dem Hauptspiel, also so was wie "Alan Wake's American Nightmare".
Wäre als "Trostpflaster" nicht schlecht, da ich denke dass wir auf "Uncharted 4" länger warten werden.
Über 17,3 Mio. Uncharted-Spiele verkauft / Uncharted 3 Game of the Year Edition angekündigt
24.04.12 - Sony gibt bekannt, dass die Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception Game of the Year Edition noch in diesem Jahr in Europa erscheinen wird. Die Neuauflage enthät alle bislang veröffentlichten Download-Inhalte:
- Classic Skins Packs 1-3
- Multiplayer Accessory Pack
- Flashback Map Packs 1 & 2
- Drake’s Deception Map Pack
- Fort Co-Op Adventure
- Co-Op Shade Survival
- Doughnut Skin Pack
- Rogues Skin Pack 1 & 2
Außerdem teilt Sony mit, dass sich die Uncharted-Serie von Naughty Dog bislang mehr als 17.320.000 Mal weltweit seit ihrem Start verkauft hat (Stand: 13.04.12); der erste Teil war Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (PS3), der am 16.11.07 in den USA ausgeliefert wurde.
Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception has sold 4,234,075 units to date, which is 27 weeks. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves sold 3,257,900 units in its first 27 weeks and Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune sold 1,498,097 nits. It took Uncharted 2: Among Thieves sold 3,257,900 61 weeks to reach the same number of units sold.
I think we were probably too young to notice how young we were. I do remember going to an EA developers' symposium, a big convention of internal developers that EA held every year. Andy and I were both 17 at the time - the youngest contractors to work for EA and well below legal drinking age. The hotel bar didn't seem to mind. I vaguely remember meeting all of my heroes: Bill Budge, Will Harvey, and Brent Iverson. They were early game developers who were all significantly older than me. And I definitely remember having a lot of drinks!
At the same time, somewhere in Japan, Miyamoto-san and Naka-san were thinking the same thoughts. Both were responsible for creating the most popular and emblematic characters for their systems: Mario for Nintendo and Sonic for Sega. The new systems their companies were bringing out - Nintendo 64 and Saturn - would enable them to bring these characters into 3D for the first time. Miyamoto-san went for it with a fully open playground for Mario 64, creating a form of gameplay that is copied to this day. Naka-san balked and created a game with 3D characters and art, but with gameplay fixed firmly in a 2D space. Because of this, or perhaps because he thought the risk of 3D was too much to risk on a Sonic game, Naka-san also chose to launch a new character called Nights.
It is fair to call Naughty Dog and Insomniac's relationship competitive, but only in the best of terms. We critiqued each other's work, we shared code occasionally, and we even had each other's characters do cameos in our games. We also spent time with each other outside the office, and I'm still quite close with the Insomniacs today. During the day, we were all business, but at the end of the day, there was nobody else that understood what you were going through more than someone who did what you did. So, we were also friends.
Naughty Dog made the decision to not renew its deal with Universal Interactive. By the time that Crash 3 rolled around, Universal's role had shrunk to nothing. Sony was financing and publishing the games, and additionally providing valuable worldwide production advice. Mark Cerny, who started at Universal and was a large contributor to Crash's success, had become an independent contractor and continued to work with us. And, of course, Naughty Dog was doing the heavy lifting of developing the titles. Universal was simply being paid for the intellectual property rights.