Habe das Review von Windowscentral überflogen
Discovering a deeper sim
As I got deeper and deeper into the game, I felt like I was peeling back layers of an endless undead onion. Base modules can not only be upgraded with new capabilities, but they can also be modded with tools and equipment found in the field. Adding a 3D printer to your workshop can improve your ability to repair and maintain your equipment, while adding a rainwater collector to your farm can improve your food yields. Throw in a survivor with gardening skills, and you can upgrade even further.
-Fertigkeiten der Module in der Basis können gesteigert werden
(Im Mixer habe ich gesehen wie die Fertigkeiten eines Bettes gesteigert werden konnten
-Die Basismodule können mit Werkzeugen und Zubehör welches im Feld liegen gemodded werden.
(Sobald man einen 3D Drucker findet kann man ihm seiner Werkstatt hinzufügen, was die Fertigkeit reparieren und warten steigert.)
There are unique outposts scattered around the world that can provide much more powerful buffs in exchange for resources. I discovered a power station, which if captured, would offer my entire base electricity. Electricity naturally enhances the production of certain facilities and is even a requirement for certain upgrades – which might otherwise take up a mod slot, via a personal generator.
-Man muss seine Basis mit Strom versorgen
Capturing the power station became my central aim at that point, but assaulting it would require a large amount of influence (earned by completing tasks, killing powerful zombies, or trading goods with other survivor enclaves), and the destruction of a plague heart.
-Das Stromwerk muss man dafür einnehmen, dazu muss man mehr Gebiete erobert haben(?!) durch erfüllung von Aufgaben, Handel und mächtige Zombies töten.
And for the first time, you can even upgrade vehicles into Mad Max-style death machines, allowing you to mow down groups of zeds with ease.
After getting over that initial disappointment, I've simply found it hard to put State of Decay 2 down. And thanks to multiplayer, you can enjoy the game with a few friends too. This is one area begging for improvements, though.
-Man kann nun Fahrzeuge im Mad Max-stlye zu Todesmaschinen upgraden
Decaying multiplayer structure
Microsoft touts itself as a cloud company, and indeed it is, rivaled only by Amazon in this space – so why did Redmond not invest in dedicated servers for State of Decay 2?
The game uses player-hosted matches which are disappointingly laggy across modest distances, and impossibly so across larger distances. Are you a European with a friend in the US? Good luck, because unless you have an insane connection speed, Microsoft seemingly doesn't want you to play State of Decay 2 together.
-Bescheidene Performance im MP, wegen fehlenden dedizierten Servern
Habe mit Aufbausimulationen nie viel am Hut gehabt, was halb so wild ist weil es wohl eher eine Semisim + Ballern ist.
Jedenfalls gehts im Game ums Überleben, indem man Gebiete freischaltet bzw. "erobert" und Basen baut oder so ähnlich Schlussfolgere ich mal
Windowscentral hat dem Game vier von fünf sternen gegeben, was n krassen Gegensatz zum Review vom englischen Eurogamer darstellt, wobei man den Bugs bei Eurogamer wohl mehr Gewicht bei der Wertung verleiht hat.