According to Druckman, Naughty Dog was pitched two versions of the film: one from Clint Culpepper at Screen Gems and one from Raimi, the latter of which “really got it”.
Druckman said Sony’s Screen Gems greenlit the idea of letting him write the film, and the team plans on keeping it true to the game, despite having to shorten things a bit.
Raimi said he talked Druckman and his team out of some of the larger changes, because he felt they needed to stick with the original story of the game. He also said he encouraged Druckman to keep the opening of the film similar to the opening of the game.
They have yet to cast the film, but they have been in talks with Maisie Williams – or Arya Stark for those familiar with Game of Thrones – to play Ellie.
When asked if Bruce Campbell will be in the film, Raimi said they will “find some place for Bruce.” He always does, ya know.
Druckman will be in charge of picking a director, and he doesn’t want the film to be a “poor imitation of the game,” so he wants the actor who plays Joel to bring his own interpretation to the character due to it being a strong role.
Raimi said the movie “won’t come out for years,” but they wanted to make the announcement at Comic Con.
There were a few other tidbits in there as well, but we covered the major points above. You can read over the live blog here.