Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE

Genei Ibun Roku #FE - DLC info, guide book details, screens & art

DLC costumes

- Tokyo Millennium Collection: includes “cosplay” costumes , made by Maiko (Maid Eleanora, Santa Tsubasa, Nurse Kiria) [400 Yen]
- Let’s go to the Hot Springs! Fortuna Girls: a set of costumes for the female characters. You will also be able to watch a special program on the TV in the office (a hot spring TV show, where you can check out the characters wearing the swimsuits) [500 Yen]
- Let’s go to the Hot Springs! Fortuna Boys: a set of costumes for the male characters. You will also be able to watch a special program on the TV in the office (a hot spring TV show, where you can check out the characters wearing the swimsuits) [300 Yen]
- Bundle with all 3 sets of costumes [1 000 Yen]

DLC Support quests

- Mirage Hunter – Experience Tale: allows you to get XP easily [400 Yen]
- Mirage Hunter – Proficiency Tale: allows you to get items that improve the proficiency of your weapons, and allow your - characters to learn skills faster [400 Yen]
- Mirage Hunter – Wild Festival: allows you to fight large groups of rare enemies that drop stat-enhancing items [400 Yen]
- Bundle with all three support quests [1 000 Yen]

Genei Ibun Roku #FE guide books

Nintendo Official Genei Ibun Roku #FE Guide Book

- Contains various illustrations and details about the characters and Mirages, the battle system, and more
- includes a full walkthrough of the main story (with maps of the dungeons up to Chapter 8)
- walkthroughs of the various side stories
- includes a guide for enemy Mirages, equipment, Carnage Unity, items, and more
- Price: 1 400 Yen + taxes
- Size: A5
- Pages: 256

Genei Ibun Roku #FE Complete Guide Book

- contains large-sized maps and illustrations
- data about the various characters
- a walkthrough of the main story
- complete, spoiler-free guide book by the Nintendo Dream team
- Price: 1 800 Yen + taxes
- Size: B5
- Pages: 240 + B4 poster





Hot Spring TV :-D Nintendo sollte in Europa die Finger von der Schere lassen :x
Bin auch total gespannt auf das Spiel, weiß immer noch nicht was mich an dem Spiel erwarten wird. Aber haben will irgendwie.
Erste Stunde Gameplay.

Nur für Kiera, Tentacle und mich drei Lieder + Videos aus dem Spiel :v:


Boobs :lick:
Hab mir jetzt mal die erste Stunde angesehen und bin begeisert. Sah alles richtig gut aus und das Kampfsystem wirkt zwar nicht so besonders wie in Xenoblade aber spassig.

Direkt mal die Fortissmo Edition bestellt, falls Nintendo es versaut brauch ich nur noch ne japanische Wii U.
Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem’s Loading Times Are Much Faster On Digital

Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem (Genei Ibun Roku#FE) released in Japan a couple days ago, and we recently got a look at a video showing the loading time comparisons between the game’s disc and digital versions.

While it’s a given that loading times on games are much faster on digital versions compared to their disc counterparts, there appears to be a pretty big gap between the two for Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem. You can check it out for yourself in the video below:

Start Up Time (Boot):

- Disc: 15 seconds
- Digital: 9 seconds

Getting Into The Game:

- Disc: 15 seconds
- Digital 9 seconds

Loading Time Of Map Screen To Shibuya Area:

- Disc: 13 seconds
- Digital: 9 seconds

Loading Time For Menu Screen:

- Disc: 2 seconds
- Digital: 1 second

Loading Time For Entering A Convenience Store in Shibuya:

- Disc: 5 seconds
- Digital: 3 seconds

Loading Time For leaving A Convenience Store:

- Disc: 9 seconds
- Digital: 5 seconds

Pre-Battle Loading Time:

- Disc: 9 seconds
- Digital 5 seconds

Post-Battle Loading Time:

- Disc: 5 seconds
- Digital 4 seconds

Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem is currently available in Japan for Wii U.

Reincarnation klingt schon richtig gut. Würde von dem Song gerne mal ne 3 - 4 Minuten Version hören.

Das ist übrigens eine sehr gelungene Extended Version
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