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- 13 Jun 2007
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- 83.598

Will ‘Star Wars’ Stick the Landing? J.J. Abrams Will Try (Published 2019)
A creative shake-up, last-minute rewrites and a director not known for great endings: J.J. Abrams and company get real about the making of “The Rise of Skywalker.”
Abrams praised “The Last Jedi” for being “full of surprises and subversion and all sorts of bold choices.”
übrigens war Episode 8 von der ST der einzige Star Wars Film, der im Vorfeld bei dem die Produktion reibungslos verlief (einer der Gründe, warum Kennedy Johnson zurück holen wollte btw). Anders als Episode 7 oder Episode 9 (Leia, Trevvorow etc.)
Daisy hätte geheult als es hieß, dass die Trevvorow Kugel sie verfehlt hat und JJ zurück war ^^
übrigens wieder eine der sehr guten Entscheidungen der ST:
JJ Abrams and Daisy Ridley On Why There Are No Midichlorians In The Star Wars Sequels

JJ Abrams and Daisy Ridley On Why There Are No Midichlorians In The Star Wars Sequels - IGN
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker director JJ Abrams and Rey actress…
“The midichlorian idea is in the movies, so it’s part of the story, and everyone accepts it because it’s what George wrote and it’s part of the lore,” responded Abrams. “And yet, what I remember when I was a kid and I saw the first film and Obi-Wan Kenobi talks about the Force and how it surrounds all of us and it binds every living thing together, and that feeling of that kind of power, to me is the thing that I’ve always felt was a bit more powerful of an idea.”
“It’s not like anyone here is rejecting midichlorians,” said Abrams, jokingly adding “except Daisy!” He went on to explain, “But the feeling of the Force being something you can feel, you can draw upon, you can believe in – I believe that is a more powerful notion, and that’s what I felt the Force was to me. But the beauty of what George created is that we can all interpret it ourselves.”
Daisy wird mir dank dem JJ Kommentar direkt noch einmal sympatischer. Old school Jedi halt