Wii U version: Original Breath of the Wild hosting machine, the Wii U is ultimately the least well equipped with this Zelda. We expected not to have exactly the same image quality compared to a more powerful Switch and this is indeed the case, mainly in terms of aliasing, but it must be admitted that they are above all the Worries of fluidity accentuated that hurt the eyes. As early as the Plateau du Prélude as a tutorial, one can encounter great slowdowns when the vegetation is denser or the transparency of the foliage is experienced by climbing trees. When you move Link and / or the camera using the magnet or the stasis of the sheikah tablet, especially near a pond or in the tall grass, you fall from the clouds at the same time as the frame rate. Small jerks have also been observed during clashes or changes of plan at the turn of a cutscene, but nothing very inconvenient compared to the pronounced declines of regime that one undergoes systematically in the villages and the relays, as well as During major explosions or any other situation causing a deluge of visual effects.
If the aliasing is partially erased by the lower resolution of the screen when playing directly on the GamePad, do not count on it to display a map or inventory when you enjoy the TV: Aonuma had warned that Versions Switch and Wii U would ultimately have identical features, he did not lie. Sound level, we met some micro-breaks and a single problem of script that swung the pianotage of the fights continuously. Finally, the classic loading times are almost similar on both machines, but if you pause the game with the home button (to share a screenshot or look for a hint on the net, for example), the return At the current game will take up to fifteen seconds of milling. It does not prevent you from enjoying the game in general if you are not too sensitive to the technical aspect and you do not have 300 euros to slam in a Switch for a game but it is better to warn people who Still hesitate to invest.