The Last Remnant [Square Enix]

Nach zig Verschiebungen von UE3 Multigames auf der Ps3 - mit Sicherheit.
welche zig verschiebungen nach UT3?^^

Sorry klar gab es am Anfang damit probleme, aber jetzt doch nicht mehr. Und das lag nicht daran, dass die PS3 es nicht gepackt hat, sondern daran, dass die Entwickler mit der 360 mehr zeit hatten.

PS: Es gibt bessere Engines als die UE3 und die packt die PS3 auch :P
welche zig verschiebungen nach UT3?^^

Sorry klar gab es am Anfang damit probleme, aber jetzt doch nicht mehr. Und das lag nicht daran, dass die PS3 es nicht gepackt hat, sondern daran, dass die Entwickler mit der 360 mehr zeit hatten.
Nö die Spieleentwicklung beginnt nicht zum Launch der PS3.
Das glaubst du noch wirklich nicht oder?^^

Oh Mann Darji, gerade bei TLR wurde doch sogar öffentlich gesagt, dass es Entwicklungsprobleme mit der PS3 gibt.

Beide Versionen waren für Ende 2008 angekündigt - und dann musste die PS3 Version verschoben werden, weil SE es mit der UE3 nicht gebacken bekommt.

Und bevor das jetzt im Streit ausartet: JA, die PS3 packt die UE3; JA, man kann es auch programmieren. ABER es dauert eben länger und man muss sich wohl erst mal ein bisschen intensiver mit der Hardware auseinandersetzen.
Hat auch seine Vorteile wenn ein Game auf der PS3 etwas später kommt. So kann man das Game noch ne Ecke optimieren. Muss nicht immer der Fall sein aber bei Alone in the Dark Inferno scheints was gebracht zu haben :)

Ich denke sobald die Entwickler den Bogen raushaben mit der PS3 Architektur wirds nicht länger dauern.
Ja, hat auch noch andere Vorteile: Man hat an Weihnachten nicht zu viele Spiele; man kann mehr Zeit mit der Familie verbringen; die Entscheidung welche Spiele man kauft ist einfacher; man kann das Geld noch 6 Monate anlegen und Zinsen bekommen - einfach toll diese Verschiebungen ;-)
RPG Gamer impressions
I don't know about you, but no amount of watching gameplay footage and looking at screen shots of The Last Remnant really gave me a good idea of exactly how this game plays. Thankfully, a little hands-on time has helped give a bit greater understanding of the fundamentals of the combat system. Instead of focusing on the story of The Last Remnant in this impression, I feel it is best to let you know how it plays. You can get to know Rush better next week, when the game releases. I'll just say that he's a laid back young man who thinks things are "ace" and calls Marquis David "Dave" within moments of meeting him.

First and foremost, battles are all turn-based and encounters are not random; this is the easy part to understand. All enemies can be seen on-screen and can be avoided if you desire. When your character moves within the enemies range, most will become aggressive and attempt to come after you. Players can also take the initiative and taunt enemies by pressing the right trigger button. Doing this grabs enemy attention and has them chase after you. If you bump into an enemy, whether you meant to or not, the enemies get the advantage in combat. In order to get the jump on enemies, players have to press the right trigger again when the thought box over the enemy is red. When players press the trigger button, a shockwave-style encounter circle expands out from Rush and brings all enemies within range into combat. Confused yet? I hope not, because we're not even fighting yet.
Before I jump into combat, it helps to define units and unions. A unit is a character and a union is a grouping of units. Early on in the game, grouping and union organization are handled for you in order to slowly help you build up your understanding of the system. For this example, we will have two unions: one consisting of Rush and a generic soldier, and the second consisting of General Emma and a generic soldier. Once combat begins, players get to issue commands to unions or the groups as a whole, so here we will issue commands to two groups. For Rush's union I select that I want to use combat arts, and for Emma's group I want use mystic arts. In this battle, I'm facing two enemy unions (A & B), so I have Rush attack A and Emma attack B. On Rush's turn, his generic soldier does a basic attack and Rush performs a special attack based on his equipped weapon type. When Emma attacks, her generic soldier will attack an enemy in union B, and Emma will follow up with a magic spell.
Even though each union has multiple characters in them, they are treated as a whole instead of individuals. They share HP and AP, and live or die as a whole, so basically each union can be treated as you would treat a single character in any other RPG. To say this is all there is to the combat system wouldn't be fair. Union organization, deadlocks, interventions, trigger timing attacks, and character stats and equipment all come into play. This is one of the deepest combat systems that I've dealt with in some time, but it is surprisingly easy to use, though difficult to understand.

The story so far is standard RPG fare and the voice acting is decent, though not outstanding. Graphically, the game does suffer from slowdown, especially in combat. There are some texture issues as well, with quite a few times where it looked as if the characters' faces weren't quite filled in completely for a few seconds. The soundtrack is pleasant, but nothing extraordinary at this point. As the game ramps up, I'm sure there will be more to talk about. Oh, and don't be afraid if you are completely confused in the opening battle. They do just toss you in for a quick battle before stepping back and explaining everything later on.

PS: "This is one of the deepest combat systems that I've dealt with in some time..."

Also nicht wirklich was für neulinge^^
So langsam könnte es bei mir ein Launchkauf werden :aargh:

Der Trailer ist geil, die Famitsu-Wertung ist der Hammer und dann noch das:

This is one of the deepest combat systems that I've dealt with in some time, but it is surprisingly easy to use, though difficult to understand.

Ein tiefes, anspruchsvolles aber intuitives Kampfsystem. Was will man mehr :happy3:

@Darji: Das müsste jetzt doch auch was für Dich sein. Du beschwerst Dich doch immer, dass die Konsolen-RPGs zu einfach/einsteigerfreundlich sind ;-)
So langsam könnte es bei mir ein Launchkauf werden :aargh:

Der Trailer ist geil, die Famitsu-Wertung ist der Hammer und dann noch das:

Ein tiefes, anspruchsvolles aber intuitives Kampfsystem. Was will man mehr :happy3:

@Darji: Das müsste jetzt doch auch was für Dich sein. Du beschwerst Dich doch immer, dass die Konsolen-RPGs zu einfach/einsteigerfreundlich sind ;-)
reitzt mich schon aber ich warte auf die PS3 Version. Momentan habe ich kaum Zeit oder Geld.

Ich muss noch Fallout spielen.
Eternal Sonata ist nach 26 Stunden auch noch nciht beendet (Chapter 4)
Und gestern habe ich Valkyria bekommen^^
Und in 2 wochen geht es schon mit dem neuen NWN2 Addon weiter....

OMG wie soll ich das alles nur spielen bis WKC bei mir eintrifft...
reitzt mich schon aber ich warte auf die PS3 Version.

Ich bin ja froh, dass es eine PS3 Version gibt - dann musst Du das Spiel hier nicht schlecht reden ;-)

Btw.: Ich frage mich, warum es noch keine westlichen Wertungen gibt. Das Spiel ist immerhin fertig und kommst in 5 Tagen... Ich hoffe mal, dass es nicht doch noch zur Enttäsuchung wird. Jetzt bin ich schon etwas gehypt :-)
Das Kampfsystem soll also gut sein? Hätte ich nicht erwartet. Ich bleibe gespannt.
Von 1up :-)

Japan Review Check: The Last Remnant

Good bits: Weekly Famitsu's reviewers, all of whom know a thing or two about RPGs, had almost nothing but kind things to say the battle system, which the game apparently hinges on. "The gameplay begins and ends with the battle system, which is reminiscent of Romancing SaGa but has been refined to a wholly new class of RPG," wrote one. "It's undeniably complex and difficult to get to grips with, but gamers have got to experience the unique battles; you can't get something like this anywhere else."

Another thought that TLR isn't as difficult as all that, however: "You're fighting battles with huge forces, but the commands involved are easy. A lot of the equipment and order commands that'd be considered by most to be fiddly have been greatly automated for you."

TLR's battle system is such an integral part of the experience, apparently, that Famitsu's reviewers hardly talked about anything else. One reviewer called out the "great" graphics and character designs, also noting that there's a ton of content to explore within the game.

Bad bits: All the reviewers mentioned a bit of a learning curve involved with enjoying the game, though they all took pains to note that it was easily surmounted. Said one: "Not being able to freely choose your skills in battle makes things bewildering at the start, but things do an about-face once you form your own Unions," the teams of soldiers you control in battle. Others wrote that each battle takes "a fair amount of time" and "things drag a little when there are lots of participants in battle," although neither issues were seen as a big deal once you got used to them.

Final Score: 10/10/9/9, for a total of 38 points and a Platinum award.
Ne, Übersetzung des wichtigsten Contents aus dem Famitsu-Review.
Achso. Okay.

Naja. Mal sehen, wie es die westlichen Mags bewerten. Soll mir recht egal sein. Werds trotzdem spielen.

Westliche Mags haben sowieso keine Ahnung von JRPGs ;)
Game Informer


>Concept: The Last Remnant introduces larger scale multi-party combat to the RPG genre. Overall, however, the results are mixed

>Graphics: Unlike some Square Enix titles, the cutscenes use the in-game graphics engine (Unreal Engine 3) and show some popping in of textures

>Sound: Studio musician metal guitar riffage runs roughshod over the game. This is unfortunate, but it does suit the often hammed-up dialogue

>Playability: Timed-button presses for both offense and defense break up the turn-based attacks

>Entertainment: This game's attempt at RPG innovation doesn't hit the bull's eye, and the rest of the game - while solid - doesn't distinguish itself enough

>Replay Value: Moderate

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