L20: Enlightened
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- 15 Mai 2006
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- 25.225
Jo, da scheint seinerzeit viel untergegangen zu sein. Aber Gametrailers hat das Video, englisch synchronisiert:
Im folgenden Video siehst du, wie du consolewars als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm deines Smartphones installieren kannst.
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Echt? War mir auch neu... :smile5:
Aber umso besser. Das alles deutet nämlich darauf hin, dass es entweder gar keine FCs mehr gibt ...
Könnte ja auch sein, dass man nur den Matches beitreten kann, wenn man die Leute auf seiner Freundesliste hat.
Ich glaub auch sie haben keine Friendcodes mehr!
Bestes Beispiel ist Street Pass wenn es Friendcodes noch geben würde könntest du nur mit Leuten Komunizieren die du schon kennst weil man erstmal Friendcodes austauschen musst. Aber Street Pass ist ja eigentlich auf zufällige Begegnungen ausgelegt von Leuten die sich net unbedingt kenn zB. in Bus, Bahn Öffentliche Plätze wo sich viele Menschen tummeln und so.
Könnte ja auch sein, dass man nur den Matches beitreten kann, wenn man die Leute auf seiner Freundesliste hat.
Wobei es kein Problem sein dürfte - seinen Mii an den Systemcode zu "binden". Wäre dann quasi ein umständlicher Account. So wie ich es verstanden habe, wird man über fremde Miis sehen können wer was als letztes gespielt hat. Vll. gibt es mehr Optionen sobald man sie als Freund bestätigt hat.
Aber mal warten, in paar Tagen wissen wir (hoffentlich) mehr.
The Nintendo 3DS releases on February 26th in Japan, and Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition will be available as a launch title on the same day. The game will cost 4,800 yen, which is the average price of regular Nintendo DS games.
Keep in mind that 4,800 yen shouldn’t be considered the average price of Nintendo 3DS software. That’s one detail that has yet to be announced. Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition is likely an exception. 2D gameplay looks pretty hot in 3D.
I'm pretty surprised myself that I'm saying this, but Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition was one of the best examples of 3D I saw at Nintendo World. The game uses 3D in three ways, and they all work brilliantly.
Most superficially, there's the added depth the 3D effect provides for non-gameplay screens. The character select screen, for example, looks like it's layered, with your character artwork on one layer, the character selection icons on another layer, the text on another layer, the world map on the far back layer, and so-forth. It's a cool effect that has to be seen. The game uses similar layering effects for all the splash screens.
3D is also put to excellent use during combat, even when viewing the action from the traditional side view perspective. The stages I played had a tremendous feeling of depth. As with the layering effects, this is all just for show, but it looks utterly cool.
Finally, and this was most surprising for me, the game's new over-the-shoulder view, referred to officially as "Dynamic View," is actually playable thanks to the use of 3D. To play this mode, you have to separate your senses from the fact that the action is tilted into the screen and play just like you would when playing in 2D. This proves to not be difficult, as the gameplay is still strictly 2D.
With 3D turned on, this viewpoint works, although I'm not sure if I'd necessarily want to play the game in this fashion all the time. I tried the mode with the 3D turned off, though, and found it to be totally unplayable, presumably because of difficulties judging depth. It looks like Dynamic View really depends on the 3D effect, making it unique amongst most of the 3DS games at Nintendo World.
The Nintendo World demo had you select between the Dynamic View mode and the Normal View mode at the demo's start, before going through character select. It's unclear if Capcom will let you more easily toggle between the two views -- perhaps by going into the pause menu. The two views do appear to be interchangeable. During internet play, one player can use the traditional view while the other uses the Dynamic View.
Outside of the viewpoint options and the general coolness resulting from the 3D, Super SFIV 3D Edition looks and plays just like its counterparts on other systems. Of course, the 3DS's control layout may cause concern for some. I didn't have any trouble, but I'm admittedly not a hardcore fighting game player.
During the fight, the bottom screen shows panels with pre-assigned moves and special moves. You can tap these panels to get difficult moves out easily. Of course, this is strictly optional. Based off the trailer Capcom showed at the event, the panel system appears to be in place to allow for beginner players to more easily challenge advanced players.
The Nintendo World build had arcade and story modes available for play. Story mode shows fully voiced animation on the top screen prior to fights.
The event trailer made mention of additional features like the "Channel Live" live viewing mode and download play. Download play sounds particularly generous, as people who've downloaded the game can share it with others as well.
I'm not sure if it's an MT Framework thing, but Resident Evil Revelations and Super Street Fighter IV (both MT Framework titles) had the smoothest 3D visuals amongst the Nintendo World games that I played (and I played most of the big ones). This is impressive for Super SFIV in particular, as its gameplay is strictly 2D, even in the Dynamic View mode where 3D view support is essential.
Super SFIV has been out on consoles for some time now and is now out in arcades as well. But fighting fans will still want to give the new 3D edition a look when it launches with the 3DS next month.
Download Play klingt außerordentlich liberal. Nett!
Bisher!Die Infos hören sich doch schonmal nicht schlecht an, danke!
SSF4 3D ist mitunter der einzige 3DS Titel, für den ich mir diesen Handheld kaufen würde.
Ich wüsste 'ne Menge, aber zum Launch ist's wohl entweder SSFIV oder DoA - und dann tendiere ich doch eher zu SSFIV. Blazblue kommt eh frühestens Ende des Jahres, und auch nur wenn die Vögel bei Zen United nicht wieder pennen (dann aber hoffentlich wenigstens wieder als Limited, damit ich drei fette Blazblue-Pappkartons in Reihe im Regal habe). Aber so habe ich wenigstens nicht die Qual der Wahl zwischen drei Fightern...Die Infos hören sich doch schonmal nicht schlecht an, danke!
SSF4 3D ist mitunter der einzige 3DS Titel, für den ich mir diesen Handheld kaufen würde.
Ja. Online ist drin. Spectator ist auch drin. Details bekommen wir möglicherweise in ein paar Stunden.Bin nicht so im Thema aber interessiere mich langsam auch für SSFF 3D.
Weiß jemand, ob das Spiel einen Onlinemodus besitzen wird, ist da was bekannt ?